Loparite in placers of the Lovozero placer cluster on the example of the Sergevan site

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Loparite is the main placer-forming mineral in placers located along the periphery of the Lovozero alkaline massif. The article presents new materials for the study of loparite from samples taken during field work at the Sergevan site of the Revda placer, located near the northern frame of the massif. The mineral was extracted from the heavy fraction of a technological sample weighing about 30 kg. The paper presents the results of a study of the morphology, features of the chemical composition and internal structure of loparite from placers, as well as its relationship with the bedrock of the massif. It was determined that loparite in the placer is represented by two types of grains: “loparite-1” – large (0.25–0.75 mm) twins of crystals of regular crystallographic forms; “loparite-2” – smaller (0.05–0.20 mm) fragments of irregular shape. The work studied the mineralogical features of each type of grains and revealed their relationship with the bedrock mineralization. The study of the typomorphic features of placer loparite makes it possible to develop an optimal technological scheme for the enrichment of placers to expand the rare metal resource base of Russia

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About the authors

A. V. Grigorieva

Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: grig357@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Staromonetny lane, 35, Moscow, 119017

A. V. Lalomov

Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: grig357@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Staromonetny lane, 35, Moscow, 119017

V. A. Zaitsev

Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: grig357@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Kosygin str., 19, Moscow, 119991

D. A. Lalomov

LLC Geodevice Technologies, O. Bergholz Street

Email: grig357@mail.ru
Russian Federation, 36, St. Petersburg, 192148

A. V. Cefranova

Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: grig357@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Staromonetny lane, 35, Moscow, 119017


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Geological structure with removed Quaternary sediments and loparite mineralization of a part of the Lovozero massif: a - overview scheme of the massif, b - a fragment of the northeastern part of the massif (Likhachev et al., 19801; Lalomov et al., 2019). 1 - undifferentiated eudialyte lujavrites; 2 - differentiated loparite-bearing complex of lujavrites-foyaites-urtites; 3 - host Precambrian granite-gneiss complex; 4 - ore zones of the massif; 5 - Revda rare-metal placer deposit (field), contoured according to the content of 4 kg/m3; areas: 1 - Shomioksky, 2 - Revda, 3 - Sergevansky; 6 - section along line AB, Fig. 2.

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3. Fig. 2. Schematic generalized section of the northwestern flank of the Lovozero massif along the AB line (Fig. 1) according to the data of (Gerasimovsky et al., 1966; Bussen, Sakharov, 1972; Kogarko, 2002; Pozhilenko et al., 2002; Lalomov et al., 2019). 1 - Quaternary deposits of deluvial-proluvial and mountain-glacial genesis; 2 - complex of eudialyte lujavrites; 3 - differentiated loparite-bearing complex of lujavrites-foyaites-urtites; 4 - boundaries of series of the differentiated complex (DKn - lower series, DKs - middle series, DKv - upper series); 5 - host Precambrian granite-gneiss complex; 6 - ore horizons of the massif; 7 – loparite placers.

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4. Fig. 3. Loparite-1 in malignite from the industrial ore zone of the massif (transparent thin section). 1 – loparite, 2 – aegirine, 3 – nepheline, 4 – feldspar (based on the authors’ materials).

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5. Fig. 4. Forms of loparite occurrence in large rock fragments in a placer: a – skeletal loparite crystal surrounded by clusters of aegirine-augite (Px) crystals; b – xenomorphic loparite segregations at the contact of eudialyte (Evd) with aegirine-augite (Px), albite (Alb) and hackmanite (Gkm) after nepheline; c – in the field of murmanite (Mur) development surrounded by focal segregations of albite (Alb), nepheline (Nef) and aegirine (Px). The sizes of loparite segregations vary from 20 to 250 µm. Transparent polished section. Backscattered electron image.

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6. Fig. 5. Morphological varieties of loparite-1 grains from the Sergevan placer: a, d – combinations of cubic and octahedral forms; b – twin of cubic crystals; c – twins of cubic crystals with partial chips; g, e – twins of crystals according to the fluorite law (along the 111 face). Heavy fraction, image in reflected electrons.

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7. Fig. 6. Energy-dispersive spectra of admixtures on loparite grains.

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8. Fig. 7. Internal structure of loparite-1 grains in placer according to X-ray spectroscopy data, numbers in the figure correspond to analysis numbers in Appendix 1. Reflected electron image. Polished block.

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9. Fig. 8. Ratios of contents of some main components in loparite, in formula units. a – niobium from the total REE, b – calcium from titanium, c – calcium from the total REE, d – thorium from titanium. 1 – loparite-1, 2 – loparite-2.

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10. Fig. 9. Morphology of loparite-2 grains. Backscattered electron image.

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11. Fig. 10. Internal structure of loparite-2. Reflected electron image. Sampling point numbers correspond to Appendix 2.

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12. Fig. 11. Comparative diagram of the composition of loparite from the Sergevan placer and from the bedrock of the Lovozero massif. The compositional regions of loparite from the massif are a generalization of our and literature data (Suk et al., 2012; Chakhmouradian, Mitchell, 2002; Mikhailova et al., 2018; Pakhomovsky et al., 2014; Mitchell, Chakhmouradian, 1996): 1 - poikilitic sodalite and nosean syenites; 2 - differentiated complex of urtites-foyaites-lujavrites; 3 - complex of eudialyte lujavrites; 4 - murmanite porphyritic lujavrites; 5 - pegmatites; 6, 7 – compositions of loparite from placers: 6 – loparite-1, 7 – loparite-2.

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13. Fig. 12. Distribution of errors in determining the height depending on the true position of the sample in the section of the Lovozero intrusion according to the first (a) and second (b) formulas. 1 - according to individual analyses (Kogarko et al., 2002); 2 - averaging over samples; 3 - according to (Pakhomovsky et al., 2014); 4 - new data on loparite malignite; 5 - according to (Mikhailova et al., 2023)

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14. Fig. 13. Distribution of loparite grains from the placer according to the estimated vertical position of the source (elevation marks of levels from the boundary with the eudialyte complex). 1 – loparite-1, 2 – loparite-2. Black marks on the axes show the position of the marker horizons.

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15. Application
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