
Observations of Tsunami Waves on the Pacific Coast of Russia Originating from the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption on January 15, 2022
Medvedev I., Ivelskaya T., Rabinovich A., Tsukanova E., Medvedeva A.
Study of State and Variability of the Japan and Okhotsk Seas in the 77th Cruise of the R/V Professor Gagarinskiy and 97th Cruise of the R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrentyev
Lobanov V., Maryina E., Prushkovskaya I., Rudykh Y., Sagalaev S., Semkin P., Sokolov D., Ulanova O., Shvetsova M., Shkirnikova E., Shcherbakova K., Makseev D., Lukyanova N., Leusov A., Sergeev A., Goryachev V., Tishchenko P., Tsoy V., Barabanshchikov Y., Kalyuzhniy D., Krasikov V., Kukla S., Kushnir P., Legkodimov A., Yurtsev A.
Numerical Modeling of Tidal Phenomena of the Penzhinskaya Bay
Shpachuk D., Sokolov O., Bugaets A.
Study of Abiotic Factors Controlling Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Formation of Anomalous Conditions in the Coastal Waters of the Far East in 80th Cruise of the R/V Professor Gagarinskiy
Lobanov V., Shvetsova M., Fedorov M., Tibenko E., Sagalaev S., Prushkovskaya I., Obrezkova M., Mazur A., Kukla S., Alekseev I., Tishchenko P., Tsoy V., Lukyanova N., Semkin P., Sergeev A., Yurtsev A.
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