
Formation of Mixed-Ligand Complexes of Metals(II) with Monoamine Complexones and Amino Acids in Solution
Pyreu D., Gridchin S.
Thermochemical study of the reactions of acid–base interaction in an aqueous solution of α-aminobutyric acid
Lytkin A., Chernikov V., Krutova O., Skvortsov I., Korchagina A.
Thermodynamic Parameters of the Dissolution of 4-Hydroxy-L-Proline and L-Phenylalanine in Mixed Aqueous Solvents at 298 K
Smirnov V., Badelin V.
Enthalpy characteristics of L-proline dissolution in certain water–organic mixtures at 298.15 K
Badelin V., Smirnov V.
Study on the interaction mechanism between aromatic amino acids and quercetin
Gou X., Pu X., Li Z.
Structure and energy of formation of β- and γ-cyclodextrin complexes with amino acid enantiomers
Borisov Y., Kiselev S.
Thermodynamic characteristics of the dissolution of glycine, glycylglycine, and glycylglycylglycine in aqueous solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate at Т = 298.15 K
Smirnov V., Badelin V.
Thermodynamic Description of the Nonexchange Sorption of Substances by Ion Exchangers
Trunaeva E., Khokhlova O., Khokhlov V.
Thermodynamics of overequivalent sorption in multicomponent ion-exchange systems with amino acids
Khokhlova O., Khokhlov V., Bashlykova O., Trunaeva E.
Effect of N-Methyl Substitution in the Glycine Molecule on the Enthalpy of Dissolution in Mixed Water–Alcohol Solvents at 298.15 K
Badelin V., Smirnov V.
Kinetics of reactions of aquacobalamin with aspartic and glutamic acids and their amides in water solutions
Bui T., Sal’nikov D., Dereven’kov I., Makarov S.
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