Changes in the Microbiological and Physico-Chemical Properties of Soils after Fires in Pine and Birch Forests of Central Regions of the Zabaikal Krai

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The microbiological and some physico-chemical properties of illuvial-ferruginous soddy-podburs (Entic Rustic Podzols) soils in Scots pine forests and gray-humic typical light loamy soils (Umbrisols) in secondary birch forests of the central regions of the Zabaikal krai have been studied. Fires in soddy-podburs pine forests resulted in decrease in the total exchangeable basis, total nitrogen, mobile forms of potassium and phosphorus, and in increase in the proportion of C : N; while in birch forests, on the contrary, an increase of the mentioned indicators and a narrowing of the C : N proportion in the gray-humic typical soils were observed. The content of humus in the upper soil horizon decreases only in recently burned Scots pine forests after a high-severity fire, while in other sites it increases. A decrease in the soil acidity was observed at all burned sites. High-severity fires lead to a significant decrease in the content of microbial biomass and the intensity of basal respiration, as well as to a change in the structure of ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms in the soils up to a depth of 10 cm of the mineral horizon, while low-severity fires mainly affect the duff. The qCO2 coefficient increased 2–5 times after fires in the duff and 1.5–2 times in the humus horizon only after high-severity fires. In recently burned Scots pine forests, the storage of microbial biomass and microbial production of carbon dioxide significantly decreased up to a depth of 10 cm of the mineral soil layer. In the steppe site formed after the impact of fires in the pine forest, and in the birch forest after a high-severity fire, in the humus horizon the carbon storage of microbial biomass decreased by 15–20%, and the microbial production of CO2 increased by 10–20%, predetermining the predominance of mineralization processes. The considered post-fire transformation of the structural and functional parameters of soil microbiocenosis, as well as a 20–40% decrease in the total carbon storage of microbial biomass in the soils of all sites demonstrate a long recovery period of soils after fires in light coniferous and deciduous forests of the central regions of the Zabaikal krai.

About the authors

A. V. Bogorodskaya

Sukachev Institute of Forest FRC KSС SB RAS

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 660036, Krasnoyarsk

E. A. Kukavskaya

Sukachev Institute of Forest FRC KSС SB RAS

Russia, 660036, Krasnoyarsk

O. P. Kalenskaya

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology

Russia, 660049, Krasnoyarsk

L. V. Buryak

Sukachev Institute of Forest FRC KSС SB RAS; Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology; The Branch of FBU VNIILM “Centre of Forest Pyrology”

Russia, 660036, Krasnoyarsk; Russia, 660049, Krasnoyarsk; Russia, 660062, Krasnoyarsk


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Copyright (c) 2023 А.В. Богородская, Е.А. Кукавская, О.П. Каленская, Л.В. Буряк

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