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Vol 118, No 7 (2017)

Theory of Metals

Relaxation of the residual defect structure in deformed polycrystals under ultrasonic action

Murzaev R.T., Bachurin D.V., Nazarov A.A.


Using numerical computer simulation, the behavior of disordered dislocation systems under the action of monochromatic standing sound wave has been investigated in the grain of the model two-dimensional polycrystal containing nonequilibrium grain boundaries. It has been found that the presence of grain boundaries markedly affects the behavior of dislocations. The relaxation process and changes in the level of internal stresses caused by the rearrangement of the dislocation structure due to the ultrasonic action have been studied.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017;118(7):621-629
pages 621-629 views

Decomposition of equilibrium interphase boundary in substitutional alloys upon mechanical alloying

Gapontsev V.L., Seleznev V.D., Gapontsev A.V.


The vacancy-flux-induced decomposition of an interphase boundary in substitutional alloys has been considered. The interphase boundary decomposition has been described using the nonequilibrium thermodynamics approach, which considers a heterogeneous system to be continuous medium, including the interphase boundary. A hypothesis of local equilibrium in the thermodynamics of a continuous medium has been substituted for a more general hypothesis that takes into account the nonlocal dependence of thermodynamic forces and fluxes on order parameters. The interpretation of the formation of spatial composition modulations during the mechanical alloying of pure metallic Cu–Co, Cu–Fe, and Fe–Cr–Sn powder mixtures has been given.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017;118(7):630-643
pages 630-643 views

Electrical and Magnetic Properties

Evolution of the structural and magnetotransport properties of magnetite films depending on the temperature of their synthesis on the SiO2/Si(001) surface

Balashev V.V., Vikulov V.A., Dimitriev A.A., Pisarenko T.A., Pustovalov E.V., Korobtsov V.V.


The methods of transmission and reflection electron diffraction have been used to investigate the structure of Fe3O4 films depending on the temperature of their synthesis on an Si substrate coated with an ultrathin layer of SiO2. The thus-grown polycrystalline films of magnetite had a texture, the axis of which was perpendicular to the surface of the SiO2 film. It has been revealed that, with an increase in the growth temperature, a structural rearrangement occurs which is characterized by an increase in the volume fraction of grains with the preferred (311) orientation. A study of the magnetotransport properties of the films has shown that the magnitude of their magnetoresistance increases with an increase in the temperature of their synthesis. It has been established that in the Fe3O4/SiO2/Si system with a tunneling-thin layer of SiO2 the magnetoresistance decreases as a result of the flow of an electric current through the silicon substrate.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017;118(7):644-651
pages 644-651 views

Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion

Mechanism of competitive grain growth in a curvilinear channel of crystal-sorter during the orientational solidification of nickel-based heat-resistant alloy

Monastyrskiy V.P., Pozdnyakov A.N., Ershov M.Y., Monastyrskiy A.V.


Using numerical simulation in the ProCAST program complex, the conditions of the solidification of heat-resistant nickel alloy in curvilinear channels of a ceramic mold have been investigated. It has been shown that, in practically important cases, the vector of the temperature gradient is oriented along the axis of the curvilinear channel. In a spiral crystal selector, a cyclic change in the preferred direction of growth occurs because of the cyclic change in the direction of the vector of the temperature gradient. The fact that the vector of the temperature gradient is almost always directed along the axis of the curvilinear channel makes it possible to govern the orientation of the vector of the temperature gradient in space and, therefore, to obtain a grain with the preferred crystallographic orientation. Based on the results of this investigation, a method of the grain selection with a desired azimuthal orientation is proposed.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017;118(7):652-658
pages 652-658 views

Structure of strengthening particles of niobium carbide in Fe–Cr–Ni cast refractory alloys

Kondrat’ev S.Y., Svyatisheva E.V., Anastasiadi G.P., Petrov S.N.


Methods of optical and electron microscopies were used to study the structure of particles of niobium carbide in a cast refractory Fe–Cr–Ni–C alloy modified by Nb and Ti. Particles of niobium carbide in the structure of the cast alloy are predominantly multiphase polycrystalline clusters that are inhomogeneous in the chemical composition and crystal structure. The misorientation angle between individual crystals that compose the carbide particles is 30°–60°. The polycrystalline character of carbides is probably associated with significant thermal stresses that arise at the interphase boundaries in the structure of the alloy upon the primary cooling of the ingot. To explain the polymorphism of the cluster of niobium carbide, a further analysis of the structural and geometrical crystallography is required.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017;118(7):659-670
pages 659-670 views

Structure and properties of hydrogen-intercalated YBa2Cu3Oy

Bobylev I.B., Naumov S.V., Zyuzeva N.A.


