
Numerical Modeling of the Stress–Strain State and Results of GPS Monitoring of the Epicentral Area of the August 24, 2014 Earthquake (Napa, California, USA)
Morozov V., Kaftan V., Tatarinov V., Kolesnikov I., Manevich A., Melnikov A.
Tectonic position, geological manifestations of sources, and aftershock processes for a series of strong earthquakes of 2016–2017 in central Italy
Rogozhin E.
Seismotectonic Activation of Modern Structures of the Siberian Craton
Imaeva L., Imaev V., Koz’min B.
Dynamics of seismogenerating structures in the frontal zone of the Kolyma–Omolon superterrane
Imaeva L., Imaev V., Koz’min B.
Seismic Hazard Assessment at Esfaraen‒Bojnurd Railway, North‒East of Iran
Haerifard S., Jarahi H., Pourkermani M., Almasian M.
Deep structure of the western part of the Central Caucasus from geophysical data
Shempelev A., Zaalishvili V., Kukhmazov S.
Recent structures and tectonic regimes of the stress–strain state of the Earth’s crust in the northeastern sector of the Russian Arctic region
Imaeva L., Imaev V., Mel’nikova V., Koz’min B.
Evaluation of Seismicity Triggering: Insights from the Coulomb Static Stress Changes after the 30 August 1968 Dasht-e-Bayaz Earthquake (Mw = 7.1), Eastern Iran
Zarei S., Khatib M., Zare M., Mousavi S.
Tectonic position and geological and seismic manifestations of the Gorkha earthquake of April 25, 2015, in Nepal
Rogozhin E., Lutikov A., Shen T.
Dynamics of the Relief and Seismotectonic Activity of the Modern Structures in the Delta of the River Lena
Imaeva L., Gusev G., Imaev V.
Collision processes at the northern margin of the Black Sea
Gobarenko V., Murovskaya A., Yegorova T., Sheremet E.
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