Study of Ultra-High Frequency Radiometric Humidity Sounding of the Atmosphere for the Early Warning of Hazardous Weather Phenomena



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Ground-based microwave radiometry was used to study the characteristics of the moisture content of the atmosphere during the development of cloud-related hazardous weather phenomena, precipitation, and thunderstorms. On the basis of complex radiophysical studies of the atmosphere, carried out in the Leningrad oblast, the possibility of improving the methods of early warning of dangerous weather phenomena and diagnostics Ground-based microwave radiometry was used to study the characteristics of the moisture content of the atmosphere during the development of cloud-related hazardous weather phenomena, precipitation, and thunderstorms. On the basis of complex radiophysical studies of the atmosphere, carried out in the Leningrad oblast, the possibility of improving the methods of early warning of dangerous weather phenomena and diagnostics of atmospheric fronts with the involvement of operational microwave radiometric information is shown.

Sobre autores

D. Karavaev

Mozhaisky Military Space Academy

St. Petersburg, 197198 Russia

Yu. Kuleshov

Mozhaisky Military Space Academy

St. Petersburg, 197198 Russia

G. Shchukin

Mozhaisky Military Space Academy; Stoletovs Murom Institute, Vladimir State University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
St. Petersburg, 197198 Russia; Murom, 602264 Russia


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