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Instructions to authors

I. General information

Mycology and Phytopathology (Mikologiya i fitopatologiya) is Russia’s leading journal for research in mycology and plant pathology. The journal is highly rated in scientific circles, is indexed by the Russian Index of Scientific Citation, Scopus, and is in the List of Leading Russian

Reviewed Scientific Journals of Russia’s Higher Attestation Commission, which publishes results of scientific dissertations.

The journal is issued six times per year. Publication languages are English and Russian. Publication is free of charge, excluding color illustrations in print version.

The journal publishes articles devoted to all fields of fungal science: original data, reviews, discussions, current information, bibliography and reports of new methods.

The paper and illustrations should be submitted on Author Portal of Pleiades Publishing.

For manuscripts to be accepted, the editorial requirements listed below must be followed.

Please note that submitted material is not returned.


II. Publication theme

Mycology and Phytopathology publishes articles on all main aspects of mycology and fungal plant diseases. Articles in the following categories are acceptable:

  • Original articles (results of observations, experimental and theoretical work, taxonomic revisions, descriptions of new methods);
  • Reviews with critical analysis of literature and other data;
  • Short communications;
  • Current information;
  • Critiques and bibliographies.

The journal may also publish advertising related to the scientific fields it covers.


III. Content requirements

All works involving scientific names should adhere to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN). Descriptions of new fungal taxa will be published only after each has been allocated a unique number by one of the registration points approved by the ICN – Fungal Names, Index Fungorum, MycoBank.

When citing the names of living and dried fungal reference collections (fungaria, culture collections etc.), acronyms should be used. Accession numbers of cited specimens should be indicated in the text. New records should be accompanied by the fullest available information about the locality of collection (exact citation of GPS-coordinates is recommended).

Prior to manuscript submission, original sequences should be deposited in the following databases: DDBJ / EMBL-EBI / GenBank. Links to their accession numbers should be incorporated in the text.

Papers in English are preferred. Papers in Russian should be accompanied by an enlarged English summary.


IV. Publication structure and limits

Manuscript should be no more than 30 pages of A4 format, including references, tables and illustrations. The working font is Times New Roman, 12 pt, with a line spacing of 1.5. Margins should be 2 cm (left, top and bottom), and 1.5 cm (right). All pages should be numbered.

The text should begin with the Universal Decimal Classification number, followed by the copyright sign, initials and family names of each author, article title, affiliation, city and country.

Details of title page preparation are given below.


УДК 579.26: 582.282.123.4



© 2019. H. A. Mohameda, b, *, W. Ebrahimc, d, **, A. M. Petersona, ***, F. C. Özkayac, ****,

P. Proksch, *****

a Saratov State University, 410012 Saratov, Russia b Al-Azhar University, 71524 Assiut, Egypt

c Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology, Heinrich-Heine University, 40225 Dusseldorf, Germany d Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, 35516 Mansoura, Egypt *E-mail:





Received July 7, 2018; Revised November 17, 2018; Accepted December 24, 2018


Two furopyrrols, namely tensidols A and B, were purified from EtOAc extract of the rice culture medium of the endophyte, Aspergillus tubingensis (strain AN103) that resides the fresh tree branches of apple plant (Malus domestica), collected from Volga region, Saratov, Russian Federation. Morphologically, the strain is a black fungus belonging to the Aspergillus section Nigri. Moreover, this endophytic fungal isolate (AN103) was characterized by performing cotton blue staining. The identity of A. tubingensis (strain AN103) was unambiguously confirmed based on microbiological study of its DNA sequence and this sequence was submitted and approved by GenBank and it was given the GenBank accession number (KR184138). To find out a possible explanation for the endophytism of A. tubingensis (strain AN103) in Apple tree branches, tensidols A and B, the major components in the HPLC chromatogram of EtOAc extract of the rice cultures of this fungal endophyte were purified to study their biological effect. Chromatographic investigation and purification of this extract revealed the unequivocal determination of the chemical structures of both compounds. Interestingly, both compounds were found to inhibit the growth of Brevibacterium halotolerans and Bacillus methylotrophicus, the two common pathogens that attack apple tree. Moreover, the lack of cytotoxic activity of both the crude extract and its purified major compounds tensidols A and B against lymphoma cell lines (L5178Y), highlights their specificity in action. 


Key words: Aspergillus tubingensis, biological activity, endophytes, HPLC, tensidols.



