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No 2 (2023)

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Composition and Formation Conditions of Neoproterozoic Phosphorites of the Middle Urals

Krupenin M.T., Kuznetsov A.B., Zamyatin D.A., Pankrushina E.A., Lepekha S.V.


Phosphorite breccias compose a 6-m member in the Vendian terrigenous Kernos Formation in the basin of the Mezhevaya Utka and Sylvitsa rivers in the Middle Urals. Phosphorite pebbles and gravel are accumulations of fragments of redeposited crusts, originally formed in the early diagenesis near the surface of sandy-argillaceous deposits below the water-sediment boundary. Phosphorite is represented by fluorocarbonate apatite with unit cell parameter a from 0.9359 to 0.9363 nm, spectral mode parameters in Raman spectra (FWHM = 1–2 cm–1 and position from 963 to 966 cm–1), and a band at 1095 cm–1 in IR spectra. The absorption bands at ~1430 and 1453 cm–1 in the IR spectra correspond to the substitution of the orthophosphorus group by the carbonate ion (B-type). According to thermal analysis data, the CO2 content in apatite varies in the range of 0.04–0.8%, and the admixture of dispersed organic matter in the form of aliphatic compounds is 0.3–0.8%. Apatite is represented by two generations: primary in the form of basal structureless fine-crystalline cement and secondary in the composition of euhedral crystals up to 10 µm in size. Both generations corrode detrital quartz grains. Secondary apatite is enriched in P2O5, CaO, and F and contains less SiO2, FeO, Al2O3, MgO, and K2O than primary apatite. The PAAS-normalized REE distribution has a smoothed profile with a La/Yb ratio of about 2 and positive Ce- and Eu anomalies in enrichment phosphorites. The average value of F/P2O5 is 0.09 and corresponds to that in typical fluorocarbonate apatites that have undergone catagenesis. The high values of 87Sr/86Sr (from 0.7130 to 0.7253) in detrital phosphorites of the Kernos Formation suggest their deposition in a desalinated wave-dominated shallow-marine paleobasin near a significant inflow of continental waters or catagenetic recrystallization.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2023;(2):111-139
pages 111-139 views

C, O Isotopic Composition of the Neoproterozoic Pre-, Syn-, and Post-Glacial Carbonates of the Longdor Uplift and the Western Slope of the Aldan Shield (South of the Siberian Platform)

Shatsillo A.V., Rudko S.V., Latysheva I.V., Pokrovsky B.G., Rudko D.V., Fedyukin I.V., Kuznetsov A.B.


Here we present new data on the C and O isotopic composition in the Neoproterozoic carbonates of the Ballaganakh and Dal’naya Taiga horizons of the southeastern margin of the Patom paleobasin. In the upper part of the Ballaganakh horizon, a negative δ13С anomaly was established. It is comparable in amplitude and stratigraphic position to the Trezona anomaly, which preceded the Marinoan glaciation. The carbonate layers in the glacial deposits of the Nichatka Fm. of the Dal’naya Taiga horizon have moderately positive δ13С values, and the dolomite horizon at the base of the postglacial sequence is characterized by moderately negative values δ13С which is typical for the cap-carbonate sequence associated with the end of the Marinoan glaciation. In the lower part of the postglacial sequence (the Barakun Fm.), there is a gradual increase in the proportion of calcite in the carbonate component of the rocks and a shift in the isotope composition corresponding to the difference in the fractionation coefficients of stable C and O isotopes for dolomite and calcite. This phenomenon, which is also recorded in the postglacial sequences of Namibia and Canada, indicates that the composition of carbonate minerals was determined by a global change in water chemistry, and not by postsedimentary substitution. The overlying carbonate deposits of the Dal’naya Taiga horizon in the epiplatform part of the Patom paleobasin (Sen Fm.) are depleted in 13С compared to their shelf analogs in the Ura uplift. It has been suggested that carbonate accumulation in the epiplatform and shelf facies of the Patom paleobasin occurred asynchronously. The reconstructed trend of variations in the C isotope composition for the Dal’naya Taiga horizon is characterized by positive and low-amplitude negative δ13С anomalies similar to those in the Doushanto Fm. of China.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2023;(2):140-162
pages 140-162 views

Postsedimentary Transformations in the Lower Triassic Deposits in the North of Varandey-Adzva Zone (Pechora Oil and Gas-Bearing Basin)

Timonina N.N., Nechaev M.S., Ulnyrov I.L.


