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卷 65, 编号 5 (2023)



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Simulation of thermal decomposition of a nitric acid solution of acetohydroxamic acid during SNF reprocessing

Kalistratova V., Smirnov A., Belova E.


A thermal analysis of a solution of acetohydroxamic acid in 12 mol/L HNO3 was carried out. The activation energy, the speci c thermal e ect, the duration and rate of the exothermic reaction, the pre-exponential factor, the onset temperature and self-heating value of the sample, and the change in pressure and the speci c volume of the evolved gases were determined. It was shown that under experimental conditions this reaction proceeds in the autocatalytic mode. On the basis of experimental data, a kinetic equation for the reaction was obtained, which was used to create a model of the reaction under various conditions. The reliability of the simulation results was veri ed by di erential scanning calorimetry.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(5):403-409
pages 403-409 views

Extraction of actinides and lanthanides from nitric acid solutions with diphosphine dioxides in the presence of an ionic liquid

Turanov A., Karandashev V., Artyushin O., Brel V.


The e ect of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(tri uoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide ionic liquid on the extraction of lanthanides(III), U(VI), and Th(IV) from nitric acid solutions with 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphinyl)ethane I and 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphinyl)benzene II has been studied. The stoichiometry of the extractable complexes was determined. A solution of dioxide II in dichloroethane extracts metal ions much more e ciently than a solution of dioxide I. It has been established that, in the presence of an ionic liquid in the organic phase, the e ciency of extraction of metal ions from nitric acid solutions with solutions of dioxide I increases signi cantly, while that of dioxide II decreases. As a result, in the presence of an ionic liquid in the organic phase, dioxide II is signi cantly inferior to dioxide I in terms of the e ciency of extraction of Ln(III), U(VI), and Th(IV) from nitric acid solutions, which is associated with a much higher ability of dioxide II to extract HTf2N.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(5):410-417
pages 410-417 views

In uence of the nature of the diluent on the extraction capacity of N,N,N',N'-tetrabutyldiglycolamide to Eu(III), Am(III) and Cm(III)

Sharov V., Kostikova G.


The in uence of HNO3 concentration on the extraction of Eu(III), Am(III) and Cm(III) by N,N,N',N'tetrabutyldiglycolamide in 5 diluents (nitrobenzene, toluene, 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and chloroform) was studied. The dependence of the distribution ratios of the listed metals on the nature of the diluent was examined. The extraction of Eu(III), Am(III) and Cm(III) decreases in the following order: nitrobenzene > m -tri uoromethylnitrobenzene > mixture of n -dodecane and decanol-1 (90 : 10 vol/vol) > tetrachloromethane > 1,2-dichloroethane > benzene > 1,1,2,2-tetrachloromethane > toluene > chloroform. The conditions for the separation of Eu(III)/Am(III) and Am(III)/Cm(III) pairs were determined. The explanation of the observed increase of the Am(III)/Cm(III) separation factors with the increase of the nitric acid concentration in the equilibrium aqueous phase was suggested.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(5):418-426
pages 418-426 views

Comparison of sorption characteristics of solid extractants based on tetraoctyldiglycolamide with respect to lutetium and ytterbium

Semenova N., Krasnikov L., Lumpov A., Sapozhnikova N., Zhukova O.


The paper compares the sorption characteristics of solid extractants (extraction chromatographic resin (EXC)) based on tetraoctyldiglycolamide, DGA Resin (Triskem, France) and AXIONIT MND 40T (Russia), under static and dynamic conditions with respect to Lu and Yb. It was found that for AXIONIT MND 40T (EXC-TODGA), in contrast to DGA Resin (EXC-DGA), sorption equilibrium is attained much more slowly and signi cantly depends on the temperature and size of the extractant granules. The desorption of ytterbium and lutetium using various reagents was studied, and the solutions of DTPA and ammonium citrate were found to be the most e ective. The optimal conditions for concentration ytterbium and lutetium with the given solid extractants were determined and tested using real radioactive solutions.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(5):427-433
pages 427-433 views

Nano ltration puri cation of liquid radioactive waste

Kaptakov V., Milyutin V.


