Biotechnological Potential of Hydrolytic Prokaryotic Component in Soils

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The phylogenetic and functional diversity of a prokaryotic complex with biotechnological potential (carrying out the destruction of biopolymers, hydrocarbons; capable of synthesizing secondary metabolites; nitrogen fixation process) in soil and associated ecosystems has been studied. In order to identify the specifics of the development of metabolically active prokaryotes with biotechnological potential, the patterns of their distribution and the dependence of functional activity on the main environmental factors have been established. The study used molecular biological and bioinformatic approaches. The range of samples studied included modern soils (Volgograd, Tula, Moscow regions, Siberia and the Northern part of Central Kamchatka), relict habitats (Volgograd Region and Central Kamchatka) and permafrost soils of Antarctica (King George Island). The impact of anthropogenic and abiogenic loads on the development of the prokaryotic community was considered. In soils exposed to anthropogenic or abiogenic loads, along with a decrease in the diversity and abundance of prokaryotes, an increase in the number of genes marking the ability of a community to biodegradate xenobiotics, as well as genes encoding nitrogen transformations and the level of metabolism of cofactors and vitamins was found. The bacterial complex is capable of nitrification with high oil contamination of the soil, and its role also increases in the lower layers of the soil profile. Archaea play a leading role in the nitrification process in undisturbed soils. The revealed patterns indicate a high metabolic potential of the prokaryotic component of the objects under consideration and open up opportunities for biotechnological use of strains isolated from relict habitats.

About the authors

N. A. Manucharova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 119991, Moscow

M. A. Kovalenko

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Russia, 119991, Moscow

M. G. Alekseeva

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Russia, 119991, Moscow

A. D. Babenko

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Russia, 119991, Moscow

A. L. Stepanov

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Russia, 119991, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2023 Н.А. Манучарова, М.А. Коваленко, М.Г. Алексеева, А.Д. Бабенко, А.Л. Степанов

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