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Vol 54, No 3 (2019)


Volgian–Early Berriasian Marginal Filter in the West Siberian Marine Basin and Its Influence on Sediment Distribution

Kontorovich A.E., Burshtein L.M., Nikitenko B.L., Ryzhkova S.V., Borisov E.V., Ershov S.V., Kostyreva E.A., Kontorovich V.A., Nekhaev A.Y., Ponomareva E.V., Fomin M.A., Yan P.A.


The West Siberian marine basin of the Volgian–initial Berriasian ages is described. It is shown that a marginal filter (according to A.P. Lisitsyn) functioned in the basin. The main mass of terrigenous sediments was deposited within the eastern margin of the sea. The central part of the basin only received a small amount of the terrigenous material. Water area of the West Siberian Sea was 2 mln 530 thou km2; eastern marginal filter, 535 thou km2; and open epicontinental marine basin, 1 mln 994 thou km2. Depth of the Volgian Sea was 500 m. Mass of sediments in the West Siberian Sea by the end of late diagenesis was 228.4 Tt (recalculated to the anhydrous material), with sediments in the eastern marginal filter accounting for 121.7 Tt. Bioproductivity of the Volgian–Berriasian West Siberian Sea was extremely high. The mass of living matter was composed of archaea, bacteria, and protozoan unicellular eucaryotes (organic-walled), as well as organisms with the siliceous (radiolarians) and carbonate skeleton (foraminifers and others). The rock mass formed from sediments of the central deep-water part of the basin at the stage of diagenesis was 106.7 Tt (recalculated to the anhydrous material), including the mass of organic matter (OM) accounting for 15.8 Tt; mineral (siliceous and carbonate) relicts of organisms, 67.8 Tt; and allothigenic components (clay minerals and iron hydroxides), 23.1 Tt. Analysis of the composition of kerogen (polymerlipids) revealed that the amount of OM transported to sediments was 15–20 times higher than the present-day amount in rocks of the Bazhenov Formation. At the stage of early diagenesis, the OM mass in sediments was as high as 235–320 Tt (recalculated to the anhydrous material). The Bazhenov Sea represented a huge natural ecosystem favorable for the generation, reworking, and accumulation of living matter relicts. At the stage of catagenesis, unique oil-and-gas resources were generated from OM masses deposited in this system.

Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2019;54(3):187-199
pages 187-199 views

Geochemical and Isotope Characteristics of Carbonates from Ejecta of Mud Volcanoes of the Kura Basin, Azerbaijan

Lavrushin V.Y., Aliev A.A., Pokrovsky B.G., Kozmenko O.A., Kikvadze O.E., Sokol E.V.


This paper is devoted to the vein and dispersed carbonates from ejecta of mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan. The vein calcites are morphologically diverse and related to the healing of fracture systems. Most of them have δ13C (from –4 to +2‰) and δ18O (from +20 to +26‰) typical of marine carbonates. Some volcanoes contain fragments of the vein calcites enriched in light carbon (δ13C from –49.2 to –6‰), which could be formed in methane seep discharge sites during the Caspian Sea highstand period. In the dispersed carbonates from the clay pulp, the values of δ13C and δ18O change from –6.1 to +11.9‰ and from +23.8 to +32.7‰, respectively. It is shown that the studied carbonate matter has no genetic relation with the modern mud volcanic waters, which are characterized by high concentrations of \({\text{HCO}}_{3}^{-}\) (up to 8 g/L) and values of δ13C(TDIC) (δ13Cav= +20.0‰) and δ18O(H2O) (δ18Oav= +4.0‰). Based on isotope characteristics and REE patterns, the vein calcites can be ascribed to the products of seawater-assisted postsedimentation transformation of sedimentary carbonates. The obtained data revealed a complete hydrodynamic isolation of mud volcanic channels from aquiferous complexes of host rocks.

Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2019;54(3):200-220
pages 200-220 views

Clay Minerals in Sediments from Contact Zones with Basalt Sills

Kurnosov V.B., Sakharov B.A., Geptner A.R., Konovalov Y.I., Goncharov E.O.


