Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of Nanocomposites (CoFeB)x(LiNbO3)100 – x with Concentrations up to the Percolation Threshold: From Superparamagnetism and Superferromagnetism to Ferromagnetism




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Nanocomposites (CoFeB)x(LiNbO3)100 – x with x = 17–48 at % have been synthesized by ion beam sputtering of a composite target comprised of Co40Fe40B20 and LiNbO3 onto silicon substrates, and the tran-sitions from the superparamagnetic state to the superferromagnetic and ferromagnetic states with an increase in the concentration of the magnetic component are studied by magneto-optical methods. The magneto-optical properties have been investigated in the geometry of the equatorial (transverse) Kerr effect (TKE). Magneto-optical spectra are recorded in the range of 0.5–4.0 eV in fields up to 2.5 kOe at 20–300 K, field and temperature dependences of the TKE at certain wavelengths are obtained, and the domain structure during magnetization reversal is visualized using a magneto-optical Kerr microscope. It is shown that the sample with x = 17 at % is superparamagnetic at temperatures above the blocking temperature (about 30 K). The interaction between the granules is considerable already at x = 20 at %, the transition to the superferro-magnetic state occurs at x ≈ 32–36 at %, and the transition to the ferromagnetic state occurs at x ≈ 44 at %near the metal–dielectric transition, i.e., at a concentration below the percolation transport threshold.


E. Gan’shina

Department of Physics, Moscow State University

Moscow, 119991 Russia

I. Pripechenkov

Department of Physics, Moscow State University

Moscow, 119991 Russia

N. Perova

Department of Physics, Moscow State University

Moscow, 119991 Russia

E. Kanazakova

Department of Physics, Moscow State University

Moscow, 119991 Russia

S. Nikolaev

National Research Center Kurchatov Institute

Moscow, 123182 Russia

A. Sitnikov

National Research Center Kurchatov Institute; Voronezh State Technical University

Moscow, 123182 Russia; Voronezh, 394026 Russia

A. Granovskii

Department of Physics, Moscow State University; Institute of Theoretical and Applied Electrodynamics

Moscow, 119991 Russia; Moscow, 125412 Russia

V. Ryl’kov

National Research Center Kurchatov Institute; Institute of Theoretical and Applied Electrodynamics

Moscow, 123182 Russia; Moscow, 125412 Russia


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版权所有 © Е.А. Ганьшина, И.М. Припеченков, Н.Н. Перова, Е.С. Каназакова, С.Н. Николаев, А.С. Ситников, А.Б. Грановский, В.В. Рыльков, 2023
