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Vol 91, No 5 (2017)

Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry

Phase equilibria in a ternary fullerenol-d(C60(OH)22–24)–SmCl3–H2O system at 25°C

Yur’ev G.O., Keskinov V.A., Semenov K.N., Charykov N.A.


The solubility in a ternary fullerenol-d (C60(OH)22–24)–SmCl3–H2O system at 25°C is studied via isothermal saturation in ampules. The solubility diagram is shown to be a simple eutonic one that consists of two branches corresponding to the crystallization of fullerenol-d (C60(OH)22–24 · 30H2O) and samarium(III) chloride SmCl3 · 6H2O crystallohydrates and contains one nonvariant eutonic point corresponding to saturation with both crystallohydrates. The long branch of C60(OH)22–24 · 30H2O crystallization shows the effect of fullerenol-d salting out of saturated solutions; in contrast, the short branch of SmCl3 · 6H2O crystallization shows the pronounced salting-in effect of samarium(III) chloride.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):797-799
pages 797-799 views

Melt–gas phase equilibria and state diagrams of the selenium–tellurium system

Volodin V.N., Trebukhov S.A., Burabaeva N.M., Nitsenko A.V.


The partial pressures of saturated vapor of the components in the Se–Te system are determined and presented in the form of temperature–concentration dependences from which the boundaries of the melt–gas phase transition are calculated at atmospheric pressure and vacuums of 2000 and 100 Pa. The existence of azeotropic mixtures is revealed. It is found that the points of inseparably boiling melts correspond to 7.5 at % of Se and 995°C at 101325 Pa, 10.9 at % at 673°C and 19.5 at % at 522°C in vacuums of 2000 and 100 Pa, respectively. A complete state diagram is constructed, including the fields of gas-liquid equilibria at atmospheric and low pressures, the boundaries of which allow us to assess the behavior of selenium and tellurium upon distillation fractionation.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):800-804
pages 800-804 views

Critical parameters of liquid–vapor equilibrium and its geometric interpretation

Shablovskii Y.O.


Expressions are derived for the Gibbs and free energies of a liquid–vapor system. The critical parameters of the liquid are determined, and the character of the relationship between them is found. The temperature dependence of the vaporization heat is found. The analytical expression of the empirical Tait rule is substantiated. General patterns of subcritical and critical equilibria were revealed. A geometric definition of a critical state is proposed, and the existence of two critical states is proven.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):805-809
pages 805-809 views

Thermochemical analysis of intermolecular interactions between N-acetylglycine and polyols in aqueous solutions

Badelin V.G., Mezhevoi I.N.


The integral enthalpies of dissolution ΔsolHm for N-acetylglycine in aqueous solutions of glycerol, ethylene glycol and 1,2-propylene glycol are measured via solution calorimetry. The standard enthalpies of dissolution (ΔsolН0) and transfer (ΔtrН0) for N-acetylglycine from water to aqueous solutions of polyhydric alcohols are calculated from experimental data. Positive values of enthalpy coefficients of pair interactions hxy for amino acids and polyol molecules are calculated using the McMillan–Mayer theory. The results are discussed using an approach for evaluating different types of interactions in ternary systems and the effect the structural features of interacting biomolecules have on the thermochemical characteristics of N-acetylglycine dissolution.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):810-813
pages 810-813 views

Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis

Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane on the VOx/CeZrO/Al2O3 supported catalyst

Turakulova A.O., Kharlanov A.N., Levanov A.V., Lunin V.V.


The oxidative dehydrogenation of propane on a supported vanadium catalyst was studied (the support was a complex oxide system consisting of a ceria–zirconia solid solution deposited on γ-Al2O3 (CeZrO/γ-Al2O3)). A comparative analysis of the properties of the support and the catalyst prepared on its basis was performed. The support and catalyst were characterized by the BET method, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and Raman spectroscopy. The catalytic properties of the catalyst and support were studied in propane oxidation at 450 and 500°C with pulse feeding of the reagent. The effect of propane on the support was found to improve the oxidative properties of the latter. This behavior of the support is related to the preparation procedure, which leads to the formation on its surface of the crystalline phase of the ceria–zirconia solid solution and amorphous ZrO2 and Al2O3 phases and/or their solid solution. Similar processes occur with the catalyst support during the oxidative dehydrogenation, giving rise to additional active centers (CeVO4).