Clay minerals (fraction <0.001 mm) of Upper Pleistocene clayey–sandy–silty sediments recovered by DSDP Holes 481 and 481A in the Northern Trough, Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, were studied by X-ray methods based on the modeling of diffraction patterns and their comparison with experimental diffractograms. Terrigenous clay minerals are represented mainly by dioctahedral micaceous varieties (mixed-layer disordered illite–smectites, illite) with the chlorite admixture and by kaolinite in the upper section of unaltered sediments. Intrusion of hot basalt sills (total thickness of the complex is about 27 m) provoked alterations in the phase composition of clay minerals in sediments (7.5 m thick) overlying the sill complex. These sediments include newly formed trioctahedral layered silicates (mixed-layer chlorite–smectites, smectite). Sediments inside the sill complex include trioctahedral mixed-layer mica–smectite–vermiculite or trioctahedral smectite. The trioctahedral mixed-layer chlorite–smectite coexisting with smectite was found in a single sample of the same complex.

Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2019;54(3):221-235
pages 221-235 views

Role of Elisional Water Exchange in the Hydrodynamic Field Formation in the Yamal–Kara Depression

Novikov D.A.


Unique material pertaining to the hydrodynamics of petroliferous rocks in the Yamal–Kara Depression has been summarized for the first time in the last 30 years. The region is distinguished by a wide development of anomalous high formation pressure (Ca up to 2.21) in both Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous rocks. Results of the study of filtration-capacity properties and hydrodynamic characteristics of reservoir rocks in the Jurassic–Cretaceous section suggest a dominant role of the elisional water exchange in the formation of modern structure of the hydrodynamic field. Elisional lithostatic system located at a depth of about 2–2.5 km begins to acquire features of elisional thermodehydration. At the current development stage of the basinal aquifer system, spacious piezomaximum zones (Bol’shaya Kheta and Kara megasyneclises) became internal water load (supply) zones with the maximal hydrogeological closedness in the Earth’s interior. Piezominimum zones extending along the main centers of oil-and-gas generation match the largest oil-and-gas fields (Vankor–Suzun, Bovanenkovo, Urengoi, and others). At present, we can define in the study region two types of natural aquifer systems: (i) elisional type prevailing in the internal sectors (e.g., Yamal–Kara Depression); (ii) infiltrational type prevailing in the external (marginal) sectors (West Siberian sedimentary basin).

Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2019;54(3):236-247
pages 236-247 views

Formation Conditions of Ferromagnesian Metasomatic Carbonates in the Lower Riphean Terrigenous–Carbonate Rocks of the Southern Urals

Krupenin M.T., Michurin S.V., Sharipova A.A., Garaeva A.A., Zamyatina D.A., Gulyaeva T.Y.


Ferromagnesian carbonate metasomatites in limestones of the Lower Riphean Suran Formation in the Avzyan ore region (Bashkir meganticlinorium) are represented by large Fe-magnesite deposits (e.g., Ismakaevo deposit) and breunnerite stocks (Bogryashka ore occurrence). Metasomatic zonation is manifested as alterations in the series: limestone → dolomite → Fe-magnesite (breunnerite). Fe-magnesite contains up to 8 mol % FeCO3; breunnerite, from 10 to 40 mol % FeCO3. Metasomatic fluid represented the Ca–Na–Mg chloride brine with Fe admixture and was linked with processes of the remobilization of evaporite brines buried in Lower Riphean rocks. Salinity and homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions are: 20–26 wt % equiv NaCl and 200–240°C, respectively, in magnesites; 10–15 wt % equiv NaCl and 140–190°C, respectively, in breunnerites. Interaction of the fluid with terrigenous rocks in a tectonically active zone of the Mashak riftogenic graben ensured the enrichment of brine with different ligands and the accumulation of MREE and HREE in metasomatic products. Upon the migration of fluid across the limestone sequence and its cooling, Fe-magnesite was formed in the frontal zone (Ismakaevo deposit); breunnerite, in the rear zone adjacent to the terrigenous shales (Bogryashka ore occurrence).

Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2019;54(3):248-261
pages 248-261 views

Detrital Monazite from Upper Jurassic Sediments in the Central Part of the Frolov Megadepression, Western Siberia: Chemical Dating and Provenances

Erokhin Y.V., Khiller V.V., Ivanov K.S.


Detrital monazite from Upper Jurassic sediments in the central part of the Frolov megadepression, West Siberian megabasin, is studied. Chemical composition of the mineral is studied and data on its age (chemical dating) are presented. Most monazite clasts are characterized by low roundness and their age corresponds to the Lower Paleozoic. Upper Jurassic sediments were likely derived not only from the local Early Paleozoic rock complexes (altaides), which make up the pre-Jurassic basement of the Frolov megadepression, but also from rocks located east and south of this megadepression.

Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2019;54(3):262-271
pages 262-271 views

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