The paper presents the results of testing the puri cation of real liquid radioactive waste from radionuclides - bottom residues of the Kola and Beloyarsk nuclear power plants (NPP), as well as low-level wastewater from the radiochemical building of the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPChE RAS) by the method of nano ltration (NF) using a polymer membrane manufactured by the Russian company «RM Nanotech». It has been shown that in the case of single-stage NF puri cation bottoms of the Kola (NPP), the coe cient of puri cation from 60Co is 2.8, while puri cation from 137Cs practically does not occur. When cleaning the bottom residues of the Beloyarsk NPP from 60Co using a ve-stage scheme, a coe cient of puri cation from 60Co equal to 388 was obtained. The combination of nano ltration puri cation and selective sorption of cesium on the ferrocyanide sorbent Temoksid-35 makes it possible to obtain a dry salt residue that is not related to radioactive waste. When using the method of nano ltration for the treatment of low-level wastewater of the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the degree of puri cation was, %: 137Сs ~ 75; 90Sr ~ 91; 241Am ~ 99.5; 152Eu ~ 91; 239Pu ~ 99.5.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(5):434-439
pages 434-439 views

Analysis of operation modes of a counter ow column of chemical isotope exchange of hydrogen with water with independent flows of water and hydrogen

Rozenkevich M.


As a result of a theoretical analysis of the operation of a countercurrent column of chemical isotope exchange (CIE) of hydrogen with water in the mode with independent ows of hydrogen and water, it has been shown that there are temperature-dependent maximum values of the molar ratio of hydrogen and water ows at which the separating power of the column with respect to isotope mixtures protium-tritium and protium-deuterium are signi cantly reduced. Variants of the operation of the CIE column were experimentally studied under the condition that the condensate of water vapor is returned to the column from the outgoing steam-gas stream or without it. The results of the experiments agree with the theoretical analysis carried out.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(5):440-446
pages 440-446 views

Effect of strontium and calcium admixtures on productivity of 82Sr/82Rb medical generator

Chudakov V., Shatik S., Zhuikov B.


The 82Sr/82Rb generator is used to produce a medical radiopharmaceutical rubidium-82 chloride in saline solution for PET investigation. In this work, we studied the effect of the amount of stable strontium and calcium delivered to the sorbent (hydrated tin dioxide), on the maximum volume of radiopharmaceutical solution that can be obtained from the generator. Sr and Ca may be delivered to the sorbent from the initial solution of strontium-82 or from the eluent (0.9% NaCl) during medical application of the generator. It is shown that this volume depends on the value CSr + 0.11CCa, where CSr and CCa - molar concentrations of the elements in 1 g of the sorbent. The obtained results make it possible to increase significantly the productivity and reliability of the used generators.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(5):447-457
pages 447-457 views

Optimization of the synthesis and puri cation of 6-[18F]fluoropiperonal, synton for the preparation of complex molecules used as pet tracers

Vaulina D., Orlovskaya V., Fedorova O., Kuznetsova O., Krasikova R.


An optimized synthesis method for 6-[18F] uoropiperonal (6-[18F]FP) via nucleophilic sub itution of the nitro group in the precursor molecule (nitropiperonal, 6-NP) with [18F] uoride in the presence of tetrabutylammonium tosylate has been proposed. Using this weakly basic phase transfer catalyst, the amount of initial 6-NP in the reaction was reduced from 4.0 to 0.2 mg with negligible amounts after subsequent treatment of the reaction mixture with a strong base (potassium methoxide). In turn, this made it possible to separate 6-[18F]FP and 6-NP with similar physicochemical properties by a simple and e cient solid-phase extraction technique on disposable cartridges. 6-[18F]FP was obtained with radiochemical purity of 99% and a radiochemical yield of 10%. The content of unreacted 6-NP did not exceed 1 μg/mL, which is comparable to the results of laborious semi-preparative HPLC puri cation.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(5):458-465
pages 458-465 views

137Cs migration and pro le in bottom sediments of deep drainage lakes, north-western Russia

Bakunov N., Bolshiyanov D., Aksenov A.