New data on the mineral composition of Lower Triassic terrigenous deposits in the north of the Pechora oil and gas bearing basin are presented. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that terrigenous natural reservoirs confined to this part of the section have a heterogeneous structure both in area and in section. The purpose of the article was to identify the features of the formation and distribution of minerals that fill the void space of reservoirs. As a result of studying by the methods of optical microscopy, X-ray phase analysis, electron microscopy, signs of mineralogenesis processes, post-sedimentary transformations of sandy reservoirs were revealed. It is shown that the most widespread are quartz regeneration, transformation of minerals of the mica group, formation of calcite of various generations, formation of authigenic clay minerals, etc. Diagenetic changes in terrigenous rocks play a significant role in the formation of reservoir properties and lead to heterogeneity of reservoirs. It is shown that a large amount of calcite in sandstone cement leads to a significant decrease in porosity and permeability parameters. Pore cement of chlorite-smectite composition in fine-grained sandstones also leads to a decrease in the quality of reservoirs. Coarse and medium-grained sandstones with a low content of cement, predominantly of kaolinite or chlorite composition, are characterized by higher reservoir properties. Crustification cement of chlorite composition, pore-filling cement of kaolinite composition contribute to the formation of reservoirs with higher rates.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2023;(2):163-179
pages 163-179 views

Globular Phyllosilicates of the Glauconite-Illite Series in the Cambrian and Ordovican Rocks of the Eastern Baltica (North Estonia, Western Lithuania, Western Latvia)

Ivanovskaya T.A., Sakharov B.A., Zaitseva T.S.


The mineralogical, structural and crystal-chemical features of seven samples of globular phyllosilicates of the glauconite-illite series (GPS) from the Lower Cambrian of Northern Estonia and Western Lithuania, from the Middle Cambrian of Western Latvia, and also from the Lower Ordovician of Northern Estonia and Western Latvia are considered for the first time. The Al index GPS (КAl = VIAl/ [VIFe3+ + VIAl]) varies from 0.27 to 0.59, which allows us to attribute them to the glauconite-illite series, in which GPS are represented mainly by glauconites (the Al index is КAl = 0.27–0.46) and one sample of Al-glauconite (КAl = 0.59). The content of K2O in minerals is from 7.12 to 7.90%. For the first time, the content of expandable layers (4–13%), their types (smectite, vermiculite) and the character of their alternation (R = 0, R = 2) were determined in the studied samples by simulation of experimental X-ray diffraction patterns from oriented preparations. Simulation of X-ray diffraction patterns obtained from nonoriented preparations made it possible to reveal the degree of three-dimensional order, and mean values of the unit-cell parameter b (9.056–9.094 Å) as well as the features of the distribution of their individual micaceous varieties and to establish the heterogeneity of the samples. Based on these data, the microheterogeneity of the Cambrian and Ordovician GSSs was established and compared with the heterogeneity in the previously studied Riphean GPS [Drits et al., 2013]. The obtained Rb-Sr и K-Ar ages for the Middle Cambrian and Lower Ordovician samples, as well as the earlier published dates for the Lower Cambrian samples, are “rejuvenated” compared to age limits accepted for the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician [Gradstein et al., 2020]. The dependence of the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician “rejuvenated” isotopic dates and the discovered GPS heterogeneity, as well as possible reasons for its occurrence, are discussed.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2023;(2):180-200
pages 180-200 views

L.V. Pustovalov and the Development of His Ideas on Oil and Gas Lithology

Kuznetsov V.G., Dmitrievsky A.N.


The article discusses the main directions of lithological research in the field of oil and gas geology, continuing and developing the ideas and research of  L.V. Pustovalov. A number of such areas are closely coordinated with other branches of geology – tectonics, stratigraphy, etc. A wide range of such studies includes the analysis of the structure and development of sedimentary basins, the elucidation of the structure of the internal structure of sedimentary complexes, the forecast and search for non-structural traps of oil and gas, the study of natural reservoirs of oil and gas at different hierarchical levels.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2023;(2):201-207
pages 201-207 views
pages 208-210 views

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Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2023;(2):211-212
pages 211-212 views

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