Summary should provide full cover of the article’s contents, including objectives, methods, the main results, and conclusions. The quality of a summary is an important factor affecting citation frequency of the paper in world scientific periodicals.

Introduction. The issue being addressed, and the purpose of the paper should be clearly described.

Materials and methods. The list and characteristics of material and of methods used should be listed in this subdivision. For widely used methods, authors may cite an original source. For new or less widely used methods, a full description of the technique is necessary. Where appropriate, an experiment scheme, expedition routes and other matter may also be described.

Results. The data should be presented consequently and in details. An important moment is election of optimal presentation mode (text, graphics, tables). The methods descriptions should be excluded from this subdivision.

Discussion. The data interpretation should be followed by data description.

Conclusion. The data generalization and interpretations would be better paper conclusion.


V. Text preparation 1. Files

Text and illustrations should be sent as separate files. Texts prepared in Microsoft Word format (.doc) are preferred.

Graphic files should be named using the numbers identifying them in the text. Each illustration should be sent as a separate file.

For rasterized images (including photographs) the recommended format is JPEG (quality index not lower than 10). For vector graphics images the recommended formats are EPS and CDR.


2. Text

Text spacing should be 1.5, with a 1 cm indention for the first line and no additional space between paragraphs. The font setting should be “auto”, without underlining. Internet-copied texts and text with embedded Internet hyperlinks are prohibited (excluding DOI-hyperlinks).

The spelling and abbreviations of taxon author names should follow Kirk and Ansell (1992). In the text, indicate species authorship once, on the first occasion the name appears.

The status of taxa and correct spelling of fungal names should be checked using one of the three approved repositories (Index Fungorum, or Mycobank). In cases of differences between these databases, the original data source should be provided.

The following abbreviations are acceptable: a) metric entities, b) geographic coordinates and terms, c) repeated use of generic names in binominals (e.g. Aspergillus niger, А. flavus, А. terreus), d) organization names after providing an abbreviation in the text (e.g. “Komarov Botanical Institute

(BIN)” may be subsequently cited as “BIN”). Widely used abbreviations may be given without description (e.g. DNA, PCR, CFU, etc.).

The journal follows the International System of Units (SI) and Russian State standards.

In decimal numbers a point (not comma) should be used (e.g. 0.0125 g).

Except in the references list, Latin names of fungi, bacteria, plants and animals should be given in italics.

Bold should be used only for new species or new combinations. The place of publication of a name should use the “Definitorium Fungorum Rossicum” standards, for example:

Perichaena minor (G. Lister) Hagelst., Mycologia 35: 130, 1943.

The marks and producer data of the used apparature should be presented in the text.


3. Tables

Each table should have a unique title. When there is more than one table in the text, each should be numbered in order of appearance. Table content which duplicates the main text should be avoided. All tables should be placed on separate pages after the text.


4. Figures

Figures should be clear and detailed. All photographs should be of the highest quality. Recommended widths for illustrations are 8.5 cm (one column of type) or 17.5 cm (two columns of type). The maximum size is 17.5 × 20 cm.

Line drawings should be submitted using the CDR vector graphics format.

Where there is more than one figure, each should be numbered in order of appearance.

Drawings and photographs of fungal structures should include scale bars.

Legends to figures should be given on a separate (last) page of text. On the paper copy, the names of each author, and the figure numbers should be written.

There is a charge for publishing color figures.


5. References list

All bibliographical information must use the Latin alphabet. For references from Cyrillic alphabet sources, the title should be given as an English translation, but names of authors and journals/publisher data should be transliterated (by using USA Embassy transliteration standard).

Transliterations of some encountered sources are given below.




Ботанические             материалы      Отдела споровых растений Ботанического института им. В. Л. Комарова АН



Botanicheskie materialy Otdela sporovykh rasteniy Botanicheskogo instituta imeni V. L. Komarova AN



Ботанический журнал


Botanicheskiy zhurnal


Микология и фитопатология


Mikologiya i fitopatologiya














Наукова думка


Naukova dumka


Товарищество    научных     изданий



Tovarishchestvo    nauchnykh








Text references should be ordered chronologically. For example: «Many authors (Zavarzin,

1927; Ries, 1938; Nasonova, Suzdalskaya, 1948) describe...».

