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卷 58, 编号 2 (2024)



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Phylogenetic relationships of Mesocestoides vaillant, 1863 tetrathyridia from small mammals of Eastern Russia and Alaska based on 18S rRNA gene

Pospekhova N., Pereverzeva V., Dokuchaev N., Primak A.


A fragment of 875 bp of the 18S rRNA gene was studied in 12 samples of Mesocestoides tetrathyridia from small mammals of 7 species collected in geographically distant localities. Five haplotypes were identified, differing from each other by 27 nucleotide substitutions in 24 sites. It has been found that the 18S rRNA haplotypes belong to two genetically distinct haplogroups. Molecular diversity indices were calculated for each of them. The conducted analysis allowed to suggest the following: 1) Mesocestoides sp. haplogroups A and B belong to two different species, but do not belong to any of the confirmed species of the genus; 2) the deletion of bp 729–747 and the insertion at site 761 of guanine can be regarded as a genetic marker for the species Mesocestoides litteratus.

Parazitologiâ. 2024;58(2):91-100
pages 91-100 views

Synhospitality of eriophyoid mites (Acariformes, Eriophyoidea): taxonomic analysis of gall-forming mite species complexes on boreal woody dicotyledons

Sukhareva S., Aristov D., Gankevich V., Desnitskiy A., Ozman-Sullivan S., Chetverikov P.


Microscopic mites of the Eriophyoidea superfamily are characterized by an ability to cause the growth of galls on plants. Synhospital complexes of gall-forming Eriophyoidea (SCGE) species are formed by several species of gall mites coexisting on the same host plant. To assess the phenomenon of synhospitality, we investigated the features of the taxonomic composition and diversity of galls formed by eriophyoid mites on boreal woody dicotyledons and carried out a statistical analysis of the host relationships of different gall mite genera from the Eriophyidae family. We found out that phylogenetically closely related hosts within biogeographically integral territories possess the similar SCGE. During colonization of plants, gall mites demonstrate a high ability to cryptic speciation, which leads to genesis of morphologically similar mite species that cause the formation of different types of galls. Host preferences of gall mites belonging to the different supergenera groups play an important role in the formation of the SCGE, which determines the differences in mite taxa spectra associated with hosts from different families. In general, the results of the work demonstrate that the synhospitality of Eriophyoidea is not a random process, but is the result of a long-term coadaptation in the “parasite–host” system. This is one of the phenomena reflecting the stages of the global historical process of the colonization of Embriophyta plants by mites of the Eriophyoidea superfamily.

Parazitologiâ. 2024;58(2):101-123
pages 101-123 views

Evaluation of virulence of isolates of certain species of entomopathogenic anamorphic ascomycetes (Fungi, Ascomycota) in relation to adult individuals of the tick Ixodes Persulcatus

Borisov B., Bespyatova L., Lednev G., Levchenko M., Bugmyrin S.


In nature, entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) play an important role in the control of population density in many arthropods. The lethal effects of EPF on ixodid ticks (Ixodidae) have been, however, reported mainly in southern warm-loving species, which are mostly not found in Europe. The aim of this study was to evaluate in laboratory the virulence of nine selected psychrotolerant EPF isolates of Beauveria bassiana s. l. (6), Akanthomyces cf. muscarius (2) and Metarhizium anisopliae s. l. (1) at a moderate average daily temperature of +14°C in relation to overwintering adult taiga ticks (Ixodes persulcatus), collected at the end of May in the Kondopoga region of the Republic of Karelia. Under this temperature, the use of suspensions for infection with a concentration of infectious spores (conidia) of 3×107 per 1 ml, all isolates showed a lethal effect on ticks. Among these isolates, the most virulent and rapidly acting one was B. bassiana s. l. CCi-Ar (SI)14 from the Arkhangelsk Province, Bolshoy Solovetsky Island (N 65°, E 35°), that killed 70% of specimens after 9 days, and 95% after 11 days. At the same time, it was found that male ticks have a slightly higher death rate from fungal infections. However, the potential suitability of some EPF isolates for biological control of I. persulcatus populations at low temperatures, shown in this study, requires confirmation in further tests in real conditions of recreational areas actively visited by humans, where infection with dangerous pathogens (tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme borreliosis) transmitted by tick bites often occurs.

