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Vol 65, No 4 (2023)

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Extraction of cesium and strontium from nitric acid hlw by a mixture of extractants of -18-crown-6 and -21-crown-7 derivatives in organic solvents

Koscheeva A.M., Rodin A.V., Ananiev A.V.


The processes of extraction of stable isotopes of cesium and strontium by solutions of macrocyclic polyesters in organic solvents from nitric acid mediums have been studied. The e ect of the crown ether structure and solvent type on the distribution coe cients of cesium ( D Cs) and strontium ( D Sr) has been studied. Extraction systems for the combined extraction of cesium and strontium were tested, in which 1,1,7-trihydrododeca uoroh eptanol and chlorohydrocarbons were used as solvents. It is shown that the highest D Cs and D Sr in the combined extraction of metals are observed when using a mixture of DTBDB18C6 and DCH18C6. Experimental data con rm the high e ciency of the use of crown ethers for the extraction of cesium and strontium into a separate fraction when handling radioactive waste.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(4):303-309
pages 303-309 views

Extraction of U(VI), Th(IV), REE(III), and Sc(III) from Nitrate and Perchlorate Solutions with 1,5-bis[di(p-tolyl)phosphoryl]-3-oxapentane

Turanov A.N., Karandashev V.K., Baulin V.E., Baulin D.V.


Received January 16, 2023; revised March 21, 2023; accepted March 27, 2023 Extraction of U(VI), Th(IV), REE(III), and Sc(III) from nitrate and perchlorate solutions with solutions of phosphorylpodand 1,5-bis[di( p -tolyl)phosphoryl]-3-oxapentane (L) in 1,2-dichloroethane depending on the concentration of acids in the aqueous phase was studied. The stoichiometry of the extractable complexes was determined. It was found that, as the concentration of acids increases, the magnitude of the «perchlorate» e ect decreases, and at acid concentrations above 0.3 mol/L, REE(III) ions are extracted by podand L from HClO4 solutions less e ciently than from HNO3 solutions. During the extraction of Sc(III), the «perchlorate» e ect also manifests itself in the region of high acid concentration, which leads to an increase in the separation coe cients of Sc(III) and REE(III), U(VI), and Th(IV) during extraction with podand L from HClO4 solutions.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(4):310-316
pages 310-316 views

Phosphorus concentration by sorbents based on polyacrylonitrile fiber modi ed with iron(III) hydroxide

Frolova M.A., Bezhin N.A., Kozlovskaia O.N., Tananaev I.G.


The resu lts of phosphorus recovery by sorbents of our production on the base of polyacrylonitrile ber modi ed with iron(III) hydroxide from solutions with di erent pH were presented. The phos phorus degree of recovery, the dynamic exchange capacity, and the total dynamic exchange capacity of sorbents for phosphorus have been established. The output curves of phosphorus sorption were constructed, and the results of a study of the sorption physicochemical regularities (isotherm and kinetics) were presented. The sorption e ciency of 32P and 33P from rainfall samples using sorbents based on polyacrylonitrile ber modi ed with iron(III) hydroxide was evaluated. Monitoring of 32P, 33P in atmospheric fallout of the Sevastopol region was carried out.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(4):317-328
pages 317-328 views

Sorption of cesium from strongly alkaline solutions on a modi ed ferrocyanide sorbent «fersal»

Milyutin V.V., Nekrasova N.A., Kozlov P.V., Markova D.V.


The sorption of cesium from solutions of sodium and potassium nitrates, sodium hydroxide, and also from a model solution simulating alkaline high-level waste (HLW) of FSUE PO «Mayak» on various resorcinolformaldehyde sorbents (RFS), on sorbent based on a boron-containing polymer of the Clevasol brand and on sorbent of the Fersal brand based on modi ed nickel ferrocyanide was studied under batch conditions. It is shown that in all the media studied, the Fersal sorbent has the best sorption-selective characteristics with respect to cesium. During the sorption of cesium from a model solution of HLW under dynamic conditions, the volume of the passed solution to 1% breakthrough for the Fersal sorbent is 127 bed volumes (b.v.). The puri cation resource of the other studied sorbents is 3-4 times less. Desorption of cesium from the Fersal sorbent can be carried out by passing 9-10 b.v. 7.5 mol/dm3 HNO3, however, in this case, the sorbent granules are destroyed, which does not allow it to be reused. It is concluded that the Fersal sorbent is the most promising for the treatment of alkaline HLW.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(4):329-336
pages 329-336 views

Gas-Phase Conversion of Cation-Exchange Resin KU-2×8-M (M = Cs, Ni, Cu, Fe, Nd, U) in a Nitrating Atmosphere

Kulyukhin S.A., Gordeev A.V., Seliverstov A.F., Kazberova A.Y., Kostikova G.V., Krasavina E.P., Nevolin Y.M.


A new approach to the destructive processing of the cation-exchange resin KU-2×8-M (M = Cs, Ni, Cu, Fe, Nd, U) based on its gas-phase treatment in a nitrating atmosphere with subsequent chemical treatment of the conversion products is considered. It is shown that exposure of KU-2×8-M samples (M = Cs, Ni, Cu, Fe, Nd, U) in an HNO3(vapour)-air atmosphere at temperatures of 403-443 K for 8 and 24 h followed by dissolution conversion products in 0.5 mol∙L-1 NaOH and ozonation of the resulting solutions allows e cient utilization of the KU-2×8-M resin (M = Cs, Ni, Cu, Fe, Nd, U).
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(4):337-348
pages 337-348 views

Development of a new method for activation of isotope exchange

Shevchenko V.P., Nagaev I.Y., Shevchenko K.V., Myasoedov N.F.


