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Том 51, № 9-10 (2016)


Preparation of Reactoplastic Nanomodified Polymer Composites. Part 2. Analysis of Means of Forming Nanocomposites (Patent Review)

Kolosov A.


Effective technical means (methods and devices) designed to produce reactoplastic nanomodified polymer composites that provide increased strength and service life for structures based on them were analyzed. It was shown that technical means using low-frequency ultrasound cavitation were effective. This was due to the difficulty of providing a uniform distribution of nanoparticles in the oligomer because of the tendency of the added nanoparticles to attract each other and the resulting adhesion and aggregation.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):640-645
pages 640-645 views

Analysis of Thermodynamic Efficiency of Small-Scale Natural Gas Liquefying Plant Operating on Medium-Pressure Cycle

Arkharov A., Semenov V.


The sole Russian Federation LNG plant operating in Ekaterinburg on medium-pressure expander cycle (Claude cycle) allows utilization of the energy of pressure fall at a gas distributing station. The thermodynamic efficiency of the plant is 17.5%, which matches the current level of development in this category of cryogenic plants. Statistical entropy analysis showed that the major contribution to the nonequilibrity of the liquefaction process is made by remote mainline compressor (up to 40%) and turboexpander-compressor aggregate (up to 25%). This fact opens up possibilities of improving LNG plants further by switching to other methods of cold generation using, in particular, rotor wave cryogenerator

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):656-664
pages 656-664 views

Methodology of Statistical Entropy Analysis of Small-Scale Natural Gas Liquefiers

Arkharov A., Semenov V., Krasnonosova S.


The method of statistical entropy analysis of small-scale LNG plants is developed on the basis of the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The analysis stages are shown and the main calculation relationships are given. Average statistical data are used in the calculations to indicate the ranges of possible variations of quantities, such as ambient temperature, under-recuperation in heat exchanger, heat influxes from the surroundings, efficiency of compressors and expanders, etc. The proposed method can be used to calculate the work required to compensate for the entropy produced in the core units of the plant and so to determine as early as in the design stage the most power consuming components for their updating or replacement.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):665-673
pages 665-673 views

Theorem of Ideal Cycles of Refrigerating Machines

Kolosov M.


A generalized expression for power is derived using as an example an arbitrary refrigerating machine capable of cooling and thermostatic control of external bodies or cooling and liquefying a through flow of gas, and the dependence of this power on external conditions, the type of problem to be solved, and the rate of generation of entropy in individual processes is analyzed. The structure of the ideal cycle and the required equipment for a concrete problem may be evaluated through the use of the resulting expression. The ideal cycle is evaluated for the case of a heat-utilizing refrigerating machine in which the warming heat-transfer agent changes its temperature substantially, an objective performance efficiency indicator of such a machine is proposed, and an analytic expression of the maximum refrigerating capacity is obtained.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):674-682
pages 674-682 views

Optimization of Design and Operational Parameters of Adsorbers for Purification of Neon-Helium Mixture

Bondarenko V., Simonenko Y., Chigrin A.


The analysis of options for arranging an adsorber composed of several sections is given. The formulas for calculating the geometric parameters of individual adsorber elements were obtained for a specified diameter of the cooling nitrogen bath. The expenditure of refrigerant and energy required to regenerate the sorbent were defined for several constructional variants. The operating costs for a single adsorber cycle were calculated. The optimum regeneration temperature was determined at which the cost of purifying the mixture is minimal.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):683-690
pages 683-690 views

Substantiation of Concentration Level at Enrichment of Light Rare Gases

Bondarenko V., Shevich Y., Vigurzhinskaya S.


Dynamics of rare gases consumption is ahead of the technical capabilities of their production. Reserves of production growth of helium, neon, krypton, and xenon are associated with the expansion of the resource base. Entering of the distant sources of raw materials into the process chain dictates the decline in the share of impurities in the transported product side, improving of a single transport – production complex of gas concentrates recycling. While choosing a concentration technology and depth of treatment in each case it is necessary to take into account the distance between the source and the user of the gas feed, and the level of expenses for the creation and provision of new cryogenic technology.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):691-696
pages 691-696 views

Application, Production, and Exploitation of Alternative Sources of the Isotope 3He

Bondarenko V., Grafov A., Kupriyanov M.


