Respiratory Activity and Biodiversity of Microbiomes in Podzolic Soils of Post-Pyrogenic Spruce Forests in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Komi Republic




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Data on the microbiological properties of podzolic soils (Retisols) of old-growth spruce forests in the middle taiga of the Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Komi Republic are presented. It is shown that, despite the geographical distance, the soils of the regions are characterized by similar morphological and physicochemical properties. It was noted that in the soils of the spruce forests of the European North (R. Komi) and middle Siberia (Krasnoyarsk Krai), no significant difference in the accumulation of microbial biomass and the rate of microbial respiration was found. However, the content of carbon and nitrogen in soils, as well as microbial biomass, had significant differences in the qualitative composition of microbiomes in pyrogenic and non-pyrogenic soil horizons. A significant effect of the pyrogenic factor on the α-diversity of bacteria and fungi was noted. It was shown that representatives of the dominant phyla of bacteria (Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Planctomycetes) and fungi (Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Mucoromycota) actively participate in the assimilation of organic matter with the presence of pyrogenic carbon. The microbiomes of the upper pyrogenic subhorizons include groups of carbotrophic bacteria (Thermomonosporaceae, Isosphaeraceae, Bacillaceae, Xanthobacteraceae) and fungi from the classes Dothideomycetes (Cenococcum), Eurotiomycetes (Penicillium), Sordariomycetes (Trichoderma), Leotiomycetes (Oidiodendron), Umbelopsidomycetes (Umbelopsis), which are capable of converting pyrolysis products into accessible and non-toxic substrates for other organisms.


I. Grodnitskaya

Sukachev Forest Institute; Siberian Federal University

Russia, 660036, Krasnoyarsk; Russia, 660041, Krasnoyarsk

O. Pashkeeva

Sukachev Forest Institute

Russia, 660036, Krasnoyarsk

V. Startsev

Institute of Biology, Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science

Russia, 167982, Syktyvkar

A. Dymov

Institute of Biology, Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science; Lomonosov Moscow State University

Russia, 167982, Syktyvkar; Russia, 119991, Moscow


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版权所有 © И.Д. Гродницкая, О.Э. Пашкеева, В.В. Старцев, А.А. Дымов, 2023