The in uence of various factors on the e ciency of introducing deuterium into3-(N-pyrrolyl)-propanoylL-histidine and 3-(N-salicyl)-propanoyl-L-histidine has been studied. Heavy water was used as a source of deuterium. It is shown that the content of deuterium atoms in the substance can be increased by pretreating the reaction mixture with deuterium gas. The new approach opens up additional possibilities both for obtaining highly puri ed preparations by introducing hydrogen isotopes into organic compounds, and theoretically for a deeper understanding of the participation in this process of activated deuterium or tritium particles solvated on the carrier and in the pool of the substance.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(4):349-354
pages 349-354 views

Effect of ionizing radiation on the physico-chemical and performance properties of gasoline with the additive of benzene

Jabbarova L.Y., Mustafayev I.I., Mirzayeva A.S., Ibadov N.A.


The effect of irradiation was studied by adding benzene to AI-92 gasoline. Kinetics of processes were studied at temperature T = 20°С, dose rate P = 0.072 Gy/s, absorbed doses ( D ) in the range of 27-78 kGy. The results of gas chromatography-mass spectrometric (GC/MS) analysis, IR-spectroscopic studies, and determination of density and viscosity of samples before and after irradiation at di erent absorbed doses are presented. The evaluation of the physicochemical parameters of γ-irradiated gasoline with 1, 2, 4, and 6% benzene additives shows that γ-irradiation has a negative e ect on the performance characteristics (viscosity and density) of AI-92 gasoline. The optimal concentration of benzene is 6% when the viscosity and density decrease with the increase of the absorbed dose. The kinetics of post-polymerization processes for 8 months after the end of irradiation shows that the speed of the process and its share in the total polymerization depend on the irradiation time, the initial density of the mixture, and the dose.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(4):355-363
pages 355-363 views

Diffusion of tritium, technetium, cesium, and uranium from phosphate glass leachates in pore solution of clay materials

Martynov K.V., Konevnik Y.V., Zakharova E.V.


The through diffusion method at room temperature was used to study the migration of radionuclides (3H, 99Tc, 137Cs, 233U) in compacted samples of clay materials during pore diffusion from a model leachate of the RW phosphate matrix with a total salt content of about 400 mg/L. Based on the results of the experiments, the effective diffusion coeffcients and coeffcients of the sorption distribution of radionuclides for the studied barrier clay materials were determined. Regularities of the diffusion transfer of tritium, cesium and uranium depending on the structure, mineral composition of clay materials and the content of radionuclides in the pore solution are revealed. Numerical modeles are proposed for calculating the effective pore di usion coeffcients of these radionuclides. There are still insuffcient data to analyze the factors affecting the diffusion of technetium.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(4):364-379
pages 364-379 views

Determination of 90sr in natural waters and water from observing wells at radioactive waste long-term storage and final disposal facilities

Voronina A.V., Belokonova N.V.


The optimal conditions for pre-concentration of 90Sr from natural water samples by a T-3K carbonate-containing zirconium dioxide were determined. A method for determination of 90Sr in natural water samples was developed using the T-3K sorbent; the method provides as low detection limits as 0.03 Bq/L for 1L water samples and 0.02 Bq/L for 2L water samples. The method was tested on monitoring of 90Sr in natural water bodies at Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions as well as in waters of control and observation wells on the territory of a radioactive waste long-term storage facility. It was shown that the developed method can be used without control of strontium chemical yield in case of natural water samples containing up to 76 mg/L of Ca and 5.2 mmol/L of hardness salts taking into account the average strontium chemical yields of 91 ± 1% for 1L water samples and 81 ± 2%, for 2L water samples. In case of water samples with a higher hardness, the dependences of strontium yield on Ca concentration or hardness presented in this paper may be used for evaluation of strontium yield.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(4):380-392
pages 380-392 views

On global 137cs di usion in bottom sediments of northern seas

Bakunov N.A., Bolshiyanov D.Y., Aksenov A.O., Makarov A.S.


In bottom sediments of the Laptev and the Kara seas 137Cs has been migrating with di usion coe cient ( D ) n ·(10-9-10-8) cm2/s during nearly 30 years. In the sediments pro le 137Cs concentration gradient was persisting between the layers. The trend of concentration decrease from the upper to the lower layers of the core was not violated along the entire path of radionuclide migration. 137Cs has been migrating in bottom sediments slowly; nearly 20% of the radionuclide stayed in the upper (0-1 cm) layer. In the Tsivolki Bay of Novaya Zemlya Archipelago 137Cs has been migrating in very low temperature conditions of water and bottom sediments (-1.0, -1.2°С). 137Cs concentration in the upper layer of the Laptev Sea and Tsivolki Bay sediments was characterized by close values, 7-18 and 14-24 Bq/kg, which correlate with global level of sediments contamination. The Tsivolki bay is ice-covered for 10 months. 137Cs pro le in the cores was forming due to radionuclide di usion in conditions of short warm period of terrigenic sedimentation. 137Cs concentration in the bay sediments and a type of the concentration pro le demon rated an absence of radionuclide release from buried radioactive objects in the bay. 137Cs di usion coe cients de nition computed with experimental data will be necessary in radionuclide migration models and scienti cally supported measures of damage minimization from exposure to the radiation factor.
Radiohimiâ. 2023;65(4):393-400
pages 393-400 views

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