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):814-821
pages 814-821 views

Dynamics of carbide formation in iron-supported catalysts of the Fischer–Tropsch process promoted by copper and potassium

Kazak V.O., Pankina G.V., Chernavskii P.A., Lunin V.V.


The kinetics of the formation of iron carbides during the activation of iron-coated catalyst for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis promoted by copper and potassium, and by carbon monoxide and syngas, is studied. It is established that the presence of copper lowers the initial temperature of hematite reduction to magnetite and leads to the formation of carbide in both CO and СО/Н2. Potassium slows the rate of magnetite formation, but it accelerates the formation of iron oxide. It is shown that the rate of carbide formation during magnetite reduction for catalysts is half that in the reaction of hematite reduction to magnetite in both CO and СО/Н2.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):822-830
pages 822-830 views

Speed of flame propagation in CH3Cl + Cl2 mixtures during combustion initiated by continuous UV radiation

Begishev I.R., Belikov A.K., Nikitin I.S.


Flame propagation in a closed tube over mixtures of chloromethane and chlorine of different compositions following ignition by continuous UV radiation is studied. It is found that the rate of combustion in all mixtures except limiting ones grows along with the propagation of the flame front up to its maximum values at nearly 1/3 the tube length and then slows. In limiting mixtures, the speed’s behavior is completely different. It is greatest near the source of UV light and gradually slows with distance from the source. The high speed in the initial section is due to the effect of UV light. The temperature of combustion is lowest in limiting mixtures, and the rate of chlorine molecule photodissociation at this temperature is comparable to and even faster than that of their thermal dissociation. The light in these mixtures thus contributes substantially to the initiation of the chemical reaction. It is concluded that when limiting mixtures are ignited by UV pulses, the speed of flame propagation falls markedly as it proceeds without the influence of radiation, and the character of changes in the speed’s behavior becomes identical to those for other mixtures.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):831-834
pages 831-834 views

Kinetics and mechanism of the chain reaction between N-phenyl-1,4-benzoquinone monoimine and thiophenol

Varlamov V.T., Gadomsky S.Y.


The kinetics of the reaction between N-phenyl-1,4-benzoquinone monoimine (quinone monoimine) and thiophenol is studied in chlorobenzene at 343 K. The reaction has the same mechanism proposed earlier for a similar reaction involving N,N'-diphenyl-1,4-benzoquinone diimine (quinone diimine). This mechanism has two paths: chain and nonchain. An important difference between the kinetics of the two reactions is the apparent reversible nature of the chain reaction in the quinone monoimine + thiophenol system. This nature reveals itself when the concentrations of thiophenol are comparable to or slightly higher than the concentrations of quinone imine. In light of this, kinetic research is conducted under conditions where the concentrations of thiophenol are significantly higher than those of quinone monoimine, allowing us to simplify the kinetic features and obtain interpretable data. The rate constants of the reaction’s elementary steps are estimated and found to be three to five times lower for the reaction involving quinone monoamine than for the one involving quinone diimine. Both reactions have relatively short chains whose lengths do not exceed several tens of units.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):835-842
pages 835-842 views

Effect of medium acidity on the thermodynamics and kinetics of the reaction of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate with isoniazid in an aqueous solution

Gamov G.A., Zavalishin M.N., Usacheva T.R., Sharnin V.A.


Thermodynamic characteristics of the formation of the Schiff base between isoniazid and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate in an aqueous solution at different pH values of a medium are determined by means of spectrophotometry and calorimetric titration. The process kinetics is studied spectrophotometrically, and the reaction rate constants for the formation of the imine at different acidities of a medium are determined. Biochemical aspects of the binding of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate into stable compounds are discussed.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):843-849
pages 843-849 views

Kinetics of carbon dioxide absorption from air in a flow reactor with a fixed bed of K2CO3-based sorbent

Sivtsova O.N., Eremenko S.I., Derevschikov V.S., Veselovskaya J.V.


Sorption of carbon dioxide from air in a flow reactor with a bulky fixed bed of the K2CO3/Al2O3 composite sorbent was studied. The dynamic sorption capacity of the material was shown to depend on the relative humidity of the inlet air. A numerical model was constructed for evaluating the profile of СО2 concentration in the layer and kinetic curves of CO2 breakthrough at the outlet of the reactor. The results of simulation allowed us to adequately describe the experimental kinetic curves at 20–40% humidity.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):850-855
pages 850-855 views

Physicochemical and catalytic properties of Ga and In pentasils in the reaction of propane aromatization

Vosmerikova L.N., Volynkina A.N., Zaikovskii V.I., Vosmerikov A.V.


