
Synthesis of an Aluminum–Erbium Master Alloy from Chloride–Fluoride Melts
Kosov Y., Bazhin V.
Experimental Evaluation of the Interaction of Titanium and Gadolinium Oxides with Aluminum
Vedmid’ L., Zhilina E., Krasikov S., Merkushev A.
Evolution of Phase Formation during the Aluminothermic Reduction of Titanium and Zirconium from Oxides
Vedmid’ L., Krasikov S., Zhilina E., Nikitina E., Evdokimova I., Merkushev A.
Thermal analysis for modeling the aluminothermic reduction of zirconium from oxide
Vedmid’ L., Agafonov S., Avraamov Y., Il’inykh M., Merkushev A., Plotnikov M., Terlyga A.
Effect of the Technological Parameters of the Aluminothermic Reduction of Erbium Oxide in Chloride–Fluoride Melts on the Transition of Erbium to a Master Alloy
Kosov Y., Bazhin V., Kopylova T.
Aluminothermic Reduction of Titanium in the Presence of Tantalum and Vanadium Oxides
Vedmid’ L., Zhilina E., Osinkina T., Krasikov S., Zhidovinova S., Nikitina E.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Joint Aluminothermic Reduction of ZrO2 and Nb2O5
Agafonov S., Ponomarenko A., Russkikh A.
Influence of Niobium and Tantalum on the Phase Formation during the Metallothermic Interaction of Aluminum with Titanium Dioxide
Osinkina T., Krasikov S., Zhilina E., Agafonov S., Vedmid’ L., Zhidovinova S.
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