Current and future applications of the isotope 3H were described. Data about the supply and demand for this helium isotope were given. Sources of 3H were discussed. The possibility of extracting it from natural helium was evaluated.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):697-700
pages 697-700 views

Analysis of the Possibility of Using Industrial Low-Temperature Fractionation for 3He/4He Separation

Bondarenko V., Grafov A., Kupriyanov M.


The possibility of using low-temperature fractionation for He isotope separation was examined. Data about precedents for creating laboratory units were presented. The possibility of using industrial fractionation to produce 3He was evaluated. Methods for reducing operating costs for isotope fractionation were described.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):701-706
pages 701-706 views

Does Helium Have a Cryogenic Future?

Simonenko Y., Bondarenko A., Chigrin A., Shevich Y.


If there were a list of endangered chemical elements, then helium would be one of the top ten most critical. Along with silver, zinc, and germanium, helium will practically be exhausted on the planet by the end of the XXIst century. Moreover, helium is the only gaseous element on the list. The unique physical and chemical properties of helium make it irreplaceable in scientific research, medicine, power engineering, aerospace, and defense sectors. Helium has a right to be considered mankind’s most important strategic resource.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):707-713
pages 707-713 views

Analysis of Efficiency of Systems for Control of the Thermal Regime of Spacecraft

Delkov A., Kishkin A., Lavrov N., Tanasienko F.


Problems and the outlook for the development of effective systems of controlling the thermal regimes of spacecraft are considered. The process of creating and using the apparatus of mathematical modeling for the purpose of comparing the energy characteristics of different systems is described. The characteristics of forward and reverse working cycles of two-phase closed systems that control the thermal regimes are compared.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):714-719
pages 714-719 views

On the 100th Anniversary of V. I. Epifanova

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):720-721
pages 720-721 views

A Mathematical Model of the Life of the Metal in Process Equipment, Pipelines, and Their Structural Elements

Zaporozhets E., Antoniadi D., Shostak N., Mishchenko I., Zaporozhets E.


A physico-mathematical model for use in determining the life of the metal of the working elements of process equipment and pipelines as a function of the gaseohydrodynamic parameters of the media travelling in the equipment, the basic mechanical and geometric parameters of these elements, and the rate of corrosion of the metal, i.e., the degree of chemical corrosiveness of the medium, and the rate of ageing of the metal, is proposed.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):590-596
pages 590-596 views

Development of Equipment Modules for Flexible Technology of High-Purity Inorganic Acids

Kazakov A., Bessarabov A., Trokhin V., Vendilo A.


As a result of the conducted investigations of equipment and technology, it has been shown that the application of flexible production systems on the basis of standard equipment modules is promising for obtaining a range of high-purity reagent-quality inorganic acids. Specialized equipment included in the equipment modules is considered for the achievement of the required quality of production.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):597-603
pages 597-603 views

Structural Implementation of the Process of Elasto-Deformation Shredding of Rubber-Containing Wastes (Survey of Patents)

Mikulionok I.


Features of the process of shredding of solid wastes with the use of high-molecular compounds under conditions of compression and simultaneous shear and attrition in rotary shredders are considered. A classification of rotary shredders is presented and the designs of patented rotary shredders are considered.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):604-608
pages 604-608 views

Development of Methods of Optimal Design of High-Pressure Releasable Connections

Pogodin V., Trutaev S., Trutaeva V.


The basic assumptions of a technique of optimal design of releasable hoop connections developed at Irkutsk-NIIkhimmash are considered. The technique is based on the use of the finite element method in combination with application methods of multidimensional optimization and makes it possible to design a hoop connection of minimal mass while simultaneously satisfying strength and air-tightness constraints. Through the use of the proposed technique and a computer program that is part of the COMPASS software system, we were able to introduce a number of releasable hood connections of standard sizes at the Chemical Plant of Angarsk Petrochemical Company of Rosneft as well as optimize the costs of maintenance and repair of the high-pressure equipment and reduce the rate of industrial accidents occurring in the course of repair operations.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):609-612
pages 609-612 views

Structure of Information Model of Steel Tanks

Mokrozub V., Manuilov K., Gorshkov V., Gorshkova T.