Ga and In ZSM-5 zeolites are obtained via hydrothermal crystallization from alkali aluminosilicate gels. Their physicochemical and catalytic properties during conversion of propane into aromatic hydrocarbons are studied. These catalysts exhibit different activity and selectivity in propane aromatization process due to their specific physicochemical properties and the localization of promoter atoms in different sites of the zeolite structure. A zeolite containing 1.85 wt % of gallium oxide is the most effective catalyst for propane aromatization.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):856-861
pages 856-861 views

Thermal and plasmochemical activation of the zirconia-supported copper catalyst for ethanol dehydrogenation

Chuklina S.G., Pylinina A.I., Khoroshilov V.V.


It was shown that copper-containing nanocomposites based on t-zirconium dioxide 5% Cu/t-ZrO2 can be activated using preliminary treatments in high-frequency (HF) hydrogen plasma and critical low-temperature treatments. The increased activity was explained by the formation of many active centers due to the creation of additional t-zirconia defects as a result of the redistribution of copper ions on its surface before the reductive treatment.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):862-865
pages 862-865 views

The cooperative effect of Zn on Co/HZSM-5 catalyst for NO reduction with methane

Ren L.


The cooperation of Zn and Co in the Zn-Co/HZSM-5 catalyst was investigated. NO was selectively reduced by CH4 to N2 in the presence of excess O2, and the catalytic activity depended on both the activation of CH4 and the adsorption properties of NOx. It was found that the addition of Zn could effectually heighten the selectivity of methane to NOx. The results of H2-TPR, NH3-TPD and XPS proved that addition of Zn into Co/HZSM-5 could inhibit the formation of bulk Co3O4 on the outer surface of the catalyst. Reducing the bulk Co3O4 would restrain the combustion of methane and improve the selectivity of methane to NOx, which was very consistent with the experimental results. MS-TPD results showed that Zn contributed the form of NO2 and strengthened its adsorption on the Co/HZSM-5 catalyst. So the reaction mechanism is proposed to occur via two successive elementary steps. First NO is oxidized to NO2 on the dispersed CoOx sites or Co2+ active sites; then NO2 is adsorbed on Zn2+ sites, and further reacts with methane on proton acid sites. The key step is the adsorption of NO2. Zn directly participates in the reaction by adsorption of NO2.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):866-875
pages 866-875 views

Physical Chemistry of Solutions

Polytherm of the CO(NH2)2–KNO3–H2O phase diagram

Yulina I.V., Trunin A.S.


The crystallization polytherm of the ternary CO(NH2)2–KNO3–H2O system is plotted for the first time via visual polythermal analysis and calculating ternary eutonics characteristics from data on the boundary elements of two-component systems. The ternary eutonics modeling error does not exceed 3.5%. In addition to the crystallization fields of individual components, the field of the redox reaction that occurs in the system between potassium nitrate and carbamide is shown in the CO(NH2)2–KNO3–H2O diagram by a dashed outline.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):876-879
pages 876-879 views

Specific features of the salting-out of oxyethylated nonylphenols using inorganic salts at 25°С

Stankova A.V., Elokhov A.M., Denisova S.A., Kudryashova O.S., Lesnov A.E.


The solubility of oxyethylated nonylphenols (neonol AF 9-12 and neonol AF 9-25) in aqueous solutions of inorganic salts is studied at 25°С. Cation and anion abilities to salt out neonols from aqueous solutions are examined. It is found that anions are able to salt out neonols while cations are able to salt in neonols. The concentration parameters of extraction in water–neonol AF 9-12 (neonol AF 9-25)–(NH4)2SO4 systems are optimized.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):880-886
pages 880-886 views

Effects of concentration on the microwave dielectric spectra of aqueous urea solutions

Lyashchenko A.K., Dunyashev V.S., Zasetsky A.Y.


