Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 119, № 13 (2018)

Theory of Metals

First-Principles Calculations of the Electronic Structure of Imperfect Crystals in the Coherent Potential Approximation

Korotin M., Kurmaev E.


The results of electronic structure calculations of imperfect crystals—nonstoichiometric metal oxides (TiO2 – x, TiO1 – x, Al2O3 – x) are reviewed. All calculations were performed within the density functional theory in the coherent potential approximation with vacancies randomly distributed in metal and oxygen sublattices. It is found that the deviations from stoichiometric composition are accompanied by appearance of vacancy induced electronic states inside the band gap of initial insulating oxides.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1249-1253
pages 1249-1253 views

Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of Strongly Correlated Transition Metal Compounds

Anisimov V., Lukoyanov A., Skornyakov S.


Different classes of compounds based on transition metals belong to strongly correlated compounds due to strong interactions of d and f electrons with each other and with itinerant electronic states. This results in a number of interesting phenomena, including metal–insulator and various magnetic spin transitions, “heavy fermion” compounds, interplay between magnetic order and superconductivity, formation of local magnetic moments, anomalies of transport properties, etc. Recent results in this field based on applications of ab initio approaches and dynamical mean-field theory are reviewed in this paper.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1254-1258
pages 1254-1258 views

Spincaloritronic in Magnetic Nanostructures

Lyapilin I., Okorokov M.


Using one of the methods of quantum nonequilibrium statistical physics we have investigated the spin transport transverse to the normal metal/ferromagnetic insulator interface in hybrid nanostructures. An approximation of the effective parameters, when each of the interacting subsystems (electron spin, magnon, and phonon) is characterized by its own effective temperature have been considered. We have constructed the macroscopic equations describing the spin-wave current caused by both the resonantly exciting spin subsystem of conduction electrons and an inhomogeneous temperature field in the ferromagnetic insulator. In addition, we have derived the generalized Bloch equations describing the spin-wave current propagation in the insulator and considering the resonant-diffusion nature of the propagation of magnons and their relaxation processes. We have shown that the spin-wave current excitation under combined resonance conditions bears a resonant nature. The formation of the two: injected and thermally excited, different in energies magnon subsystems and the influence of its interaction with phonon drag effect under spin Seebeck effect conditions in the magnetic insulator part of the metal/ferromagnetic insulator/metal structure is studied.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1259-1262
pages 1259-1262 views

Magnetic Phase Transitions and Electric Polarization in RMn2O5 Oxides

Men’shenin V.


Possible phase transitions from paramagnetic to the magnetic phases in the RMn2O5 (R = Bi, Pr, La) compounds have been studied in the framework of a phenomenological approach based on a symmetry analysis. The basis functions of the irreducible representations of the space group for these compounds are determined, which are expressed in terms of the magnetic vector components. It was found from renormalization group analysis of two magnetic transitions that polarization appears in BiMn2O5 oxide when at least one of these transitions becomes a first-order transition as a result of spin fluctuations. It was shown that the commensurate antiferromagnetic phase resulting from magnetic phase transition of the second order in PrMn2O5 has no electric polarization because this polarization is forbidden by the symmetry of the system. The conditions under which the parameters of the thermodynamic potential must satisfy the realization of a second-order transition in LaMn2O5 to have been found. The line of the first-order phase transitions in this system and the critical point of the second-order phase transition line have been determined. It was shown that a dynamic electric polarization can form in the antiferromagnetic phase for this compound.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1263-1266
pages 1263-1266 views

Electron States and Magnetic Phase Diagrams of Strongly Correlated Systems

Irkhin V., Igoshev P.


Various auxiliary-particle approaches to treat electron correlations in many-electron models are analyzed. Applications to copper-oxide layered systems are discussed. The ground-state magnetic phase diagrams are considered within the Hubbard and \(s\)\(d\) exchange (Kondo) models for square and simple cubic lattices vs. band filling and interaction parameter. A generalized Hartree–Fock approximation is employed to treat commensurate ferro-, antiferromagnetic, and incommensurate (spiral) magnetic phases, and also magnetic phase separation. The correlations are taken into account within the Hubbard model by using the slave-boson approach. The main advantage of this approach is correct estimating the contribution of doubly occupied states number and therefore the paramagnetic phase energy.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1267-1271
pages 1267-1271 views

Autoresonant Excitation and Control of Solitons in Magnetics

Batalov S., Shagalov A.


