Numerical Simulation of Discrete Magnetic Breathers in Heisenberg Spin Chains with Additional Interactions



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A 1D model of a finite-length spin chain with the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction is considered. An algorithm for simulation of the problem is developed, and calculations that demonstrate the existence of discrete magnetic breathers of various types in the phase of forced ferromagnetism of a chiral helimagnet are presented. It is shown that the analysis with allowance for the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction yields a decrease in the amplitude of discrete magnetic breathers.

Sobre autores

I. Bostrem

Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University

Yekaterinburg, 620000 Russia;

E. Ekomasov

Bashkortostan State University

Ufa, Bashkortostan, 450076 Russia

A. Ovchinnikov

Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University; Institute of Physics of Metals, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Yekaterinburg, 620000 Russia; Yekaterinburg, 620108 Russia

V. Sinitsyn

Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University

Yekaterinburg, 620000 Russia;

M. Fakhretdinov

Bashkortostan State University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Ufa, Bashkortostan, 450076 Russia


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Declaração de direitos autorais © И.Г. Бострем, Е.Г. Екомасов, А.С. Овчинников, В.Е. Синицын, М.И. Фахретдинов, 2023

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