Several models of relaxation for the dielectric spectra of aqueous urea solutions in the microwave region are compared. The spectra are shown to contain two main Debye components arising from the rotational motions of urea and water molecules. Two essentially different concentration regions in urea solutions are identified. The first is characterized by a small increase in the mobility of water molecules (τ1 = 7.8 ps) and the existence of hydrated urea molecules (τ2 = 19 ps). Due to the aggregation of urea molecules, the relaxation times for the latter process grow considerably in highly concentrated solutions. At the same time, faster molecular motions (τ3 = 6 ps) are observed for water molecules.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):887-893
pages 887-893 views

Physicochemical properties of binary solutions of propylene carbonate–acetonitrile in the range of 253.15–313.15 K

Tyunina E.Y., Chekunova M.D.


The density, dynamic viscosity, and dielectric constant of propylene carbonate solutions with acetonitrile are measured over the composition of a mixed solvent at temperatures of 253.15, 273.15, 293.15, and 313.15 K. The molar volume, molar viscosity, and molar capacity of a mixture of propylene carbonate–acetonitrile and an excess amount of it are calculated. The effect the temperature and composition of the mixture have on the excess molar properties is discussed. A linear correlation is observed between the values of the molar fluidity, capacity, polarization, and molar volume of the studied system.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):894-900
pages 894-900 views

Self-diffusion and molecular association of acetylsalicylic acid and methyl salicylate in methanol-d4 in the temperature range 278–318 K

Golubev V.A., Kumeev R.S., Gurina D.L., Nikiforov M.Y.


The effect of concentration on the self-diffusion coefficients of acetylsalicylic acid and methyl salicylate in methanol-d4 is investigated in the temperature range of 278–318 K using NMR. It is found that the self-diffusion coefficients increase along with temperature and fall as concentration rises. Within the limit of an infinitely dilute solution, the effective radii of solute molecules, calculated using the Stokes–Einstein equation shrink as the temperature grows. It is shown that the observed reduction of effective radii is associated with an increase in the fraction of solute monomers as the temperature rises. The physicochemical parameters of heteroassociation of acetylsalicylic acid and methyl salicylate with methanol are determined.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):901-904
pages 901-904 views

Phase diagrams of nonadecane–decalin and nonadecane–naphthalene systems

Boitsova A.A., Kondrasheva N.K., Charykov N.A.


Phase equilibria in nonadecane–decalin and nonadecane–naphthalene systems are studied. Curves of the liquidus and eutectic temperatures of these systems are calculated using the Schröder–Le Chatelier equation and the strictly regular solutions model (RSM). The calculated values and the experimental data are compared.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):905-909
pages 905-909 views

Structure of Matter and Quantum Chemistry

Mesoporous cobalt and manganese spinels: Synthesis and physicochemical properties

Maerle A.A., Karakulina A.A., Moskovskaya I.F., Romanovskii B.V.


Binary spinels of Со and Мn are obtained by means of hard-template synthesis. Their structural and chemical characteristics are determined via N2-BET, XRD, and TEM. Their catalytic activity is studied using methanol oxidation as the model reaction.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):910-914
pages 910-914 views

Estimating electron affinity from the lifetime of negative molecular ions: Cycloheptatriene derivatives

Asfandiarov N.L., Pshenichnyuk S.A., Vorob’ev A.S., Nafikova E.P., Mavrodiev V.K., Furlei I.I., Dokichev V.A., Platonov D.N., Belyy A.Y.


Cycloheptatriene derivatives are studied by means of resonance electron capture negative ion mass spectrometry (REC NIMS). The average lifetimes of molecular negative ions (NIs) are measured with respect to electron autodetachment. Using the Arrhenius approach, electron affinity EAa of the molecules under study is estimated, and the effective temperature of the resulting negative molecular ions is determined as a function of the electron energy. It is assumed that the dissociation of negative molecular ions in the ground electronic state is a process similar to that of the thermal degradation of molecules.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):915-920
pages 915-920 views

Motion of a lithium ion over a graphene–silicene channel: A computer model

Rakhmanova O.R., Galashev A.E.


The motion of a lithium ion over a channel formed by sheets of perfect and defect (with monovacancies) silicene with a graphene support at different values of the channel gap is studied by means of molecular dynamics. It is established that the lithium ion enters the channel and passes through it at gap widths of 0.75 and 0.8 nm; at the same time, the monovacancies in the silicene sheets have a decelerating effect on the lithium transport over the channel. The ion passes through the channel in 12.6 and 8.6 ps for ideal silicene and 27.7 and 31.8 ps for defect silicene, respectively. It is shown that graphene sheets have a stabilizing effect that prevents the gap value from changing appreciably.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):921-925
pages 921-925 views

Physical Chemistry of Nanoclusters and Nanomaterials

Fе–Co metal–carbon nanocomposite based on IR pyrolized polyvinyl alcohol

Vasil’ev A.A., Dzidziguri E.L., Muratov D.G., Karpacheva G.P.


