Uniaxial Quadrupole Order in a Magnet With Strong Biquadratic Exchange




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It is shown that in a magnet with a sufficiently strong biquadratic exchange interaction (compared to bilinear exchange) and spin S > 1, the temperature transition from a disordered paramagnetic state to the ground ferromagnetic state passes through an intermediate magnetically ordered phase—uniaxial quadrupole ordering. For a magnet with spin S = 3/2, a phase diagram of magnetic states was constructed in the region of large values of the biquadratic exchange and it was studied how the sequence of two phase transitions—“paramagnetic state–quadrupole state” and “quadrupole state–ferromagnetic state”—manifests itself in the temperature behavior of the magnetic heat capacity and the initial magnetic susceptibility.


E. Kokorina

Institute of Electrophysics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: kokorina@iep.uran.ru
Russia, 620016, Ekaterinburg

M. Medvedev

Institute of Electrophysics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: medvedev@iep.uran.ru
Russia, 620016, Ekaterinburg


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版权所有 © Е.Е. Кокорина, М.В. Медведев, 2023