The effect of hydrogenation at 150 and 200°С on the structure and magnetic susceptibility of YBa2Cu3Oy (123) with different hydrogen contents has been studied. Upon the incorporation of hydrogen, the phase transition of the 123 phase into a defect tetragonal 124 phase occurs. In contrast to the transition upon hydration, the phase transition upon hydrogenation takes place only for compounds characterized by high oxygen contents (y > 6.5). Depending on the compound structure and oxygen content, hydrogen atoms can both occupy interstitials in Cu–O planes to form HYBa2Cu3O6 and join with oxygen to form an oxide–hydroxide. In contrast to hydration, upon hydrogenation of YBa2Cu3Oy, the substitution of europium for yttrium and alloying with cerium and zirconium oxides do not block the intercalation of hydrogen into the structure of the 123 compound.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017;118(7):671-680
pages 671-680 views

Phase and structural transformations in a low-carbon steel that occur upon the collapse of a cylindrical shell

Kheifets A.E., Zel’dovich V.I., Frolova N.Y., Dolgikh S.M., Gaan K.V., Shorokhov E.V.


An experiment has been performed on the collapse of a thick-walled shell (tube) made of steel 20 (Fe–0.2 wt % C) to a continuous cylinder under the action of explosion. The changes of the microstructure of the cylinder have been investigated that arise under the effect of two factors, i.e., a shock wave, which causes the initial pulse to the collapse, and high-strain-rate deformation upon the subsequent inertial convergence of the shell walls. Changes in the time-dependent temperature distribution in the cylinder have been calculated. As a result of the deformation, the new structure has been obtained in steel 20 due to barothermic quenching that consists of fine crystals of the α phase, which arise during the quenching at the place of free ferrite, and of regions of the retained initial pearlite. It has been shown that the uncommon order of the occurrence of the α → γ transformation is explained by the different degree of heating of the structural constituents of the steel (free ferrite; and pearlite). The conclusion has been drawn that the high-strain-rate deformation that occurs in this experiment can be used as the method that makes it possible not only to differently deform but also to differently heat the different structural components of multiphase materials.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017;118(7):681-690
pages 681-690 views

Structure and magnetic properties of mechanically synthesized (Fe1–xNix)75C25 nanocomposites

Ul’yanov A.I., Chulkina A.A., Volkov V.A., Ul’yanov A.L., Zagainov A.V.


X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and magnetic measurements have been used to study the phase formation in (Fe1–xNix) (with х = 0–0.20) nanocomposites upon severe plastic deformation in a planetary ball mill and subsequent annealings. It has been shown that the mechanical synthesis results in the formation of mainly a nickel-alloyed nanocrystalline (Fe, Ni)3C cementite with a distorted crystal lattice and an amorphous Fe–Ni–C phase. During heating above 300°С, the amorphous phase crystallizes with the formation of cementite, which is characterized by a higher Ni content compared to that in mechanically synthesized cementite. The mechanically synthesized samples exhibit low coercive force (equal to several tens ampere per centimeter). In the course of annealing at temperatures of up to 500–550°С, crystal lattice distortions are removed; this results in reliving the magnetic anisotropy constant and high-coercivity state of cementite. At the same time, Ni-rich cementite areas decompose with the formation of γ-(Fe, Ni, C) phase (austenite); as a result, the average nickel content in the cementite substantially decreases. Annealings at higher temperatures cause the complete decomposition of cementite and lead to an abrupt decrease in the coercive force (Нс) of samples. Alloying with nickel leads to an increase in the Curie temperature of cementite and a decrease in its specific saturation magnetization, coercive force, and thermal stability.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017;118(7):691-699
pages 691-699 views

Strength and Plasticity

Elastic properties, internal stresses, and excess volume of nanomaterials

Vasil’ev L.S., Lomaev S.L.


The analytical dependences of the stress-state characteristics of the single-component nanocrystalline-materials on the magnitude of the excess volume have been determined. It has been shown that local fluctuations in the internal stresses of these materials can significantly exceed the values of the macroscopic ultimate strength.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017;118(7):700-706
pages 700-706 views

Influence of structure on static cracking resistance and fracture of welded joints of pipe steels of strength class K60

Tereshchenko N.A., Tabatchikova T.I., Yakovleva I.L., Makovetskii A.N., Shander S.V.


The static cracking resistance of a number of welded joints made from pipe steels of K60 strength class has been determined. It has been established that the deformation parameter CTOD varies significantly at identical parameters of weldability of steels. The character of fracture has been investigated and the zone of local brittleness of welded joints has been studied. It has been shown that the ability of a metal to resist cracking is determined by the austenite grain size and by the bainite morphology in the region of overheating in the heat-affected zone of a welded joint.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017;118(7):707-715
pages 707-715 views

Comparison of appearance, microstructure and tensile properties during friction stir welding processes of Al–Si alloys

Shailesh Rao A., Yuvaraja N.


The scope of this paper is to evaluate and discuss the flow phenomena of Al–2Si and Al–12Si alloys, which were joined through friction stir welding processes. The feed rate of 50mm/min and tool rotation of 600, 900, and 1200 rpm were selected for the processes. There was much change in the surface morphology with smoothness for Al–2Si alloy and roughness for Al–12 Si alloys. The microstructure studies on the weld zone were performed. The mechanical properties like tensile strength and hardness are discussed in detail.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017;118(7):716-722
pages 716-722 views

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