The method of exciting a soliton and complicated nonlinear structures in easy axis (EA) magnets based on the autoresonance effect upon pumping by an external circularly polarized field with a slowly varying amplitude is proposed. The threshold conditions of the pumping field amplitude ensuring such an excitation are determined. It is shown that autoresonance can also be used to control the parameters of soliton spin waves, in particular, their velocity and amplitude. The conditions of capturing a soliton by external pumping are found. The equations describing the time evolution of soliton parameters under the action of an external ac fields are obtained. It is discovered that a soliton can also be controlled with the help of the scattering-at-resonance effect.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1272-1275
pages 1272-1275 views

Low-Dimensional Ruthenates with Honeycomb Lattice

Streltsov S.


In this ultrashort review we consider several ruthenates having layered structure with the Ru ions forming a honeycomb lattice (SrRu2O6, AgRuO3, Li2RuO3, Na2RuO3, and α-RuCl3). Depending on the number of d-electrons and Ru–Ru bond length these materials demonstrate very different physical properties.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1276-1279
pages 1276-1279 views

Electrical and Magnetic Properties

Magnetooptics of Manganites with Collosal Magnetoresistance

Sukhorukov Y., Nosov A., Bessonova V.


The determination of trends in the emergence of magnetooptical properties and the influence of magnetic phase transitions on the optical properties of magnetic materials is a topical issue in various areas of physics and engineering. The present review is focused on the high-magnitude magnetooptical effects of magnetotransmission and magnetoreflection of unpolarized radiation in a wide spectral region discovered in manganites with colossal magnetoresistance (CMR). The physical mechanisms of these magnetooptical effects in manganites and the potential for their practical application are discussed. The questions requiring further study are formulated.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1280-1283
pages 1280-1283 views

Spin Waves in Magnetic Films with Antidots

Bessonov V., Telegin A., Demokritov S.


This review presents the data of the experimental investigation of the propagation and decay of magnetostatic spin waves (MSWs) obtained when analyzing the Brillouin light scattering data in yttrium iron garnet films. It is shown that the effect of nonreflected wave connected with artificial antidots in films leads to a significant increase in the intensity and propagation length of the magnetostatic spin waves in yttrium iron garnet.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1284-1288
pages 1284-1288 views

Spin-Polarized Electron Injection into an InSb Semiconductor

Viglin N., Bebenin N.


The main stages of the study of spin-polarized electron injection into InSb semiconductor are considered. The characteristics of electromagnetic absorption and radiation due to spin-polarized electron injection into an InSb are given. The fundamental parameters of spin-polarized electrons, such as the relaxation time and spin diffusion length, are determined. The spin polarization of the conduction electrons in InSb is measured by direct detection.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1289-1292
pages 1289-1292 views

Magnetorefractive Effect in Multilayer Nanostructures

Lobov I., Romashev L.


The relationship between the magnetorefractive effect (MRE) and giant magnetoresistance (GMR) is discussed. The common nature of these two effects in metallic multilayer magnetic structures is noted. The possibility of determining the parameters of the interface scattering of the conduction electrons through the analysis of the magnetoreflection of multilayer nanostructures in the intraband spectrum region is demonstrated. The underlying mechanisms of MRE and GMR are compared.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1293-1296
pages 1293-1296 views

Microwave Giant Magnetoresistance Effect in Metallic Nanostructures

Rinkevich A., Milyaev M., Romashev L., Perov D.


The microwave properties of magnetic metallic nanostructures with a giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect are studied. It is shown that the microwave changes are caused by two physical reasons, namely, the radiofrequency GMR effect and ferromagnetic resonance.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1297-1300
pages 1297-1300 views

Magnetism and Superconductivity of Transition Metal Chalcogenides

Baranov N., Selezneva N., Kazantsev V.


