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The intensity of acoustic radiation and the characteristic widths (depending on the radii and charges of the drops) of the frequency ranges in which the radiation falls have been calculated for charged droplets of convective clouds and near-ground fogs, which are immobile in the superposition of gravitational and electric fields. The calculations have been carried out using the methods of classical mathematical physics taking into account two small parameters: the dimensionless oscillation amplitude and the equilibrium spheroidal deformation of a charged droplet in an external electrostatic field. All calculations have been performed using the model of an ideal incompressible electroconducting liquid. It has turned out that the acoustic radiation from clouds and fogs occurs in the ultrasonic frequency range, while the acoustic radiation of large rain-drops is in the acoustic range audible to the human ear. The boundary between the ultrasonic and sonic radiations is determined by droplet sizes, electric field strengths (in a small vicinity of the droplets), and the values of interfacial tension coefficient.

About the authors


Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

Россия, 119526, Москва, пр. Вернадского, д. 101, к. 1


Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Россия, 150000, Ярославль, ул. Советская, д. 14


Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Россия, 150000, Ярославль, ул. Советская, д. 14


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