Electromagnetic waves in a one-sided metallized tangentially magnetized bigyrotropic layer (with an example of calculating the characteristics of spin waves)




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Without using the magnetostatic approximation, the problem of the propagation of electrical magnetic waves in an arbitrary direction in a tangentially magnetized one-sided metal sized bigyrotropic layer. It is shown that in this problem Maxwell’s equations reduce to differential equation to which the biquadratic characteristic equation corresponds equation with four roots k_x21, –k_x21, k_x22 and –k_x22, describing the distribution of the wave in the cross section layer. A dispersion equation is obtained that describes waves with real values k_x21 and k_x22. Based on this equation, the characteristics of spin waves in a one-sided metallized ferrite plate (which is a special case of a bigyrotropic layer) were calculated for frequencies above the ferromagnetic resonance frequency. It was found that for these waves the quantity k_x21 can take both real and imaginary values, and the quantity k_x22 can only take real values. It was discovered that at a certain frequency the spin wave has an isofrequency curve that is practically no different from a straight line.


E. Lokk

Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Fryazino Branch

Email: edwin@ms.ire.rssi.ru
Fryazino, Moscow oblast, 141190 Russia

S. Gerus

Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Fryazino Branch

Email: edwin@ms.ire.rssi.ru
Fryazino, Moscow oblast, 141190 Russia


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