Powders of metal–carbon nanocomposites consisting of nanosized bimetallic Fe–Co particles dispersed in a carbon matrix are obtained via the IR pyrolysis of a precursor based on polyvinyl alcohol and metal-containing compounds. The obtained samples are investigated by X-ray diffraction and transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The morphology and dispersity of FeCo nanoparticles are studied, depending on the intensity of IR annealing.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):926-930
pages 926-930 views

Noncatalytic hydrogenation of naphthalene in nanosized membrane reactors with accumulated hydrogen and controlled adjustment of their reaction zone volumes

Soldatov A.P.


As part of ongoing studies aimed at designing the next generation of nanosized membrane reactors (NMRs) with accumulated hydrogen, the noncatalytic hydrogenation of naphthalene in pores of ceramic membranes (TRUMEM ultrafiltration membranes with Dav = 50 and 90 nm) is performed for the first time, using hydrogen preadsorbed in a hybrid carbon nanostructure: mono- and multilayered oriented carbon nanotubes with graphene walls (OCNTGs) that form on inner pore surfaces. In this technique, the reaction proceeds in the temperature range of 330–390°C at contact times of 10–16 h. The feedstock is an 8% naphthalene solution in decane. The products are analyzed via chromatography on a quartz capillary column coated with polydimethylsiloxane (SE-30). It is established for the first time that in NMRs, the noncatalytic hydrogenation of naphthalene occurs at 370–390°C, forming 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene in amounts of up to 0.61%. The rate constants and activation energy (123.5 kJ/mol) of the noncatalytic hydrogenation reaction are determined for the first time. The possibility of designing an NMR with an adjustable reaction zone volume is explored. Changes in the pore structure of the membranes after their modification with pyrocarbon nanosized crystallites (PNCs) are therefore studied as well. It is shown that lengthening the process time reduces pore size: within 23 h after the deposition of PNCs, the average pore radius (rav) falls from 25 to 3.1 nm. The proposed approach would allow us to design nanoreactors of molecular size and conduct hydrogenation reactions within certain guidelines to synthesize new chemical compounds.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):931-935
pages 931-935 views

Copper, gold, and silver decorated magnetic core–polymeric shell nanostructures for destruction of pathogenic bacteria

Padervand M., Karanji A.K., Elahifard M.R.


Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were prepared by co-precipitation method. The nanoparticles were silica coated using TEOS, and then modified by the polymeric layers of polypropylene glycol (PPG) and polyethylene glycol (PEG). Finally, the core-shell samples were decorated with Ag, Au, and Cu nanoparticles. The products were characterized by vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM), TGA, SEM, XRD, and FTIR methods. The antibacterial activity of the prepared samples was evaluated in inactivation of E. coli and S. aureus microorganisms, representing the Gram-negative and Gram-positive species, respectively. The effect of solid dosage, bacteria concentration and type of polymeric modifier on the antibacterial activity was investigated. TEM images of the bacteria were recorded after the treatment time and according to the observed changes in the cell wall, the mechanism of antibacterial action was discussed. The prepared nanostructures showed high antibacterial activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. This was due to the leaching of metal ions which subsequently led to the lysis of bacteria. A theoretical investigation was also done by studying the interaction of loaded metals with the nucleotide components of the microorganism DNA, and the obtained results were used to explain the experimental data. Finally, based on the observed inactivation curves, we explain the antibacterial behavior of the prepared nanostructures mathematically.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):936-945
pages 936-945 views

Self-assembled g-C3N4 nanosheets with Ca2+ linkage

Yu Q., Li X., Gao J., Zhang M.


Graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets (g-C3N4 NS) are an important material with many promising practical applications. However, construction of g-C3N4 NS self-assembled structures with three dimensions (3D) has never been realized. Here, we prepared a self-assembled g-C3N4 NS microgel (SGM) via hydrothermal treatment of g-C3N4 NS in the presence of Ca2+. The size and microstructure of SGM can be controlled by the concentration of Ca2+. The obtained SGM also exhibits a temperature response, improved optical properties and high photocatalytic activity.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):946-950
pages 946-950 views

Superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic behavior of ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles synthesized by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method

Phuruangrat A., Maisang W., Phonkhokkong T., Thongtem S., Thongtem T.