Parazitologiâ. 2024;58(2):124-135
pages 124-135 views

Fauna and abundance of ixodids (Parasitiformes, Ixodidae) on Askold island (Primorsky krai): uniqueness, infection with pathogens

Nikitin A., Zvereva T., Verzhutskaya Y., Kaisarova N., Solodkaya N., Safonova N., Gordeyko N., Andaev E., Kolesnikova V., Balakhonov S.


Collecting of hard ticks by a flag from vegetation in Askold Island (Primorsky Territory) in May 17, 2023 has revealed the following 3 species: Haemaphysalis longicornis Neumann, 1901 (809 specimens), Haemaphysalis japonica douglasi Nuttall et Warburton, 1915 (223), Ixodes persulcatus Schulze, 1930 (4). A total of 1036 tick specimens were collected. The territory of the western part of the island was surveyed: a broad-leaved maple forest (925 ticks were collected) and a large-grass meadow (111). Identification of tick species was carried out according to morphological characters. The hard tick fauna of Askold Island is characterized by: 1) the dominance of H. longicornis, which is absent on neighboring islands; 2) a high proportion of nymphs in May among representatives of the genus Haemaphysalis (H. longicornis 96.0%, H. japonica 25.1%), the peak abundance of which is common in July–August; 3) a high abundance of ticks (more than 90.0 individuals per flag-hour; 4) absence of males in H. longicornis (32 females were collected). PCR did not detect infection of 160 nymphs (pools of 20 individuals) H. longicornis with markers of nucleic acids of tick-borne encephalitis virus, borrelia, anaplasma, ehrlichia and West Nile fever. However, since representatives of the genus Haemaphysalis are known as carriers of many other pathogens, the high abundance of hard ticks and the incompleteness of data on their infection rate do not allow us to classify the territory of Askold Island as an epidemiologically low-risk territory.

Parazitologiâ. 2024;58(2):136-146
pages 136-146 views

Morphological basis of the three classifications of the order of fleas (Insecta, Siphonaptera)

Medvedev S.


Morphological basis and the reasons of differences between three classifications of the order of fleas (Siphonaptera), proposed in the second half of the 20th century, are analyzed.

Parazitologiâ. 2024;58(2):147-168
pages 147-168 views

VII Congress of the Society of parasitologists: current results and challenges (16–20 October, 2023. Petrozavodsk)

Ieshko E., Bugmyrin S., Matveeva E., Yakovleva G.


В период с 16 по 20 октября 2023 г. в Петрозаводске на базе Карельского научного центра РАН состоялась Всероссийская конференция с международным участием «VII Съезд Паразитологического общества: Итоги и актуальные задачи». Тематика исследований охватывала широкий круг вопросов фундаментальной и прикладной паразитологии. В конференции приняли участие более 200 участников из различных регионов России, а также из Белоруссии, Вьетнама и Азербайджана. Работа съезда проходила в рамках пленарных и секционных заседаний по направлениям: экология и эволюция паразитов; паразитарные последствия глобальных изменений климата; морфофункциональные, молекулярные и биохимические аспекты паразито-хозяинных отношений; иммунный ответ при паразитарных инфекциях; биологические основы медицинской и ветеринарной паразитологии; паразиты растений, членистоногих, рыб, млекопитающих и птиц. Широко освещались достижения членов Общества в различных областях теоретической и прикладной паразитологии, было показано широкое внедрение современных методов исследований в систематике, экологии и эволюции паразитов животных и растений. Существенное внимание уделялось и анализу паразито-хозяинных отношений, включая их молекулярные аспекты, а также структуре и динамике формируемых паразитами популяций и сообществ.

Parazitologiâ. 2024;58(2):169-176
pages 169-176 views