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Том 58, № 2 (2018)


Basking Shark (Lamniformes: Cetorhinidae) from the Lower Oligocene of the Caucasus

Prokofiev A., Sychevskaya E.


Based on an almost complete impression from the base of the Pshekha Horizon (layer 2, Planorbella Beds, zone NP 21) of the North Caucasus (lower early Oligocene), we describe the basking shark Caucasochasma zherikhini gen. et sp. nov., differing from other members of family Cetorhinidae by higher number of vertebrae, weakly developed lower lobe of caudal fin, and details of the structure of gill rakers. Based on the structure of the body, it is not excluded that the described taxon was associated with the bottom to a greater degree than other species of the family (Keasius parvus and C. maximus), for which the structure of the body is known. The accumulations of plankton at the bottom could be a possible food resource for Caucasochasma.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):127-138
pages 127-138 views

Melanostigma kharini sp. nov. (Zoarcidae), a New Species of Pelagic Eelpout from the Ridge of Hercules (Pacific-Antarctic Rise)

Balushkin A., Moganova M.


A new species Melanostigma kharini sp. n. is described from the underwater Ridge of Hercules (Pacific-Antarctic Rise). The specimens of the new species were collected in the marine expeditions of the Pacific Scientific Research Institute of Fishery and Oceanography (TINRO) (1977−1978) on the Southern Bank at depths between 240 and 780 m. The new species differs from the other species of the genus in an original combination of the characters, in particular, in the structure of the lateral line canals on the head, axial skeleton, and coloration. Vertebral asymmetry and the features of rational (purposive) development of the seismosensory system on the head of Melanostigma are described in detail.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):139-147
pages 139-147 views

Morphological Description, Intraspecific Variation, and Relationships of Cherskii’s sculpin Cottus czerskii (Cottidae)

Saveliev P., Kolpakov E.


Detailed morphological description of Cherskii’s sculpin Cottus czerskii (Cottidae) is conducted. Main directions of intraspecific variation of the phenotype are described. The ontogenetic variation of 24 of 31 morphometric characters is registered. The characters are subdivided into four categories based on the features of their variation and degree of ontogenetic allometry. Sexual dimorphism is observed based on the following characters: length of the rays of the pelvic fin, length of the anal fin base, depth of the anal fin, antedorsal distance, and head depth. A latitudinal increase of the fin rays in the anal and pectoral fins from the southern to the northern parts of the biogeographic range is registered. The relationships of the species with other representatives of the family Cottidae are discussed based on the comparative analysis of morphological and ecological features. A complex of plesiomorphic morphological and ecological characteristics, which are similar to those in more ancient catadromous, brackish-water, and marine forms, is described. Based on morphological characters, C. czerskii is substantially similar to C. hangiongensis.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):148-157
pages 148-157 views

An Annotated List of Cartilaginous Fishes (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) of the Coastal Waters of Sakhalin Island and the Adjacent Southern Part of the Sea of Okhotsk

Dyldin Y., Orlov A.


An annotated list of cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) is given for the first time in the 200-year history of studying the ichthyofauna of Sakhalin Island and adjacent waters of the southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk (including the coast of Hokkaido Island) and the northern Sea of Japan. The list includes 43 species in two classes, eight orders, 16 families, and 25 genera. Information on nature conservation status, English and Latin names, depths of habitat, and distribution within the coastal waters of Sakhalin are presented. For a number of species caught off the coast of Sakhalin and in the adjacent waters, information is provided on collection specimens confirming their presence in the region under study. For a number of species of the Rajiformes order (Arctoraja parmifera, A. smirnovi, A. simoterus), the modern ranges and taxonomic status are being refined in the light of new data. The taxonomic status of the so-called “disputed” taxa is discussed as well as the validity of the species considered in the Bathyraja matsubarai complex. Based on the study of the collections, Arctoraja simoterus, previously unknown in the waters of Russia, as well as Myliobatis tobijei, caught in the Bering Sea, has been discovered, which significantly expands the range of this species to the north.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):158-180
pages 158-180 views

Summer Ichthyoplankon in Onega Bay of the White Sea: Species Composition and Spatial Distribution

Mishin A., Evseenko S., Bol’shakov D., Bol’shakova Y.


Data on the species composition and distribution of ichthyoplankton in Onega Bay of the White Sea are presented for June–July 2007, 2010–2012, and 2015–2016. In the ichthyoplankton, the specimens of the early developmental stages of 21 fish species were registered; the larvae of the White Sea herring Clupea pallasi marisalbi, capelin Mallotus villosus, and Pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus were the most abundant. It is shown that the northwestern and southeastern zones, distinguished in Onega Bay by hydrophysical parameters, also differ in species composition and in ichthyoplankton abundance.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):181-186
pages 181-186 views

Evolution of the Charrs, Genus Salvelinus (Salmonidae). 1. Origins and Expansion of the Species

Esin E., Markevich G.


