
ISSN (print)0030-1574

Media registration certificate: No. 0110247 dated 02/08/1993

Founder: Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oceanology named after. P.P.Shirshova

Editor-in-Chief: Flint Mikhail Vladimirovich

Number of issues per year: 6

Indexation: RISC, list of Higher Attestation Commissions, CrossRef, White List (level 2)

The journal was founded in 1961 as a multidisciplinary journal in the field of marine science. It is the leading journal in a wide range of theoretical and experimental directions in the sciences of the ocean.

The journal publishes original research results on physical oceanology, marine hydrochemistry, bio-oceanology and marine ecology, marine geology and geophysics, the role of the ocean in shaping the Earth's climate, information on new methods and technical means of ocean research, and information on scientific expeditions.

The journal is published 6 times a year in Russian and English languages. The name of the English version is Oceanology.

The journal is published under the guidance of the Department of Earth Sciences of the RAS.

The journal is presented in many databases, including the Web of Science, Scopus and RSCI.

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Volume 64, Nº 1 (2024)


Edição completa

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Химия моря

Determination of the Nature of Hydrocarbons in the Barents Sea (Verification of Remote Sensing Data)
Nemirovskaya I., Ivanov A.

Based on remote sensing data on the distribution of oil spills obtained using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery of the Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B satellites in 2016–2022 and the results of the analysis of aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bottom sediments taken in 2019–2022, the nature of oil slicks in various areas of the Barents Sea has been established. It is shown that the distribution of oil slicks in coastal areas is greatly influenced by anthropogenic hydrocarbon inflow (mainly from shipping and fishing), which is confirmed by elevated AHC concentrations in coastal sediments (up to 73 μg/g) and in the composition of Corg (up to 3.6%). In the central and northern regions of the Barents Sea (station 7105, in the coordinates 75.2–75.3 N, 31.5–31.8 E), the grouping of oil slicks is due to natural seepage of oil and gas. This is confirmed by the anomalous concentration of PAHs in the lower horizons of the obtained sediment column, and their composition (the dominance of 2-methylnaphthalene, a marker of their oil genesis). At the same time, the proportion of light homologues in the composition of alkanes increased, which may indicate their formation in the sedimentary sequence.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(1):3-11
pages 3-11 views

Морская биология

Bioaccumulation of Chemical Elements and Organic Carbon in the Macrozoobenthic Organisms of the Laptev Sea
Demina L., Galkin S., Solomatina A.

Within the framework of the program “Marine Ecosystems of the Siberian Arctic”, based on the materials collected during the 69th and 72nd cruises of the R/V “Akademik Mstislav Keldysh”, a study of the distribution of a group of chemical elements (As, Ba, Bi, Co, Cr, Cr, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sc, Ti, Tl, Th, V, U and Zn) and organic carbon in the mass taxa of the Laptev Sea macrozoobenthos in the fields of methane seepage and outside them was carried out. For the first time, the bioaccumulation potential (BP) was quantified, taking into account, along with the concentration of elements in organisms, their biomass. At the C-15 methane field, the population of brittle stars accumulates each of the microelements many times (up to 40 times) more than at the background station. Brittle stars and bivalves show increased BP for Ni, As, Ba, Cu, Ti, V, Mn, and Zn compared to other elements, with brittle stars having significantly higher BP. It is assumed that the increased bioaccumulation of some heavy metals and metalloids in methane seep areas is associated with a greater bioavailability of organic matter in bottom sediments. For organic carbon, the highest BP was established, which is especially expressed in the C-15 methane field. At the background station, taxa accumulate a significantly smaller (by a factor of 10) amount of carbon in their biomass. As a result of the functioning of the ground eaters, bottom sediments are enriched with organic carbon, which may indicate an important contribution of benthic organisms to the carbon cycle in the seas of the Arctic.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(1):12-33
pages 12-33 views
Simulation based Ecological Risk Assessment of the Black Sea Ecosystem
Solovjova N., Kovalyova I.

