The evolutionary pathways of Oxytropis species of the section Verticillares at the center of the section origin

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Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Oxytropis species from the section Verticillares were studied based on nucleotide polymorphism of cpDNA intergenic spacers psbA-trnH, trnL-trnF, and trnS-trnG at the center of the section origin (Baikal Siberia and adjacent territories of South Siberia, Mongolia, and China). Moreover, at the first time the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships of species from section Verticillares based on the analysis of ITS nrDNA has been performed. The paper summarizes new samples and new data for unstudied species and populations. 84.4% populations of 11 species are characterized by a high level of chloroplast haplotype diversity (h varies from 0.700 to 1.000). The majority of populations (71.9%) have high haplotype diversity with low nucleotide diversity. Three haplogroups revealed in the genealogical network of chlorotypes indicate that there are different evolutionary pathways of the species included in these groups: divergence of genetically isolated taxa in the zone of sympatry presumably on the base of ecological specialization; incomplete lineage sorting with preserving of ancestral polymorphism in combination with hybridization of weakly diversified taxa; allopatric divergence and polyploidization. Analysis of markers of chloroplast and nuclear genomes testify the rapid adaptive radiation of Oxytropis section Verticillares.

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About the authors

A. B. Kholina

Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Vladivostok, 690022

E. V. Artyukova

Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Vladivostok, 690022

D. V. Sandanov

Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Ulan-Ude, 670047


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Map indicating the collection sites of Oxytropis species of the Verticillares section from 45 natural habitats. See Table 1 for population codes. The ranges of the studied species are given in [66].

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3. Fig. 2. Genealogical relationships of haplotypes of Oxytropis species of the Verticillares section constructed using the MJ method: a – genealogical network of cpDNA chlorotypes (H1–H55); b – genealogical network of ITS rDNA ribotypes (RH1–RH17). The size of the circles reflects the frequency of chloro- and ribotypes, small black circles are hypothetical chloro- and ribotypes, transverse thin intersecting lines on the branches are mutational events, thick black intersecting lines are indels. The dotted line divides the chlorotype network into haplogroups I, II, III. Mutations for O. glabra, used as an outgroup, are not indicated and are not considered.

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