Thermal regime and thermal evolution of the sedimentary cover on Astrakhan oil and gas province

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The article considers data on temperatures and heat flow distribution in the sedimentary cover of the Astrakhan swell in the Caspian basin. The calculation of the depth temperatures in two- and three-dimensional model with thermal tomography technology is carried out. The parameters for this calculation were original data on the thermophysical properties of sedimentary cover rocks and on the concentration of long-lived isotopes in rocks. Palinspastic reconstructions of the sedimentation history of the cover served as the basis for calculating the evolution of temperatures over 250 million years.

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About the authors

M. D. Khutorskoy

Geological Institute of the RAS

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

O. S. Belykh

Geological Institute of the RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow

D. S. Nikitin

Geological Institute of the RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow

E. L. Prikachshikova

Geological Institute of the RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Thermograms of wells in the Astrakhan OGP

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3. Fig. 2. Radiogenic heat generation in wells of the Astrakhan OGP. a - core heat generation from corresponding depths (black dots) in wells #2tsa and #3tsa of the Central Astrakhan arch and interval averaging of data (red dotted line); b - approximation of heat generation distribution with depth for the exponential model

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4. Fig. 3. Histogram of thermal conductivity of rocks of the subsalt carbonate complex

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5. Fig. 4. Histogram of thermal conductivity of rocks of the subsalt terrigenous complex

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6. Fig. 5. Location scheme of the investigated wells (red points) and the "Elenovsky-2" profile (black line)

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7. Fig. 6. 2D-temperature section, °C, and TP distribution, mW/m2, along the Elenovsky-2 profile from the Yuzhno-Astrakhanskaya-16 well (16YUA) to the Elenovskaya-2 well (2El)

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8. Fig. 7. Comparative analysis of temperatures in deep wells

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9. Fig. 8. Spatial location of the studied wells in the Astrakhan OGP and its vicinity

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10. Fig. 9. 3D-temperature model of the Astrakhan OGP

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11. Fig. 10. Temperature "slice" at -4000 m depth

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12. Fig. 11. Temperature section (isotherms, °C) for the time interval from the beginning of the Devonian to the present day

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13. Fig. 12. Temperature section (isotherms, °C) of the present with solanodome structures

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14. Fig. 13. Temperature evolution of the Astrakhan NHP for a point on the Ershov-Astrakhan profile with coordinates: X = 166 km, Z = -6.6 km

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15. Fig. 14. Distribution of heat flow, modern seismicity and active faults in the Caspian Basin and Eastern Precaucasus (Mw - magnitude of earthquakes)

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16. Fig. 15. Relationship between magnitude (M) and heat flux (q). Regression equation: M = -0.015q + 4.74

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