
Optical Absorption of a Composite Based on Bimetallic Nanoparticles. Classical Approach
Korotun A., Koval’ A., Reva V., Titov I.
Influence of the parameters of a high-frequency acoustic wave on the structure, properties, and plastic flow of metal in the zone of a joint of materials welded by ultrasound-assisted explosive welding
Peev A., Kuz’min S., Lysak V., Kuz’min E., Dorodnikov A.
Direct Laser Growth of Inсonel 625/TiC Composite: Effect of Structural State of Initial Powder
Aleksandrova A., Bazaleeva K., Balakirev E., Brykov A., Grigor’yants A.
Structure and properties of the Al/SiC composite material
Pugacheva N., Michurov N., Bykova T.
Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Al/Mg–8Li–3Al–1Zn/Al Composite Plates Fabricated by Hot Rolling
Peng Ji , Ma X., Wu R., Hou L., Zhang J., Li X., Zhang M.
Theoretical Investigation of Calculating Temperatures in the Combining Zone of Cu/Fe Composite Plate Jointed by Explosive Welding
Qu Y., Zhang W., Kong X., Zhao X.
Influence of Modifying Nanoadditives on the Properties of a Multilayer Composite Coating Obtained by Laser Surfacing
Cherepanov A., Orishich A., Ovcharenko V., Malikov A., Drozdov V., Pshenichnikov A.
Structure and thermophysical properties of aluminum-matrix composites
Pugacheva N., Michurov N., Senaeva E., Bykova T.
Effects of Doping of Composite Ti–TiC Coatings with Transition and Valve Metals on Their Structure and Mechanical Properties
Zhevtun I., Gordienko P., Kul’chin Y., Subbotin E., Yarusova S., Golub A.
Effect of plastic deformation on the structure and mechanical properties of an ultra-low carbon interstitial-free steel in the monolithic material and as a component of a sandwich composite
Gladkovsky S., Kuteneva S., Kamantsev I., Sergeev S., Safarov I.
Evolution of the Structure and Properties of Al/Cu/Mg Ternary Composites during Thermomechanical Treatment
Brodova I., Volkov A., Shirinkina I., Kalonov A., Yablonskikh T., Astaf’ev V., Elokhina L.
Investigation of the microstructure and properties of Al–Si–Mg/SiC composite materials produced by solidification under pressure
Mohamed E., Churyumov A.
Structure and Nanomechanical Properties of the Al–Si–Fe Alloy Produced by Blowing the Melt with Oxygen
Chikova O., Finkel’shtein A., Shefer A.
Effect of the B4C content on the structure and thermal expansion coefficient of the Al–5% Cu alloy-based metal-matrix composite material
Pozdniakov A., Lotfy A., Qadir A., Zolotorevskiy V.
Anisotropic Magnetoelectric Effect in a Magnetostrictive Fiber Composite—Piezoelectric Plate Structure
Fetisov L., Saveliev D., Chashin D., Vieunic D., Shabin P.
Structural transformations and properties of titanium–aluminum composite during heat treatment
Pervukhin L., Kryukov D., Krivenkov A., Chugunov S.
1 - 16 из 16 результатов
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