The paper reviews the published materials on phylogeny and philogeography of the salmonid fishes belonging to the genus Salvelinus within the framework of allopatric evolution. The present paper provides concise data on the origins of the main groups, the ways of their historical expansion and discusses the formation of the present ranges, taking into account the reconstruction of paleoclimate factors. Issues on the phylogenetic relations between the main groups, dating the major phylogenetic events, as well as the phylogenetic tree topology matchings are discussed here.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):187-203
pages 187-203 views

Influence of Extreme Environmental Factors on the Dynamics of Abundance of the Pink Salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

Kaev A.


The correlation between the number of returned fish and the spawners of the parent generation recorded in the rivers (the reproduction index) has been analyzed in a series of generations of the five largest stocks of pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha in the Sakhalin-Kuril region. The hypothesis that the appearance of low-yielding generations of pink salmon was mainly due to the impact of typhoons as extreme environmental factors has been confirmed. Low values of the reproduction index of pink salmon generations that have been exposed to typhoons during embryonic development in the rivers (redds) or during the feeding period of juveniles in the coastal region of the sea (the next few days after downstream migration) allow for a conclusion on their significant importance for the formation of the abundance of this species. During some adjacent year groups, the frequency of typhoons attributable to the indicated periods of the pink salmon’s life cycle increases, this causes a number of low-yielding generations. At the same time, the strength of the typhoons and the limits of their impact are constantly changing, which explains the lack of synchronism in the sharp changes in the pink salmon population of all the stocks in the region.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):204-216
pages 204-216 views

Age and Growth of Blue Antimora Antimora rostrata (Moridae) in Southwestern Greenland Waters

Orlov A., Vedishcheva E., Trofimova A., Orlova S.


The results of determination of age and study on growth of blue antimora Antimora rostrata from the waters of Southwestern Greenland are presented. The results are based on the analysis of 200 fish otoliths. In the catches, we found specimens of antimora with total lengths of 18−70 cm, body weights of 23−2731 g, at the age of 7−38 years. Minimal age of males (not considering juvenile individuals) was 10 years at body length of 27−33 cm; maximal age was 18 years at 42 cm. Minimal age of females was 9 years at length of 21–27 cm; maximal age was 38 years at 70 cm. The rate of linear growth in blue antimora from Southwestern Greenland waters is comparable to that in the fish from New Zealand and Ross Sea waters but considerably lower than indicated earlier for fish from the waters of Iceland, Greenland, and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The age of reaching sexual maturity in males and females is preliminary determined as 15 and 19−20 years, respectively.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):217-225
pages 217-225 views

Comparative Analysis of Spermatozoa Morphology in Three Fish Species from the Suborder Scorpaenoidei

Pavlov D., Emel’yanova N.


The methods of scanning and transmission electron microscopy are used for the investigation of external morphology and ultrastructure of spermatozoa in scorpaenoid fishes Parascorpaena picta, Dendrochirus zebra (Scorpaenidae), and Synanceia horrida (Synanceiidae). Based on the literature data, a comparison with other species of the genera Scorpaena, Sebastapistes, and Scorpaenopsis (Scorpaenidae) is conducted. In the studied species, the spermatozoon consists of the rounded head (its length is slightly smaller than its width), moderately developed midpiece, and flagellum. P. picta differs from the other species in the presence of the widening of the cytoplasmic channel surrounding the initial part of the flagellum, the largest numbers of mitochondrial sections, and the longest flagellum. S. horrida does not differ significantly from the representatives of the family Scorpaenidae. However, based on the contour of the head and midpiece (elliptic Fourier analysis), there is a trend to the separation of S. horrida from P. picta and D. zebra. The data on comparative spermatozoa morphology are discussed in relation to current phylogenetic schemes.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):226-238
pages 226-238 views

Features of the Formation of an Ovulatory Wave of Hypophysis Gonadotropins in High Fecundity Fish

Burlakov A.


Study on the state of bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis females' central and peripheral of hypothesis gonadotropocytes at light and electron microscopy levels after stimulation of ripening a chorionic gonadotropin revealed that the amount of secretory material diminishes in both types of cells. Intensive excretion of both secretory granules and content of cisterns of the granular endoplasmic reticulum take place. Formation by the hypophysis of an ovulatory wave of the gonadotropin in the females with different fecundity differs due to the change in proportions of processes of mero- and holocrine secretion.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):239-247
pages 239-247 views

Influence of Insecticides Diazinon and Endosulfan on Taste Reception in Persian Sturgeon Acipenser persicus (Acipenseridae)

Abtahi B., Nabavi H., Jafari-Shamushaki V., Gorbani R., Kasumyan A.