The structural, superconducting, and magnetic properties of transition metal (M) chalcogenides with layered crystal structures are considered depending on the metal-to-chalcogen (M: X) ratio. The main attention is paid to iron containing chalcogenides, in particular, to the Fe-intercalated titanium dichalcogenides FeyTiX2 and (Fe,M)7X8 compounds with NiAs-type structure, and also to the materials containing a tetragonal superconducting phase of the Fe1+δ(Se,Te)-type.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1301-1304
pages 1301-1304 views

Crystal Field Effects in Binary and Pseudobinary Intermetallics with the Non-Kramers Praseodymium Ions

Ermolenko A., Kuchin A., Korolev A.


This work is a brief review of investigations of the magnetic properties of binary and pseudobinary intermetallics containing non-Kramers praseodymium ions. Special attention is paid to the PrNi5, PrCu5, PrNi2, and PrAl2 compounds and substitutional solid solutions based on them.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1305-1308
pages 1305-1308 views

Magnetic Phase Transitions in Compounds with a Layered Crystal Structure

Gerasimov E., Mushnikov N.


Compounds with a layered ThCr2Si2-type crystal structure exhibit a great variety of magnetic structures and magnetic phase transitions. This has aroused the interest of investigators in their physical properties and allows us to consider these compounds as advanced materials for magnetocaloric, magnetostrictive, and magnetoresistive applications. In the present work, the new results related to the magnetic and thermal properties of the compounds are reviewed.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1309-1312
pages 1309-1312 views

Capabilities of NMR Relaxometry Using Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Analysis of Fluid Motion in a Porous Medium

Zhakov S., Byzov I., Mysik A.


The dependence of the transverse relaxation time T2 on the liquid, flow velocity in a porous medium (for the water and water suspension of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs)) is studied. The T2 value allows measuring the filtration velocity of a liquid on the order of 0.05 mm/s. MNPs in a small concentration decrease T2 but at the same time the dependence of T2 on the liquid’s velocity becomes more pronounced.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1313-1316
pages 1313-1316 views

Physical Conditions for Realization of Large Magnetocaloric Effect in Magnets

Valiev E., Pirogov A.


Physical quantities affecting the magnitude of magnetocaloric effect in ferro- and ferrimagnetic materials with first and second order magnetic phase transitions are considered. Governing equations for the main characteristics of the magnetocaloric effect are given and analyzed. Their outcomes are compared with the experimental results.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1317-1320
pages 1317-1320 views

Half-Metallic Ferromagnets and Spin Gapless Semiconductors

Marchenkov V., Kourov N., Irkhin V.


A brief review of experimental and theoretical studies of half-metallic ferromagnets (HMF) and spin gapless semiconductors (SGS) is presented. An important role of non-quasiparticle states owing to electron-magnon scattering in transport properties is discussed. The problem of low-temperature resistivity in HMF is treated in terms of one-magnon and two-magnon scattering processes.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1321-1324
pages 1321-1324 views

Semiconductor-Like Behavior of Electric Transport in Fe–V–Al-Based Metallic Alloys and Their Uncommon Magnetic Properties

Okulov V., Lonchakov A., Marchenkov V.


A brief survey of experimental and theoretical works on the study of electronic transport and magnetic properties of iron–vanadium–aluminum alloys of composition close to Fe2VAl is presented. These alloys consist of “good” metals, but manifest uncommon “semiconductor-like” kinetic and thermal properties in the region of low temperatures, and an anomalous behavior of magnetic characteristics at higher temperatures. These anomalies are explained by the existence of a narrow pseudo-gap in the density of electronic states at the Fermi level EF and also by a strong effect of the processes of scattering of charge carriers by local magnetic moments.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1325-1328
pages 1325-1328 views

Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion

Thermal Stability of a Submicrocrystalline Structure of Metals and Alloys

Degtyarev M., Chashchukhina T., Voronova L.


