Promising Applications of Polyethyleneimine as a Ligand in Rhodium-Catalyzed Tandem Hydroformylation/Hydrogenation of Olefins




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Three rhodium-containing catalytic systems active in tandem hydroformylation/hydrogenation of unsaturated substrates were developed based on polyethyleneimine (PEI): a homogeneous system with distillation of the product; a biphasic system with segregation of the product and catalyst into a non-polar phase and a polar phase, respectively; and a solid catalyst prepared from PEI and (3-chloropropyl)triethoxysilane with its centrifugation from the product mixture. All the systems were shown to be reusable over multiple cycles in hydroformylation/hydrogenation, with the catalytic activity being partially sustained in both steps of the tandem process. Methylation of PEI (or its NH and NH2 moieties in the case of solid material) was found to be critical for the catalytic activity in hydroformylation.


D. Gorbunov

Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234, Moscow, Russia

M. Nenasheva

Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234, Moscow, Russia

E. Kuvandykova

Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234, Moscow, Russia

S. Kardashev

Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234, Moscow, Russia

E. Karakhanov

Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234, Moscow, Russia


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