The structure and key elements of the information model of horizontal steel tanks and underground tanks, on which the development of intelligent CAD systems are based, are described. The initial model inputs: functions, operating conditions, and basic dimensions of the constructed objects. The result: apparatus design variants that satisfy the initial data and the restrictions of the normative documents. The key elements of the information model: register of elements, model of structure, model of parameters, model of element positioning in space, and model of technical specifications of the designed equipment. A distinctive feature of the proposed model is use of If…Then… type of production rules. The model is designed for use at the stages of structural and parametric synthesis, construction of a 3D model, and drawing up of technical specifications of the designed objects with minimal involvement of the designer.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):613-618
pages 613-618 views

Research, Design, Calculations, and Operating Experience

Modeling of Processes in Microcryogenic Gas Cooler

Aleksandrov A., Arkharov I., Navasardyan E., Antonov E.


This work is devoted to modeling of operation of low-capacity (0.5 W at 77 K) Stirling microcryogenic gas cooler (MCGC). A mathematical model of the cooler, a system of equations, and methods of solution of the equations system are given. The results of computational study of the operating conditions of the cooler are furnished. The design modifications for realizing heat removal from the MCGC compressor chamber cover are analyzed and calculated.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):649-655
pages 649-655 views

Revamping Equipment and Technology of Existing Granulating Plants to Improve the Quality of Granulated Products

Taran Y., Taran A.


Finish granulation and encapsulation by fattening technology are used as additional stages to existing granule production process (for example, by prilling technology). The proposed procedure for calculating the dynamics of granule size distribution of the supplied external recycle that is processed into the final product can be applied in the cases of random change in granule growth rate, which allows one to take into account, among others, abrasion of granules, operation in granulation mode and at the final stage of granule abrasion (polishing), and nonuniformity of atomization of the applied product and several other technological procedures and process characteristics.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):581-589
pages 581-589 views


Erratum to: Application of Disk Springs for Manufacturing Vibration Isolators with Quasi-Zero Stiffness

Valeev A., Zotov A., Kharisov S.
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):722-722
pages 722-722 views

Industrial Ecology

Comprehensive Assessment of Wastewater Quality in the Production of Cephalexin Monohydrate

Tarantseva K., Firsova O.


Wastewater from different stages and the average runoff in the production of cephalexin monohydrate were investigated. Comprehensive assessment of wastewater quality was proposed based on the definition of integral indicators of quality, which allows for the choice of treatment method at various stages of production and for reducing the anthropogenic load on the hydrosphere.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):619-624
pages 619-624 views

Safety, Diagnosis, and Repair

Causes of Tube Heater (Finned Tube) Damage in the Production of Butyl Alcohol and Methanol Synthesis

Murashov A., Korchagin A., Minenko N., Demkin S., Yudin A.


Reasons are studied for breakdown and failure of tubular coil elements (finned tubes) designed for heating a production medium with flue gas heat before entering reaction columns. An analysis of cases of abnormal and emergency situations shows that cases of finned tube damage and breakdown occur predominantly due to infringement of operating regimes, changes in material properties during operation, and irregularities of the tube manufacturing process.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):625-629
pages 625-629 views

Materials Science and Corrosion Protection

Relationship Between Impact Strength and Stress Intensity Factor K1c for Steels Used in Manufacturing Petrochemical Equipment

Korchagin A., Kuznetsov K., Murashov A., Yudin A., Demkin S.


The dependence of fracture toughness (stress intensity factor K1c) for steels on their mechanical properties (yield strength and impact energy) taking account of the effect of temperature is considered. The nature of change in K1c in the temperature range +20 to –40°C is demonstrated on the example of three steels.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):630-635
pages 630-635 views

Manufacturing Technology

New Concept for High-Throughput Turning of Polymers

Erenkov O., Sigitova M.


A new concept of high-throughput turning of polymers was presented. The concept consisted of a combination of ordinary lathe treatment with simultaneous irradiation of the workpieces by nanosecond electromagnetic pulses. As a result, the material surface structure weakened, which was a prerequisite for increasing the cutting speed. The treatment method and a device for reducing it to practice were developed and protected by patents. Experimental data confirming the effectiveness of the proposed technical solutions were presented.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;51(9-10):636-639
pages 636-639 views

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