Mineralogy and Conditions of Formation Genesis of Aggregates of Natural and Sulfide Minerals of the Poldnevskoe Demantoid Deposit (Middle Urals)

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Polymineral aggregates of rounded shapes (“nodules”) composed of native and sulfide minerals of Cu, Ni, Fe, Ag, and other elements from vein magnetite–calcite–chrysotile rocks with jewelry demantoid in the Korkodinskoe hypermafic massif are described. A common feature of the six identified types of native sulfide nodules, composed of native copper, heazlewoodite, pentlandite, cuprite, and other native sulfide minerals, is their spheroidal shape, which makes them similar to individual grains of other gangue minerals (calcite, magnetite, etc.). In heazlewoodite–pentlandite nodules, specific symplectites of mercuric silver and nickel copper in heazlewoodite, as well as awaruite in Co–pentlandite, were found. The matching set of ore minerals in the host serpentinite vein mass (native copper, mercuric silver, heazlewoodite, pentlandite, awaruite) and nodules from the vein material indicates their genetic connection and the conjugation of demantoid mineralization with the evolving processes of serpentinization. It was established that the nodules formed at temperatures below 380°C under reducing conditions at very low sulfur fugacity values (10–17–10–27 bar) and oxygen (10–30 bar at 200°C to 10–21 bar at 350°C). For heazlewoodite–pentlandite nodules, such conditions persisted throughout the entire time of their formation, while, for other nodules, the reducing conditions of early parageneses were replaced by oxidative conditions in late parageneses, which is recorded by the replacement of native copper with cuprite. It is assumed that the features of the morphology and structure of native sulfide nodules and the presence of symplectite intergrowths of ore minerals in them are associated with specific conditions created during the decompression of the crust-mantle mixture rising to the surface in the fault zone. The source of the metals was a deep, high-temperature fluid interacting with mafic and ultramafic rocks under reducing conditions at a low water-to-rock ratio.

About the authors

V. V. Murzin

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: murzin@igg.uran.ru
620110, Yekaterinburg, Russia

D. A. Varlamov

Institute of Experimental Mineralogy, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: dima@iem.ac.ru
142432, Moscow, Russia

E. S. Karaseva

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: dima@iem.ac.ru
620110, Yekaterinburg, Russia

A. Yu. Kisin

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: dima@iem.ac.ru
620110, Yekaterinburg, Russia


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