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No 3 (2024)

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Geochemical peculiarities of the Atlantic Pleistocene sediments

Levitan M.A., Antonova T.A., Domaratskaya L.G., Koltsova A.V.


In the geochemical review based on records from cruises of International project of Deep-Sea Drilling (phases of DSDP, ODP, IODP) and other literature data we presented tables of average arithmetic chemical composition, meanweighted chemical composition, accumulation rates, and mass accumulation rates of chemical components. These tables can be used for comparative analysis with sediments of the same or other stratons in different oceanic basins and also with paleooceanic sediments on the continents. Terrigenous matrix dominates within lithogenic matter. Using methods of mathematical statistics we revealed main geochemical associations and base factors determinating the chemical composition of studied sediments. Masses of oxides of petrogenic elements and a number of trace elements have been calculated for Pleistocene sediments. We managed to take an idea about average chemical composition of the Atlantic Pleistocene.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(3):279–300
pages 279–300 views

Authigenic biotite from hydrothermally altered terrigenous sediments of the Central Hill (Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, Pacific Ocean, hole ODP 1038B)

Sakharov B.A., Kurnosov V.B., Zaitseva T.S., Savichev A.T., Morozov I.A., Korshunov D.M.


For the first time, authigenic dispersed biotite was discovered in Pleistocene terrigenous sediments of the Central Hill, located in the Escanaba Trough in the southern part of the Gorda Ridge (northeastern sector of the Pacific Ocean), which accounts for almost the entire content of fine fractions <1 μm of some samples from ODP 1038B hole. The authigenic nature of biotite is associated with the metasomatic effect of hydrothermal solution on terrigenous clay minerals after intrusion of basaltic magma in the form of laccolith with a temperature of ~1200°C. The mineral composition of fine fractions of sediments was studied using complex analytical methods, including modeling of their diffraction patterns. It has been established that the dispersed micaceous mineral (biotite) is trioctahedral, high-iron, does not swell when saturated with glycol, but contracts after heating at 550°C. It is shown that in its structure there are no foreign layers, the height and composition of which differ from the micaceous layers. The decrease in the height of micaceous layers upon heating biotite to 550°C is mainly due to a decrease in the height of 2:1 octahedra due to the difference in the Fe2+–O and Fe3+–O bond lengths as a result of the oxidation of Fe2+ cations It has been established a limit value for the coefficient of variation CV, characterizing the absence of mixed-layering in a regular structure, which should not exceed a value of 0.10.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(3):301–316
pages 301–316 views

Lithogeochemical characteristics and sedimentary environments of the Uk Formation limestones (upper Riphean, Southern Urals)

Maslov A.V., Dub S.A.


The lithogeochemical characteristics of the Uk Formation limestones (Uppermost Unit of the Riphean stratotype section in the Southern Urals) are considered. Data points of limestones (40 samples) accumulated in the middle and inner ramp environments have a quite contrasting distribution on diagrams with parameters (La/Sm)sh, (La/Yb)sh and (Sm/Yb)sh, proposed based on the systematization of a significant amount of analytical data on carbonate sequences formed in various platetectonic (in the broad sense of the word, paleogeographic) environments (according to [Zhang et al., 2017]) was established. The data points of the limestones of the Medved Member of the Uk Formation, which was formed, according to a detailed lithological-facies analysis, in the middle ramp environment, in the indicated diagrams located towards the field of limestones of the open ocean, while the limestones of the Manaysu Member (inner ramp deposits) in their geochemical characteristics are more consistent with the limestones of the near-coastal environments. Thus, the geochemical characteristics of the Uk Formation limestones seem to confirm the conclusions of the previous reconstructions. It has been suggested that in the example we described, the distribution of trace elements in the inner ramp limestones was apparently controlled by fine-grained siliciclastic material coming from the continent, while in the geochemical features of deeper-sea middle ramp limestones the influence of the open ocean environment is already perceptible.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(3):317–339
pages 317–339 views

A method for estimating of integral roundness index for a detrital zircons set: a case of the sequences from the Cimmerides of the Mountainous Crimea

Romanyuk T.V., Kotler P.D.


A technique that allows to evaluate the degree of roundness of detrital zircon grains on a five-point scale according to the degree of preservation of the vertices, edges and faces of the crystals is presented. Based on the results of the degree of roundness of individual grains, the integral index SOs is calculated for a sample from various stratigraphic units. The obtained data makes it possible to determine the proportion of grains of different classes in different strata, to assess the degree of similarity/difference of samples, which can be an additional criterion when dividing sedimentary sections. The proposed method is used to compare the roundness characteristics of detrital zircons from a number of sedimentary sequences of the Cimmerides of the Crimean Mountains. It is shown that the sandstones of the Chenka sequence, relative to the sandstones of the flysch sequences, are characterized by a higher proportion of unrounded and weakly rounded zircon grains and a virtual absence of completely rounded grains. The values of the integral roundness index SOs for zircons from sandstones of the Tauride Groupe have showed values of 3.41 and 3.95, and for the Chenka sequence – 2.55. Thus, a significant difference in SOs was recorded between the studied strata, which is also confirmed by the values of the mutual pair coefficients p, calculated using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(3):340–357
pages 340–357 views

Middle Jurassic deposits of Ulakhan-Sis Ridge (Sakha Republic): biostratigraphy, lithological features and depositional environments

Kostyleva V.V., Lutikov O.A., Gertseva M.V., Vatrushkina E.V., Tuchkova M.I.


The age and sedimentation conditions of the Middle Jurassic terrigenous deposits crowning the Mesozoic section of the northeastern flank of the Nagondzha terrane within the Ulakhan-Sis Ridge are discussed. Based on our own finds of retrocerams and analysis of biostratigraphic data of predecessors, we accept the age of the deposits as Bajocian–Middle Bathonian. Three lithologically different strata are identified in the section. Sandstones from the lower unit belong to feldspathic litharenites, and from the upper strata – to litharenites with a predominance of extrabasinal carbonate clastics (calklithites). Analysis of textural and structural features, mineralogical, petrographic composition and distribution of trace elements in litharenites suggests that all these strata had been accumulated in the shelf part of the paleobasin associated with an active volcanic island arc, which presumably existed from the Early Jurassic on the Omulevka craton terrane until the completion of the formation of Kolyma-Omolon microcontinent.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(3):358–375
pages 358–375 views

Analysis of sedimentary and geochemical characteristics of sedimentary clastic rock samples from Alpha-Mendeleev Rice (underwater sampling)

Tuchkova M.I., Skolotnev S.G., Sokolov S.D., Sergeev S.A.


The paper presents new data from a comparative analysis of sedimentary rocks from the Mendeleev Rise (seamount Shamshura), presumably of Triassic age, with sandstones of Aptian age, obtained during underwater sampling of the Alpha-Mendeleev Rise during expeditions in 2012, 2014 and 2016. The geochemical characteristics of the rocks are very similar, and, as a rule, data from samples of different ages form common fields on different diagrams. The petrographic investigations have established that the sandstones of presumably Late Triassic age, as well as the sandstones of Chukotka and Wrangel Island, are dominated by fragments of shale and acid effusives. The Aptian samples are dominated by fragments of mafic rocks. Also, sharp differences are observed in the nature of the age spectra of detrital zircon populations, indicating fundamentally different feeding provinces for the Triassic and Cretaceous sandstones of the Alpha-Mendeleev Rise. Samples from the Shamshura seamount are characterized by populations similar to populations from Triassic rocks of Chukotka and Wrangel Island, indicating the presence of Triassic rocks in this part of the Mendeleev Rise.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(3):376–386
pages 376–386 views

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