
Comparison of the Operating Conditions of Electric Arc Furnaces with Short and Long Arc Discharges
Cherednichenko V., Bikeev R., Zuev S.
Electrical Conditions of Foundry Operation of DC and AC Arc Furnaces
Krutyanskii M., Nekhamin S., Mitrofanov M.
Technology for Producing a Low-Alloy Martensitic 10Kh3A Steel with an Overequilibrium Nitrogen Content
Kostina M., Rigina L., Blinov V., Muradyan S., Krylov S.
Calculation of the Power-Supply Circuit of an Ore-Smelting Furnace
Aliferov A., Bikeev R., Goreva L., Bordunova A., Zakharchuk V.
Melting of pellets during arc heating with an analysis of the metal loss in the subelectrode space in a steelmaking bath
Merker E., Sazonov A., Stepanov V., Krakht L., Kharlamov D.
Specific Features and Problems of Operation of the Clad Electrode Holders in Electric Arc Furnaces
Bataev I., Cherednichenko A., Zuev S.
Development of a Process for Manufacturing a 29N26KKhBTYu-VI Precision Alloy
Maznichevsky A., Sprikut R., Dvoryashina L., Sosedova O., Strepanova M.
Calculation of gas release from DC and AC arc furnaces in a foundry
Krutyanskii M., Nekhamin S., Rebikov E.
Experience of Designing a Short Circuit for an Ore-Thermal Furnace
Aliferov A., Bikeev R., Goreva L., Zakharchuk V.
Technology of Repairing Abrasive Tools
Skhirtladze A., Skryabin V.
Electric Arc Vacuum Technologies and the Related Equipment
Anikeev V., Dokukin M.
Development and Implementation of the Casting of Rods Made of Refractory Cast Alloys
Kabanov I., Urin S., Ivanyuk A., Nesterov A., Bogdanov S.
Steel Semiproduct Melting Intensification in Electric Arc Furnaces Using Coordinated Control of Electric and Gas Conditions: II. On-Line Control of the State of the Charge and Melt Zones in Electric Arc Furnaces
Sivtsov A., Sheshukov O., Tsymbalist M., Nekrasov I., Makhnutin A., Egiazar’yan D., Orlov P.
Electric Melting of Iron-Ore Prereduced Pellets in an Electric Arc Furnace
Merker E., Krakht L., Malakhova O., Kozhukhov A., Chermenev E., Kazartsev V., Stepanov V.
Electromagnetic Mixing of the Liquid Metal in DC Arc Furnaces
Krutyanskii M., Nekhamin S., Mitrofanov M.
Adjusting characteristics of electric arc furnaces
Mironov Y., Mironova A., Mikhadarov D.
Improvement of the Electric Arc Furnace Manufacture of R6M5 Steel
Gertsyk S., Korolev M., Shil’nikov E.
Steel Semiproduct Melting Intensification in Electric Arc Furnaces Using Coordinated Control of Electric and Gas Conditions: I. Heat Exchange and Structure of the Electric Arc Furnace Laboratory
Sivtsov A., Sheshukov O., Tsymbalist M., Nekrasov I., Makhnutin A., Egiazar’yan D., Orlov P.
Structure and thermal properties of the matte of the autogenous smelting of copper–zinc concentrates
Selivanov E., Gulyaeva R., Sel’menskikh N., Belyaev V.
Effect of Arcing on the Electrical Parameters and the Technical-and-Economic Indices of an Arc Furnace
Mironov Y.
New algorithm for controlling electric arc furnaces using their vibrational and acoustic characteristics
Cherednichenko V., Bikeev R., Serikov V., Rechkalov A., Cherednichenko A.
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