Algorithmic Solutions in the Problem of Evaluating the Quality of Communication with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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Algorithmic solutions have been developed to assess the quality of communication with an unmanned aerial vehicle. The quality of communication is determined by the probability of a symbol error at the input of an                                        error-correcting encoder, the a priori calculation of which is performed in the approximation of Rice’s communication channel model. The main attention in the solution is given to the determination of attenuation due to the combined influence of the terrain and tropospheric refraction on the energy parameters of the line ground communication point–unmanned aerial vehicle. The attenuation was calculated by jointly solving a pair of parabolic equations formed from the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation in narrow- and wide-angle approximations by the pseudospectral method of separating the steps of a pair of parabolic equations. In the features of the main stages of the algorithmic implementation of the developed solution are highlighted, and its performance is tested on specific test examples.

About the authors

I. S. Polyanskii

Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

Oryol, 302015 Russia

Ya. D. Shapovalov

Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Oryol, 302015 Russia


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