The article presents results of the conducted simulation research in ecological risk for three shelf areas of the Black Sea exposed to different combinations of the external stressors. Simulated risk calculations were performed for the aggregated phytoplankton taking into account the intra-annual variations in biomass values obtained from the observation data. The results revealed significant dependence of the ecological risk on the intra-annual state of phytoplankton, and also made it possible to calculate dependence of the acceptable probability of impacts on the ecological risk. The latter identified areas of probable errors of the second kind, which is of practical importance for ensuring ecological safety in the shelf resources development.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(1):34-45
pages 34-45 views

Морская геология

Mineralogy of Quaternary Sediments from the Valley of Vema Fracture Zone (Central Atlantic)
Murdmaa I., Dara O., Lykova M., Borisov D., Ivanova E.

The content of sediment forming minerals in two cores from the eastern (ANS45-37) and western (ANS45-48) parts of the Vema transform fault valley is studied using the semi-quantitative XRD analysis of bulk powder sediment samples. The mineral composition of deep-sea sediments from the Amazone cone is also analyzed for comparison. It appeared that the average composition of the terrigenous component of both cores (according to prevailing quartz, secondary mica, plagioclase and potassium feldspar, as well as smectite, chlorite, kaolinite, illite) is quite similar and approximately corresponds to the composition of sediments from the Amazon cone. The ratio of four clay minerals suggests the supply of terrigenous material to the Amazon and Orinoco due to the erosion of the Andes and humid tropical weathering in the lower course of the rivers with further transportation of the suspended load to the ocean. This material was transported to the Vema transform valley due to the interplay between the gravity flows from the South American continental slope and the current of the Antarctic Bottom Water. Data on biogenic calcite (planktic foraminiferal tests, nannofossils) and opal A (radiolarians, sponge spicules) are obtained in addition. In the study area, several authigenic (diagenetic) minerals are identified. In particular, siderite and greigite are first found in the sediments from the Vema valley and Amazon cone, respectively.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(1):46-65
pages 46-65 views
On Volganism and Tectonics in the Evolution of the Guyots of the Magellan Seamounts (Pacific Ocean)
Pletnev S., Syedin V.

This report is devoted to the analysis of original geological materials on the Magellan Seamounts in the Pacific Ocean, obtained by the authors in numerous voyages of R/V ʺGelendzhikʺ. This chain of guyouts does not have a common volcanic basement and apparently was formed in the second half of the Early Cretaceous on the oldest (middle-last Jurassic) fragment of the Pacific plate. The main points of view on the genesis of the Magellan Mountains are as follows: either they originated at the crossing of the transform fractures, or the Pacific plate moved them from the southern hemisphere to their present-day position. Because of their high degree of study, the Magellan Seamounts are one of the key sites for understanding the mechanism of the origin of linear chains in the ocean. A comprehensive analysis of new geological on the Magellan Seamounts has established the important role of magmatism and tectonics in the formation of the modern morphological shapes, sedimentation and influence on the paleooceangraphy. The periodic renewal of these processes from the Early Cretaceous to Late Cenozoic can be traced in the cyclicity of sedimentation, the permanent growth of ore crusts and the formation of secondary volcanic domes and cones.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(1):66-77
pages 66-77 views
Crust and Upper Mantle of the South China Sea (probabilistic-deterministic gravity model)
Petrischevsky A.