Zinc ferrite (ZnFe2O4) nanoparticles were successfully synthesized from Zn(NO3)2 · 6H2O and Fe(NO3)3 · 9H2O by microwave hydrothermal method at 150°C for 1 h. Cubic ZnFe2O4 with particle size below 7 nm was formed in the solution at pH ≥ 6. The crystallinity and particle size of ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles were increased after calcination. The effects of pH of the precursor solution and calcination on the particle size and crystallinity of the particles were studied. At room temperature the products show superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic properties, determined by their size. The formation mechanism of ZnFe2O4 was also discussed according to the experimental results.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):951-956
pages 951-956 views

Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena

Parameters of helium absorption by porous structures

Bukin A.N., Ivanova A.S., Marunich S.A., Pak Y.S., Rozenkevich M.B.


Results from investigating the parameters of helium absoption by hollow glass-crystalline cenospheres obtained at the Reftinsky regional power station in the city of Asbest are presented. The permeability coefficients of helium penetrating through shells are determined, and the apparent activation energy is estimated (Еact = 33 ± 5 kJ/mol). The possibility of selectively extracting helium from mixtures of it and nitrogen is shown.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):957-961
pages 957-961 views

Thermodynamics of the surfaces of nonionic spherical micelles with relatively large extensions of the interfacial layer

Kuznetsov V.S., Blinov A.P., Zherdev V.P.


The structural properties of nonionic spherical micelles with relatively large extensions of the interfacial layer are investigated, and the size dependences of their adsorption, interfacial tension, and chemical potential are obtained. Such familiar thermodynamic relationships as the Gibbs and Laplace equations, the differential equation for the chemical potential, and the concept of hydrophilic–lipophilic balance are used. The method is applied to micelles formed in surfactant solutions of a homologous series of tetraethylene glycol alkyl ethers. The region of the existence of micellar solutions and the structural characteristics of the interfacial layer of micelles are determined. The interfacial tension minimum corresponding to ideal hydrophilic–lipophilic balance in the micelle interfacial layer is detected. The chemical potential is negative over the range of the homologous series, and its derivative with respect to the tension radius is also negative.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):962-968
pages 962-968 views

Biophysical Chemistry

Adsorption of lipids on silicalite-1

Atyaksheva L.F., Ivanova I.I., Ivanova M.V., Tarasevich B.N., Fedosov D.A.


The adsorption of egg lecithin and cholesterol from chloroform solutions onto silicalite-1 (hydrophobic silica with MFI zeolite structure) is investigated. Adsorption isotherms of the L-type for lecithin and the S-type for cholesterol are obtained in the 0.05–4.5 mg/mL range of equilibrium lipid concentrations. The maximum adsorption for lecithin is 30 mg/g; for cholesterol it is 70 mg/g. Chloroform treatment results in the desorption of no more than 10% of the lecithin and up to 50% of the cholesterol from the silicalite-1 surface. The lecithin molecules in the monolayer on the silicalite-1 are oriented such that their hydrophobic tails are oriented toward the surface and are partially inside the pores of the adsorbent.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):969-973
pages 969-973 views

Short Communications

Molecular dynamics study of ionic liquid confined in silicon nanopore

Liu Y.S., Sha M.L., Cai K.Y.


Molecular dynamics simulations was carried to investigate the structure and dynamics of [BMIM][PF6] ionic liquid (IL) confined inside a slit-like silicon nanopore with pore size of 5.5 nm. It is clearly shown that the mass and number densities of the confined ILs are oscillatory, high density layers are also formed in the vicinity of the silicon surface, which indicates the existence of solid-like high density IL layers. The orientational investigation shows that the imidazolium ring of [BMIM] cation lies preferentially flat on the surface of the silicon pore walls. Furthermore, the mean squared displacement (MSD) calculation indicates that the dynamics of confined ILs are significantly slower than those observed in bulk systems. Our results suggest that the interactions between the pore walls and the ILs can strongly affect the structural and dynamical properties of the confined ILs.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(5):974-978
pages 974-978 views

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