
Thermodynamics of the complex formation between Cu2+ and triglycine in water–ethanol solutions at 298 K
Pham Thi L., Usacheva T., Khrenova T., Sharnin V.
Solvent influence on complex formation between Cd2+ and 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone in binary mixed nonaqueous solvents at 15–45°C
Farazandeh R., Rounaghi G., Ebrahimi M., Basafa S.
Thermochemistry of С60 fullerene solutions in benzene, toluene, о-xylene, and о-dichlorobenzene at 298.15 K
Akhapkina T., Krusheva M., Solov’ev S., Firer A.
Solvation of Piperidine in Nonaqueous Solvents
Volkova M., Kuz’mina I., Kuz’mina K., Belova N., Sharnin V.
Materials based on cellulose fabric and PVC with porous structures formed by jointed aza- and oxa-aza-crown macromolecules
Fridman A., Tsivadze A., Morozova E., Sokolova N., Shiryaev A., Petukhova G., Voloshchuk A., Bardyshev I., Gorbunov A., Polyakova I., Novikov A., Titova V., Yavich A., Petrova N.
Photonic Crystal Sensors for Detecting Vapors of Benzene, Toluene, and o-Xylene
Bol’shakov E., Ivanov A., Kozlov A., Abdullaev S.
Enthalpy characteristics of the dissolution of L-valine in water/formamide mixtures at 298.15 K
Smirnov V., Badelin V.
Energy of Solvation and a Quantum-Chemical Model of the Structure of 18-Crown-6 Ether in Nonaqueous Solvents
Volkova M., Kuz’mina I., Pogonin A., Kuz’mina K., Belova N., Sharnin V.
Thermodynamics of SO2 Dissolution in N,N-Dimethylformamide, Dimethylsulfoxide, N,N-Dimethylacetamide, and Tributyl Phosphate at 295.15–323.15 K
Hua L., Jiao X., Chen W.
Effect of Water–Ethanol Solvents on the Protonation Constants of Cryptand[2.2.2]
Isaeva V., Sharnin V.
Association constants in solutions of lithium salts in butyrolactone and a mixture of propylene carbonate with 1,2-dimethoxyethane (1 : 1), according to conductometric data
Chernozhuk T., Sherstyuk Y., Novikov D., Kalugin O.
Thermodynamic Parameters of the Dissolution of 4-Hydroxy-L-Proline and L-Phenylalanine in Mixed Aqueous Solvents at 298 K
Smirnov V., Badelin V.
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