Rheological layering of a tectonosphere of the South China Sea (SCS) on the crust rigid (the depth interval of 5–30 km), viscous subcrustal (the depth interval of 30–70 km), rigid lower lithospheric (50–90 km), astenospheric (80–150 km) and rigid subastenospheric (the depth interval is more than 150 km) is established. Distributions of the density inhomogeneities connecting with the main tectonic events in SCS are caused by the Paleo-Pacific’s convergence, and later — the Philippine’a oceanic plate with the Philippine archipelago and further — with the Asian margin. In this zone by distributions of density contrast in a tectonosphere are tracing Cenozoic processes of a subduction, stretching, transformic shift and structure of the central type of the probable plume nature which form an evolutionary sequence: back arc, or paleo-oceanic spreading → the Philippine subduction → NE-stretching with shift → formation of the structure of the central type of a probable plume origin. The structures caused by convergence of the Asian continent with the Indo-Australian plate are isolated from the West Pacific margin, and the underthrsting of rigid lithospheric plates from the South under a lithosphere of the margin sea reflects traces of more ancient collision of fragments of the Gondwana with Asian continent.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(1):78-93
pages 78-93 views
Tectonic Structure and Evolution of the Lithosphere in the Antarctic Part of the South Atlantic
Dubinin E., Kokhan A., Suschevskaya N.

Based on the analysis of global digital models, the distribution of fracture zones of the oceanic crust, global and regional models of evolution, and published geological and geophysical data, the structural features of the ocean floor in the junction area of the Indian and Atlantic oceans are considered. Tectonic zoning of the region’s crust has been carried out. Heterogeneous blocks of the lithosphere with crust formed on different spreading ridges, separated by structural boundaries, which are pseudo faults, fixing traces of propagating rift zones, jumping and dying off of spreading ridges, are identified. The main stages in the evolution of the lithosphere associated with the activation of plume magmatism and kinematic reorganizations of plate boundaries are identified.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(1):94-111
pages 94-111 views
Changes of the Speed of Rock Destruction in the Upper Sublitoral Zone, 2017–2022
Mityaev M., Gerasimova M., Malavenda S.

A five-year observation (2017–2022) of abrasion destruction of rocks in the littoral and upper sublittoral zone of the Dalnezelenetskaya Bay (Murmansk coast) was carried out. During this period, a slow rate of destruction of rocks was observed, not only in the upper sublittoral zone, but also along the entire littoral of the coast. It was revealed that the rate of destruction of coarse-grained material in 2017–2022 averaged 15±3 µm/g. The greatest influence on the intensity of destruction of rocks was exerted by storms generated by winds with a force of 7–12 m/s from the east and southeast directions. It is established that in 2021–2022 there was an activation of abrasion destruction of rocks in the sublittoral zone of the Murmansk coast. Based on the analysis of hydrological, meteorological and seismic data, it is assumed that the activation of the abrasion process was caused by an increase in the number of storm periods, perhaps the tectonic activity of disjunctive structures on the coast played an important role in this. The data obtained indicate that changes in the temperature and salinity of the water mass in the bay do not have a significant effect on the rate of the abrasion process.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(1):112-120
pages 112-120 views
Comparative Analysis of the Mineral Associations in the Sediments from Buor-Khaya Bay
Ulyantsev A.

According to the results of analysis of 99 samples of bottom sediments and submarine permafrost from wells 1D-14, 3D-14 and 1D-15 drilled in the Buor-Khaya Bay, differences in their mineral composition due to paleogeographic factors, namely Late Quaternary changes in climate and sea level, as well as regional hydrodynamics are shown. The basis of the light fraction of minerals was quartz and feldspar (mainly plagioclases), found in the form of grains of various dimensions and sorting degree, as well as fine grains. To a lesser extent, the presence of chlorites, kaolinite and serpentines is noted, illite and smectite are rare. 42 accessory minerals were identified in the heavy fraction (average yield 0.95%) concentrated in fine-grained sands. It mainly consists of pyroxenes, amphiboles, carbonatite, epidote, zoisite, magnetite, mica, garnet, limonite, sphene, leucoxene, ilmenite. Rutile, kyanite, sillimanite, zircon, tourmaline, apatite, and stavrolite were found in smaller quantities. In the studied strata, plant remnants and carbon-like particles (kerogen) are found, the contribution of which exceeds 5% by weight in a number of samples. The results of the study allowed to conclude that the basis of the petrofund of the studied deposits are most likely sedimentary rocks of the Kharaulakh ridge of the Verkhoyansk mountain system (sandstones, siltstones and mudstones). The presence of characteristic accessory minerals in the sediments marks the unloading of igneous and metamorphic rocks, but their contribution is subordinate. They probably also include rocks of the Verkhoyansk complex, common near the Tiksi.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(1):121-142
pages 121-142 views

Instruments and methods

New Measuring and Data Transmission Equipment for Operational Oceanography at the Gelendgik Black Sea Test Site of Institute of Oceanology of the RAS
Baranov V., Zatsepin A., Kuklev S., Ocherednik V., Mashura V.

