
Formation of grafted surface layers on silicon dioxide particles and their investigation by means of thermoprogrammed oxidation
Aleksandrova E., Novichkov R., Olenin A., Zuev B.
Retention of Cyclodextrins under the Conditions of Reversed-Phase Chromatography and Determining the Stability Constants of Inclusion Complexes of Antocyanins with β-Cyclodextrein
Deineka V., Doronin A., Deineka L., Oleinits E.
Cryochemical modification, activity, and toxicity of dioxidine
Vernaya O., Shabatin V., Shabatina T., Khvatov D., Semenov A., Yudina T., Danilov V.
Modification and Physicochemical and Catalytic Properties of Natural Layered Aluminosilicates
Kon’kova T., Morozov A., Kandelaki G., Alekhina M.
Effects of the dynamic modification of stationary phases by sorbates in gas chromatography: The possibility of separating enantiomers in achiral systems
Zenkevich I., Pavlovskii A.
Dispersion of Graphene in Aqueous Solution
BaoMin Wang , Ruying Zhao
Laccase immobilized on mesoporous SiO2 and its use for degradation of chlorophenol pesticides
Yang Y., Xu Y., Yang Y., Yang H., Yuan H., Huang Y., Liu X.
Photocatalytic Degradation of Binary Dyes Mixture over SrTiO3 Synthesized Using Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose Additive
Xie J., He Y., Wang H., Duan M., Tang J., Wang Y., Chamas M., Wang H.
Selective modification of polylactide by introducing acrylate groups: IR spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography, and differential thermal analysis
Shashkova V., Matveeva I., Glagolev N., Zarkhina T., Timashev P., Bagratashvili V., Solov’eva A.
Ultrathin Hydrophobic Coatings Obtained on Polyethylene Terephthalate Materials in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with Co-Solvents
Kumeeva T., Prorokova N.
Oxidation of phenol and chlorophenols on platinized titanium anodes in an acidic medium
Mokbel S., Kolosov E., Mikhalenko I.
Pulsed TEA CO2 Laser Irradiation of Titanium in Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide Gases
Ciganovic J., Matavulj P., Trtica M., Stasic J., Savovic J., Zivkovic S., Momcilovic M.
Selective hydrogenation of dienic and acetylenic compounds on metal-containing catalysts
Stytsenko V., Mel’nikov D.
Effect of mechanochemical modification on the surfactant and structural properties of humic and himatomelanic acids
Mal’tseva E., Shekhovtsova N., Shilyaeva L., Yudina N.
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