The present paper studies the effects of sublethal concentrations of two neurotoxic insecticides (diazinon and endosulfan, duration of exposure 48 h) on the taste attractiveness of L-histidine (0.1 M), L-cysteine (0.1 M), and L-asparagine acid (0.01 M) for juvenile Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus. The study revealed different effects of diazinon and endosulfan on the extraoral and intraoral taste reception in fish. The taste responses determined by the extraoral taste system (frequency of grasping of 50 food pellets for 5 min of trial) following exposure to endosulfan are the same as in the intact specimens. The exposure to diazinon leads to two to fourfold increase in the number of grasping the pellets, while the amino acids become tasteattractive as opposed to the intact specimens. Both insecticides affect the taste responses controlled by the intraoral taste reception. The insecticide-related pathology is expressed either as a sharp (tens of times) decrease in the absolute and relative consumption of all types of pellets or as full rejection of the pellets after their grasping. Furthermore, the intraoral taste properties of amino acids remain the same as in the intact fish.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):248-254
pages 248-254 views

Short Communications

New Occurrences of Flying Fishes Cheilopogon melanurus and C. heterurus (Exocoetidae) in the North Central Atlantic and Eastern Part of the Mediterranean Sea

Shakhovskoy I., Malikova D.


Cheilopogon melanurus, found for the first time in the central part of the North Atlantic (26°34′6 N 33°55′2 W), and C. heterurus from the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea (Mahmutlar, Alanya, Turkey) are described. C. heterurus is widely distributed in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea occurring here in all seasons.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):255-259
pages 255-259 views

The Behavior of Climbing Perch, Anabas testudineus, with Novel Food in Individual and Social Conditions

Zworykin D.


Results of investigation of how social context affects responses to, and consumption of the novel food in climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, are presented. The fish living in group fed better from the first day of the experiment. The quantity of consumed pellets always exceeded that in solitary specimens. Their rate of habituation to the novel food was always significantly higher.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):260-264
pages 260-264 views

Changes of Somatotropin Concentration in Blood Serum of Juvenile Russian Sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Acipenseriformes) During Adaptation to Hyperosmotic Medium

Semenova O., Pritvorova A., Krayushkina L.


To study the role of somatotropin (ST) in osmotic regulation of anadromous acipenserids, the dynamics of hormone concentration in blood serum of juvenile Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt (age 4 months, average length 16.9 cm, average weight 17.1 g) during fish adaptation to hyperosmotic medium of 12.5‰ salinity (403 mOsm/l) was evaluated for the first time. During the first 24 h after the transfer of fish from freshwater to hyperosmotic medium, an increase of ST serum concentration (up to 2.06 ± 0.09 vs. 0.98 ± 0.03 pg/ml in control fish from freshwater) was observed. This increase occurs concurrently with an increase in blood serum osmolarity (up to 386.2 ± 4.0 mOsm/l vs. 218.5 ± 4.9 mOsm/l in control) resulting from the diffusion of water from the organism under new osmotic gradient, as well as with the period of morphofunctional remodelling of the osmoregulatory system corresponding to the transition of fish to hypoosmotic regulation. 24 h after the start of the experiment, fish that have shifted to hypoosmotic regulation display the adaptive decrease in osmolarity (aimed at maintaining the relative constancy of blood serum) and the ST concentration (down to 1.18 ± 0.16 pg/ml after 120 h, comparable with that in the control fish). It is concluded that during transition of juvenile Russian sturgeon to hypoosmotic regulation, ST becomes involved in morphofunctional remodelling of the osmoregulatory system concurrently with other components of this system. ST-immunopositive cells were revealed in the dorsal part of mesoadenohypophysis of Russian sturgeon juveniles by immunochemical method.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):265-268
pages 265-268 views

Activity of Peptidases and Glycosidases: Effect of Light Deprivation and Heavy Metals on the Effects of Serotonin and Cholecystokinin in the Carp Cyprinus carpio

Kuz’mina V., Kulivatskaya E.


The dependence of the effects of serotonin and cholecystokinin on the activity of peptidases and glycosidases in the intestine of the carp Cyprinus carpio from the content of zinc and copper ions in different photoperiods (6: 18 and 0: 24 h) was studied. It was shown that the activity of enzymes in the intestine of fish under the influence of both hormones in conditions of light deprivation significantly increases, especially under the action of copper. The mechanisms of the influence of these factors on the activity of peptidases and glycosidases of fish intestines are discussed.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):269-273
pages 269-273 views


Erratum to: “New Findings of Rare Fish Species in Indian and Pacific Oceans with the Description of Two New Species from the Families Gobiidae and Platycephalidae”

Prokofiev A.


A synonymy of Cottus dybowskii with Myoxocephalus brandtii had been incorrectly indicated.

Actually this nominal species is conspecific with M. stelleri, which can be confirmed by the proportions of the head and by the variegated pattern on its ventral surface mentioned in the brief redescription of the holotype, by which the aforementioned species of sculpins can be distinguished.

The correct synonymy is the following: Cottus dybowskii Hilgendorf, 1879 = Myoxocephalus stelleri Tilesius, 1811.

Journal of Ichthyology. 2018;58(2):274-274
pages 274-274 views

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