The design and principles of operation of the bottom multi-modem station MDS-II, located in the coastal zone (depth of location — 25 m) of the northeastern part of the Black Sea at the Gelendzhik Test Site of IO RAS are described. The station is connected to the coastal center by means of a bottom fiber-optic cable, through which power is supplied to the station, and online transmission of measurement data takes place. The station is an underwater server to which one can connect a measuring device and get a real-time access to it, as well as remotely control on its operation. The design of an automatic stationary station for vertical sounding (SSVS) of water column, which is also used at the Gelendzhik Test Site, is also described. This station is installed close to the MDS-II multi-modem station and is connected to one of its modems. The station consists of a bottom electric winch installed on the seabed and a floating module (probe) on a cable line wound around the winch drum. When the command ʺsoundingʺ is given, the cable unwinds and the floating module, equipped with temperature and pressure sensors, floats and measures the water temperature profile from the bottom layer to the sea surface. Then the cable is winding on a drum, and the floating module returns to the bottom layer. A prototype of a new SSVS is being developed, which will allow sounding of the water layer with a thickness of up to 100 m. It will be equipped with a multi-parameter probe that makes joint measurements of hydrophysical and bio-optical parameters.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(1):143-152
pages 143-152 views
Modern Methods and Technical Instruments of Ecological Monitoring of the Estuaries of Small Rivers
Antonenkov D.

At present, river estuaries are constantly being explored; therefore, it is necessary to receive up-todate information on their actual environmental condition, hydrological regime, and geographical features. Therefore, it is important to develop and improve the methods and technical instruments for monitoring river estuaries. The article presents a developed methodology for integrated research of small-river estuaries using new methods and techniques. The article discusses the experience in using modern domestic devices for solving practical problems of integrated water-environmental monitoring with a case study of expeditionary work in estuaries of the Chernaya River (Crimean Peninsula, Sevastopol). The possibilities of the following technical instruments used are described: The GAP-AK-12R CTD (MHI RAS), the Condor biophysical complex (Aquastandard), and the Garmin echo sounder, which make it possible to obtain field data on turbidity, the concentration of suspended particulate matter, speed and direction of currents, the average size of suspended particles, and salinity and temperature of the aquatic environment. The results of applying a new method for determining the flow velocity and water consumption based on video image processing are presented. Application of the developed methodology makes it possible to obtain the information necessary to analyze the hydrological regime and ecological state of small-river estuaries.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(1):153-164
pages 153-164 views
Assessment of Initial Seismicity for Offshore Platforms on the Example of the Pechora Sea
Kovachev S., Libina N.

Seismotectonic and seismoacoustic studies carried out during the expedition onboard the R/V ʺAkademik Boris Petrovʺ in the Pechora Sea revealed a paleoseismodislocation confined to a fault zone tracing the Severoural seismic lineament. The amplitude of this dislocation (the relative displacement of its sides) makes it possible to estimate the magnitude of the ancient earthquake that occurred within the Severoural lineament. Using the value of this magnitude, estimates were made of the maximum seismic impacts on offshore oil and gas facilities that are already in operation and are being designed for construction in the northeastern part of the Pechora Sea. These assessments of essential images differ in a big way from similar assessments made earlier. The method of searching for paleoseismic dislocations using seismoacoustic methods, as well as lineament analysis, can be used to assess the initial seismic impacts in water areas.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(1):165-175
pages 165-175 views

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