The First Finds of the Most Ancient Oyster-Like Bivalves of the Genus Prospondylus Zimmermann (Pectinidae, Prospondylidae) in the Lower Permian of the Southern Cis-Urals (Russia)




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For the first time in the Lower Permian deposits (Upper Asselian–Sakmarian stages) of the Southern Cis-Urals, the most ancient representatives of oyster-like bivalves of the genus Prospondylus Zimmermann were found, reliable findings of which were previously known only in the Lower-Middle Permian deposits of North America and the Upper Permian deposits of Germany. A description of the new species Prospondylus shakhtauensis Biakov, sp. nov. is given.


A. Biakov

North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute n.a. N.A. Shilo, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 685000, Magadan

A. Mazaev

Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 117647, Moscow


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版权所有 © А.С. Бяков, А.В. Мазаев, 2023