The behavior of a material upon deformation and subsequent heating is related to the stagewise development of the structure and is determined by the structure-forming processes developing under specific deformation conditions. The effect of the following relaxation processes on the thermal stability of the deformation structure in metals and alloys is analyzed: deformation-induced dislocation–disclination strengthening, deformation twinning, baric phase transformation, dynamic recovery, and dynamic recrystallization.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1329-1332
pages 1329-1332 views

Computer Simulation for the Prediction of Phase Composition and Structure of Low-Alloyed Steels with Carbonitride Hardening

Popov V., Gorbachev I.


Capabilities of modern methods of computer simulation of the phase composition and structure of the low-alloyed steels with carbonitride hardening at the solidification, austenization, and hot deformation of an ingot are briefly reviewed.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1333-1337
pages 1333-1337 views

Processes of Self-Organization and Evolution of the Microstructure of Metals and Intermetallic Compounds under a Strong External Action

Greenberg B., Ivanov M., Pilyugin V.


Electron-microscopic studies of the processes of self-organization and evolution of the microstructure of metals and intermetallic compounds under different strong external actions are carried out. Special attention is given to the study of processes controlling the formation of explosively welded joints. Welded joints such as copper–tantalum, copper–titanium, aluminum–tantalum, titanium–orthorhombic titanium aluminide, steel–steel, etc., are studied. It is shown that the main mechanisms of self-organization in metals, which lead to the formation of stable joints after a very strong and short-term explosive action, are the fragmentation of two types, i.e., the formation of cusps and splashes, the formation of quasi-wave and wave interfaces, and local melting. The self-organization processes are also studied under the action of another kind of strong external action—severe plastic deformation by high-pressure torsion (HPT). It is shown that the effect of the self-locking of dislocations in the intermetallic compounds disappears upon torsion.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1338-1341
pages 1338-1341 views

Strength and Plasticity

Dynamic Properties of Submicrocrystalline Aluminum Alloys

Brodova I., Petrova A.


The main results reflecting the relationship between the composition, structure, and mechanical properties of submicrocrystalline aluminum alloys produced by dynamic channel-angular pressing in the quasi-static \(\dot {\varepsilon }\) = (3.3–6.6) × 103 s–1 and dynamic \(\dot {\varepsilon }\) = (1–3) × 105 s–1 regimes of loading are presented.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1342-1345
pages 1342-1345 views

Development of High-Strength, Fine, and Ultrafine-Grained Shape Memory Alloys

Pushin V., Kuranova N., Pushin A.


A brief review of the systematic studies of the structural and phase transformations and properties of alloys based on titanium nickelide and alloyed with Fe, Co, Cu, Zr, Hf, Pd, Pt, and Au is presented. Generalized phase diagrams of martensitic transitions are built. It is shown that alloying with a third component in a quasi-binary composition increases or decreases the critical temperatures of the thermoelastic martensitic transformations and shape memory effects (SMEs) to a different degree with respect to the base binary titanium nickelide. The structure of thermoelastic martensite is established to have a packet–pyramidal morphology of thin coherent nano- and submicrometer crystals. Martensite crystals are twinned over several systems of a “soft” twinning shear in an isotropic elastic–soft austenite. It is this mechanism that provides a unique coherent accommodation for the arising elastic stresses. The fine-grained (FG) and ultrafine-grained (UFG) structure hardens the alloys and increases their plasticity, while retaining the thermomechanical shape memory in them.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1346-1349
pages 1346-1349 views

Oxide-Dispersion Strengthened Radiation-Resistant Steels

Sagaradze V., Kozlov K., Kataeva N.


The better characteristics of the long-term strength of the EP-450-ODS (oxide dispersion strengthened) steel are determined compared to the well-known oxygen-free reactor steels. Using the Mössbauer analysis of the deformed powder mixture 56Fe3O4 + 57Fe, the possibility of the deformation-induced dissolution of iron oxides in the steel matrix, which makes it possible to obtain high quality ODS steels in the process of subsequent high-temperature annealing (sintering), is shown. The enhanced strength characteristics are obtained in recrystallized samples of ODS iron (YS0.2 ~ 570 MPa, UTS ~ 632 MPa) in the absence of any other alloying elements except for oxygen of air.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(13):1350-1353
pages 1350-1353 views

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