Modern contamination of global and «Chernobyl» 137Cs in lake-river systems bottom sediments is estimated. Drainage lakes of North-Western Russia were investigated. Kopanskoe Lake, located south of the Gulf of Finland, is on the trail of the «Chernobyl» 137Cs fallout, whereas Ladoga, Sukhodolskoe, Vuoksa, Imandra lakes are located at its periphery, in Karelia and Kola Peninsula. Following parameters are distinguished: lakes bottom 137Cs pollution density (kBq/m2), distribution of 137Cs in the pro le of bottom sediments, 137Cs di usion coe cients ( D ) in bottom sediments and content of the exchange chemical form of the radionuclide. 137Cs contamination of the lakes was formed due to suspended matter sedimentation with 137Cs, 137Cs sorption and di usion in bottom sediments. With sedimentation ≥3 mm/year, the concentration of 137Cs increased from the top to the bottom of the core (lakes Vuoksa, Ekostrovskaya Imandra), re ecting the gradual process of 137Cs migration into the sediments. The opposite trend of 137Cs concentration was observed in the bottom sediments of lakes Ladoga and Sukhodolskoe with sedimentation ≤0.5 mm/year. Here 137Cs di usion with D = (0.5-6.2) ×10-8 cm2/s caused slow radionuclide transfer in the bottom sediments. The main supply of 137Cs was contained in the top layer 0-5 cm. 14.4-20 % of absorbed 137Cs in lake Sukhodolskoye bottom sediments were was in an exchange chemical form, extracted into solution 1 М NH 4 Aс.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(5):466-473
pages 466-473 views

Speciation of plutonium and some chemical elements in the bottom sediments of the Laptev sea and the Kara sea

Goryachenkova T., Kazinskaya I., Travkina A., Starodymova D., Novikov A.


The comparison of the speciation forms of 239Pu and chemical elements, including rare earth elements (REE), in the bottom sediments of the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea is given. The speciation forms were investigated by three different methods of selective leaching. Data were obtained on the content of chemical elements and 239Pu in the composition of complexes with different lability: easily soluble, bound to organic matter, including groups of humic acids (HA) and fulvic acids (FC), as well as with amorphous oxides of Fe and Mn. It is shown that humic and low molecular weight organic acids and their compounds with chemical elements can influence the behavior of plutonium in the seawater-bottom sediments system in the waters of the Arctic seas. The possibility of using a number of REE as a marker for predicting the migration behavior of plutonium is evaluated.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(5):474-481
pages 474-481 views

Modern radioecological situation at the site of the peaceful underground nuclear explosion "Crystal" and radionuclides in the surface waters of the adjacent territory (western Yakutia)

Artamonova S., Bondareva L., Melgunov M., Simonova G.


The radioecological situation at the site of the peaceful underground nuclear explosion «Crystal» after removal land cover and installation of the arti cial cover of rock from nearby quarry above the epicenter is considered. In 2012 the ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation varied from 0.04 to 0.066 μSv/h, in 2019 the content of radionuclides in soils was (Bq/kg): 90Sr 2.5-5.3, 239,240Pu 0.03-25.4, 137Cs <2.0. In 2018-2020 the activity of radionuclides in surface water was (Bq/dm3): in runo from under the arti cial cover 3H 4-12, 90Sr 0.004-0.4, 239,240Pu <10-6, in local river water 3H 4-10.2, 90Sr 0.004-0.3. At present, the impact of surface runo from the «Crystal» site on the river network is assessed as insigni cant. No more than 1/3 of 3H in the local river water comes with precipitation, and the rest of 3H comes from the «Crystal» explosion zone, mainly by an underground route. At least 91-96% of 90Sr in the local river water is due to the «Crystal» explosion: part of it comes from the explosion zone by an underground route, part is washed o from the surface of landscapes.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(5):482-500
pages 482-500 views