Aphyllophoroid Fungi of the State Nature Reserve “Pizhemskiy” and the Natural Monument “Urochishche Vasin Bor” (Kirov Region, Russia)




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New data on aphyllophoroid and some heterobasidiomycetous fungi in central part of the nature reserve “Pizhemskiy” and the natural monument “Urochishche Vasin Bor”, located in the southwestern part of the Kirov Region at the south taiga subzone, is presented. A total of 212 species and two intraspecific taxons of basidial macromycetes were found on both protected territories, of which 40 species are indicated for the first time for the Kirov Region. The checklist contains information about frequency of finds, habitats and substrate association for each species. 25 species found in the study area are rare both in the European part of Russia and in the countries of Northern Europe. New locations have been discovered for four species (Diplomitoporus crustulinus, Flavidoporia mellita, Hericium coralloides, Rigidoporus crocatus), included in the Red data Book of the Kirov Region. 14 species are presented as indicators of old-growth forest. By now, 175 species of basidiomycete fungi have been recorded at the territory of the reserve “Pizhemskiy”, and 143 species – on the territory of the natural monument “Urochishche Vasin Bor”. The presented data confirm the great importance of these protected areas for maintaining and preserving of the regional diversity of mycobiota.


I. Stavishenko

Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: stavishenko@bk.ru
Russia, 620144, Ekaterinburg

E. Luginina

Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hunting and Fur Breeding named after Professor B.M. Zhitkov

Email: e.luginina@gmail.com
Russia, 610000, Kirov

S. Obotnin

Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hunting and Fur Breeding named after Professor B.M. Zhitkov

Email: obotnin123@mail.ru
Russia, 610000, Kirov


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