Modern Methods and Technical Instruments of Ecological Monitoring of the Estuaries of Small Rivers

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At present, river estuaries are constantly being explored; therefore, it is necessary to receive up-todate information on their actual environmental condition, hydrological regime, and geographical features. Therefore, it is important to develop and improve the methods and technical instruments for monitoring river estuaries. The article presents a developed methodology for integrated research of small-river estuaries using new methods and techniques. The article discusses the experience in using modern domestic devices for solving practical problems of integrated water-environmental monitoring with a case study of expeditionary work in estuaries of the Chernaya River (Crimean Peninsula, Sevastopol). The possibilities of the following technical instruments used are described: The GAP-AK-12R CTD (MHI RAS), the Condor biophysical complex (Aquastandard), and the Garmin echo sounder, which make it possible to obtain field data on turbidity, the concentration of suspended particulate matter, speed and direction of currents, the average size of suspended particles, and salinity and temperature of the aquatic environment. The results of applying a new method for determining the flow velocity and water consumption based on video image processing are presented. Application of the developed methodology makes it possible to obtain the information necessary to analyze the hydrological regime and ecological state of small-river estuaries.

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About the authors

D. A. Antonenkov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Sevastopol


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Sea mouth of the Chernaya River

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3. Fig. 2. Satellite image of the mouth of the Chernaya River (a), schemes of stations in the mouth (b) and in the Inkerman estuary (c)

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4. Fig. 3. Longitudinal profile of a separate section of the Chernaya River mouth

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5. Fig. 4. Satellite image of a section of the Chernaya River mouth with a marked area of sediment accumulation

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6. Fig. 5. Photo image and characteristics of the GAP-AK-12R hydroprobe

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7. Fig. 6. Spatial variability of salinity in the mouth of the Chernaya River, 2022

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8. Fig. 7. Image of the Condor biophysical complex and its technical characteristics

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9. Fig. 8. Spatial variability of turbidity and flow velocity in station 4 at the mouth of the Chernaya River, 2020

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10. Fig. 9. Image of the Flow Visualizer experimental device

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11. Fig. 10. Example of the obtained image (left) and plotted instantaneous flow velocity field in the surface water layer (right)

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12. Fig. 11. Distribution of the average flow velocity of the water stream in station 4 at the mouth of the Chernaya River

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13. Fig. 12. Example of processing video images of river water flow to determine the surface velocity of water flow

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14. Fig. 13. Results of bathymetric measurements and diagram of water discharge at site 1 of the Chernaya River

Download (199KB)

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