A Study of the GTL Process in Adiabatic Mode

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Versions of the production of environmentally friendly components of motor fuels using the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (FTS) are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of the used radial reactors are analyzed. Research on the development of a domestic technology for the production of synthetic liquid fuels from natural gas on a bench-scale process plant, which was used to solve the problems of hydrogen utilization, is described. Based on the results of this work, conclusions that allow the development of a promising scientific and practical direction were drawn.

About the authors

R. O. Samsonov

St. Petersburg Mining University

Email: roman@samsonov.org
199106, St. Petersburg, Russia

M. Kh. Sosna

Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas

Email: dr.michael.sosna@gmail.com
119991, Moscow, Russia

D. S. Khudyakov

Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas

Email: khudiakov.d@gubkin.ru
119991, Moscow, Russia

A. L. Lapidus

Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas; Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: albert@ioc.ac.ru
119991, Moscow, Russia; 119991, Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 Р.О. Самсонов, М.Х. Сосна, Д.С. Худяков, А.Л. Лапидус

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