
Structural, Thermal, and Electrical Behavior of Cu-Substituted KPbI3 Ternary Compound
Suhail Iqbal Wani , Rafiuddin
Investigation of the structural properties of annealed CdIn2Te4/CdS thin film solar cells produced by the electron-beam evaporation (e-beam) technique
Kırbaş İ., Karabacak R.
Structure of concentrated aqueous solutions of scandium chloride
Smirnov P., Grechin O.
Characterization and Optical Properties of Three Dimensional (3D) CeO2 Microstructures Synthesized by a Template-Free Method
Bo Yu , Wang L., Meng F., Qin R.
Structure of ruthenium(II) complexes with coproporphyrin I tetraethyl ester
Zverev S., Andreev S., Zamilatskov I., Kurochkina N., Tyurin V., Senchikhin I., Ponomarev G., Erzina D., Chernyshev V.
Study of 5-azidomethyl-8-hydroxyquinoline structure by X-ray diffraction and HF–DFT computational methods
Bougharraf H., Benallal R., Sahdane T., Mondieig D., Negrier P., Massip S., Elfaydy M., Lakhrissi B., Kabouchi B.
Composition and particle size of electrolytic copper powders prepared in water-containing dimethyl sulfoxide electrolytes
Mamyrbekova A., Abzhalov B., Mamyrbekova A.
LaRhAl, La3Rh3Al4, and Ce5Rh5Al6 as a new family of ternary aluminides
Avzuragova V., Nesterenko S., Tursina A.
BiOX (X = Cl, Br, and I) Nanoplates Prepared by Surfactant-Free Microwave Synthesis and Their Photocatalytic Performance
Panudda Patiphatpanya , Ekthammathat N., Phuruangrat A., Thongtem S., Thongtem T.
Structural parameters of the immediate environment of ions in saturated aqueous solutions of lanthanide chlorides, according to X-ray diffraction data
Smirnov P., Grechin O.
Theoretical and experimental study of the transformation of 2-pyridone-5-amide into nitrile
Koval’ Y., Okul’ E., Yatsenko A., Babaev E., Polyakova I., Rybakov V.
X-ray diffraction and thermodynamic characteristics for tellurite of the composition Li2CeTeO5
Rustembekov K., Bekturganova A.
Models of the nearest surrounding of ions in aqueous solutions of dysprosium chloride
Smirnov P., Kritskii I., Grechin O.
Effect of the preparation conditions of Al–3%Y powder on its structural and adsorption properties
Ryabina A., Shevchenko V.
Models for the Immediate Environment of Ions in Aqueous Solutions of Neodymium Chloride
Smirnov P., Grechin O.
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