The Creation of Complex Multi-Component Models of Mössbauer Spectra Based on the Example of a Study of Hyperfine Interactions in Quasi-Binary Alloys with the Laves Phase Structure



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In this paper, we describe a method for creating new custom models of partial Mössbauer spectra
based on the existing ones built into the SpectrRelax program without changing the program itself by writing code fragments in the built-in Lua programming language. The extension of the capabilities of the SpectrRelax
program is demonstrated using the example of studying hyperfine interactions of 57Fe nuclei in quasibinary Tb(Fe0.8Al0.2)2 and Ho(Fe0.8Mn0.2)2 alloys with the C15 Laves phase structure. A model for processing
the spectra, which simultaneously takes the composite and magnetic nonequivalence of the positions of Fe atoms in these alloys, has been created and used, which makes it possible to obtain new data about the orientation
of the axis of the easiest magnetization, the anisotropy of the hyperfine magnetic field, and the effect of substitution of Al and Mn atoms for Fe atoms on hyperfine parameters of Mössbauer spectra.

Sobre autores

M. Matsnev

Moscow State University

Moscow, 119991 Russia

V. Rusakov

Moscow State University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Moscow, 119991 Russia


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