
Evaluating Electron Diffusivity and Conductivity in Crystalline Cadmium Oxide
Grado-Caffaro M., Grado-Caffaro M.
Effect of the morphology of cadmium sulfide films on the process of ion-exchange substitution at the interface with a lead salt solution
Forostyanaya N., Maskaeva L., Bakhteev S., Yusupov R., Markov V., Vasil’ev S., Voronin V.
Standard Partial Molar Heat Capacity and the Volume of the Cadmium Ion in Acetonitrile at 298.15 K
Doronin Y., Novikov A., Rassokhina L., Kostyleva E., Vasilev V., Rakhmanova P.
Solvent influence on complex formation between Cd2+ and 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone in binary mixed nonaqueous solvents at 15–45°C
Farazandeh R., Rounaghi G., Ebrahimi M., Basafa S.
Standard Partial Molar Heat Capacities and Volumes of Barium and Cadmium Ions in Dimethylformamide at 298.15 K
Doronin Y., Vasilev V., Rakhmanova P., Novikov A.
Photon correlation spectroscopic and spectrophotometric studies of the formation of cadmium sulfide nanoparticles in ammonia–thiourea solutions
Bulavchenko A., Kolodin A., Podlipskaya T., Demidova M., Maksimovskii E., Beizel’ N., Larionov S., Okotrub A.
Catalytic Properties of Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles Obtained via Precipitation from Solutions
Fedyaeva O., Poshelyuzhnaya E., Trenikhin M.
Mechanism of Formation of Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles on Polystyrene Supports from Ammonia—Thiourea Solutions
Bulavchenko A., Kolodin A., Demidova M., Podlipskaya T., Maksimovskii E., Gevko P., Korol’kov I., Rakhmanova M., Larionov S., Okotrub A.
Standard Partial Molar Heat Capacities and Volumes of Barium and Cadmium Ions in Dimethylsulfoxide at 298.15 K
Novikov A., Doronin Y., Rakhmanova P.
Microwave-Assisted Synthesis Cd Metal Hexagonal Nanosheets
Yidong Sun , She H., Bai W., Li L., Zhou H.
Kinetics of the Reduction of Cadmium Sulfate by Thiourea Dioxide in an Aqueous Ammonia Solution upon the Metallization of Carbon Fiber
Polenov Y., Egorova E., Shestakov G.
Ionic molecular interactions in solutions of cadmium salts in N-methylpyrrolidone in the presence of ions of alkaline-earth metals, determined using data from calorimetry and densimetry
Novikov A., Rassokhina L.
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