Porphyry deposits of Northern Eurasia: practical aspects of tectonic control, structural features and estimates of depth of erosion from the Urals to the Pacific

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Наличие повышенных содержаний золота (0.1–1 г/т) в порфировых системах Северной Евразии делает их конкурентоспособными с Андами, несмотря на обычно меньшие объемы руды и более низкие содержания меди. Делается вывод, что порфировые системы Северной Евразии формировались в островодужных обстановках так же, как и порфировые системы западной части Тихого океана, в противовес окраинно-континентальным магматическим поясам Анд. Рассматриваются особенности структурного и тектонического контроля порфировых кластеров и трендов Северной Евразии, а также практические аспекты оценки эрозионного среза порфировых систем.

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About the authors

A. S. Yakubchuk

МГУ им М.В. Ломоносова

Author for correspondence.
Email: slaurum@aol.com

геологический факультет

Russian Federation, Воробьевы горы ГСП-1, Москва, 119991


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Global distribution of copper-gold-porphyry deposits and occurrences by: a - amount of ore (million tons), b - amount of copper (million tons), c - amount of gold (t) and d - amount of molybdenum (million tons ). Compiled by A.S. Yakubchuk with modifications from (Singer et al., 2008).

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3. Fig. 2. Gold and copper grades in some porphyry systems of the eastern Pacific continental arcs and western Pacific island arcs (modified from (Cooke et al., 2005, 2007)).

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4. Fig. 3. Porphyry systems of Northern Eurasia: a - ratio of copper and gold; b - ratio of ore resources and copper content; c—ratio of ore resources and gold content. SK - skarn.

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5. Fig. 4. Orogenic collages and porphyry deposits and manifestations of Asia. Collages: EK - Yenisei, ZTK - Western Pacific, STK - North Pacific, CAC - Central Asian.

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6. Fig. 5. Porphyry provinces and deposits against the background of the boundaries of the terranes of Northern Eurasia. Provinces: AS - Altai-Sayan, ALS - Aldan-Stanovaya, VK - East Kazakhstan, KD - Kazakhstan-Dzhungar, KM - Kamchatka, MM - Mongol-Manchu, OL - Oloi, SA - Sikhote-Alin, SK - North Chinese, TS - Tien Shan, UM - Udsko-Murgal, UR - Ural, CA - Central Arctic, SOUTH - South Gobi.

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7. Fig. 6. Ages and tonnage of the mineralized mass of porphyry systems of Northern Eurasia.

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8. Fig. 7. Scheme of the geological structure of the Malmyzh, Aktogay and Almalyk-Saukbulak porphyry clusters. a - Malmyzh cluster (according to E.K. Ignatiev et al., from Bukhanov, 2020). 1–2—diorite porphyrites, diorites, quartz diorites, granodiorites in stocks (1) and dikes (2); 3 – quartz-sulfide stockworks; 4–7 - hydrothermal alterations: potassium (4), quartz-sericite-chlorite (5), quartz-sericite (6), propylites (7). b - Aktogay cluster (cited from Yakubchuk et al., 2012). 1 - Jurassic terrigenous formations; 2 - Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian clastic rocks, tuffs, ignimbrites; 3—Middle and Upper Carboniferous dacite tuffs and ignimbrites; 4—post-ore granodiorite-porphyry dikes; 5 – plagiogranite-porphyry; 6 – biotite granite porphyry; 7 – granodiorite porphyry; 8 – quartz porphyry; 9 – gabbro-diorites; major (10) and secondary (11) faults; 12 - facies boundaries of intrusions; 13—porphyry copper deposits and occurrences; 14—pyrite halo. c — Almalyk-Saukbulak cluster (simplified according to Zvezdov et al., 2018). 1–4—Middle (Moscovian stage)–Late Carboniferous (C2m–C3) volcanics: 1–2—andesite-dacite, 3—extrusive andesite-dacite, 4—andesite; 5—Middle Carboniferous (Bashkirian stage) trachybasalt-trachyandesite-dacite-rhyolite (C2b); 6 - Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous (D3–C1) dolomites and limestones; 7–9 - Lower Devonian: 7 - rhyodacite, 8 - dacite, 9 - basaltic andesite; 10 - Ordovician-Silurian terrigenous and volcanic-terrigenous rocks; 11 - Late Carboniferous-Early Permian gabbro-monzodiorites (a), granodiorite-adamellites (b); 12—ore stockworks; 13 - middle (Moscovian stage)-Late Carboniferous ore-bearing granodiorite-porphyry and quartz monzonite porphyry; 14—Middle Carboniferous syenite-diorites of the main phase (a) and diorites (b).

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9. Fig. 8. Metallogenic trends of porphyry deposits in the Balkhash-Ili magmatic arc of Kazakhstan. AMT - Aktau-Mointa terrane, TsKR - Central Kazakhstan fault. Geological basis according to (Seltmann et al., 2009).

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10. Fig. 9. The linear location of porphyry deposits in the Oyu Tolgoya cluster in Mongolia (a) with a length of over 10 km (Crane, Kavalieris, 2012) and Baimki in Chukotka (b) was compiled using multi-scale data (Chitalin et al., 2016).

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11. Fig. 10. a - configuration of copper-gold shells of the Oyu Tolgoi cluster in plan and section before the discovery of the Kheruga deposit (Crane, Kavalieris, 2012). b - geological diagram and section of the Nurkazgan field (Yakubchuk et al., 2012). 1 – diorite porphyry; 2 – granodiorite; 3—Middle Paleozoic volcanic-sedimentary rocks; 4—Ordovician-Lower Silurian turbidites; 5—contours of copper mineralization; 6—contours of polymetallic mineralization; 7 - quarries; 8 - main faults. c - geological diagram and section of the Taldybulak porphyry system (according to K.V. Lobanov, 2013). d - distribution of copper content in plan and section of the Beskauga deposit (Underwood, Dumala, 2022). 1 — >0.75% Cu, 2 — >0.5% Cu, 3 — >0.4% Cu, 4 — >0.3% Cu.

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