Cited authors should be in alphabetical order. Citation of ephemeral Internet material (e.g., news portals) is not permitted. Cited Internet-sites should be accompanied by their digital addresses and a statement specifying the date accessed.

The DOI numbers should be given for all the sources which have this identifier.


Bibliographic details

  1. journals articles:

Malysheva E.F., Kovalenko A.E. Fungi of the Russian Far East. IV. Amanita sect. Vaginatae in the Central Sikhote-Alin. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2015. V. 49 (3). P. 151−163 (in Russ.).

Balandaykin M.E., Zmitrovich I.V. Review on Chaga medicinal mushroom, Inonotus obliquus (higher basidiomycetes): realm of medicinal applications and approaches on estimating its resource        potential.         Int.             J.         Med.   Mushrooms.    2015.   V.        17        (2).      P.         95–104.

  1. preprints of articles by DOI:

Slifka M.K., Whitton J.L. Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. J. Mol.

Med. 2000.

  1. books:

South J., Blass B. The future of modern genomics. London, Blackwell, 2001.

Raghukumar S. Fungi in coastal and oceanic marine ecosystems. Marine fungi. Springer, Cham, 2017.

  1. chapters in books, conference papers:

Brown B., Aaron M. The politics of nature. In: J. Smith (ed.). The rise of modern genomics,

3rd edn. Wiley, N.Y., 2001. Р. 230−257.

Sidorenko L.P., Klenus V.G. Ability of the fungi to extract strontium-90 and caesium-137. In: I Vsesoyuznyy radiobiologicheskiy syezd, vol. 4: Tezisy dokladov. Pushchino, 1989. P. 986 (in Russ.).

  1. dissertations:

Stepanova N.T. Ecological and geographical characteristics of the Ural Aphyllophorales fungi. Dr. Sci. Thesis. Sverdlovsk, 1971 (in Russ.).

Sell I. Systematics and ecology of selected taxa of wood-decaying basidiomycetes. PhD Thesis. Tartu, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 2012. f) patents:

Dean T.R., Kohan M.J. Method for identification of medically relevant fungi. US Patent.

  1. N 7659067.
  2. g) standards and instructions:

SP 1.2.036-95. The order of account, save, transmission and transport of microorganisms of the I–IV pathogenicity groups. 1995 (in Russ.).


In the case of the presence of Russian-language sources, their separate list in Cyrillic fonts should be applied.


VI. Editorial processing

All manuscripts are sent for review to two independent reviewers. Where results of reviewing are ambiguous, additional reviewers may be invited. Authors have a right to identify potential reviewers with whom there may be a conflict of interest. In such cases, persons so identified will be excluded from the list of potential reviewers.

Depending on the review recommendation, the manuscript may be approved, rejected or returned for revision. Returning for revision does not guarantee eventual manuscript acceptance.

Revised manuscripts must be returned to the Editorial Office with the reviewer’s comments adequately addressed. Manuscripts are then discussed by the Editorial Board. Revised manuscripts received after a delay of two or more months will be treated as though newly submitted.

The Editorial Board reserves the right, when it is judged appropriate, to alter the title and text, including reductions and proof correcting. 

For proof-reading, the corresponding author will be sent a digital copy as a PDF file. Only minimal changes in text and tables are allowed in this stage.


Direitos autorais

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the Publisher exclusive license to first publication.
  2. Authors are able to distribute the manuscript and/or the article in accordance with Self-Archiving policy of the journal (see details).
  3. The manuscript can be accepted for publication only by decision of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial board of the journal in accordance with the Manuscript stelection policy of the journal (see details).
  4. Published Article will be distributed in print and electronic version and will be available online by Subscription or in Open Access at the discretion of the Publisher. 


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  • the reproduction of the Article, as well as the metadata of the Article, in any material form, including on paper and/or electronic media as a separate work and/or as part of the Journal, and/or as part of the Licensee's and/or other parties' databases, at the Licensee's discretion;
  • the dissemination of copies of the Article, as well as the metadata of the Article, or any other disposal of its original or copies, including on paper and/or electronic media as a separate work and/or as part of the Journal, and/or as part of the Licensee's and/or any other parties' databases, at the Licensee's discretion, including distributing or otherwise using the Article or portions (excerpts) thereof for publication in scientific, educational, technical or professional journals or other periodicals and derivative works; in printed and electronic versions of such journals, periodicals and derivative works in all media and formats now existing and which may arise in the future;
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