Compensation for Nitrogen Loss in the Atmosphere of a Hermetically Sealed Inhabited Object


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The causes of gaseous nitrogen (N2 ) losses from the atmosphere of an inhabited space station and the methods for restoring the atmospheric composition are reviewed. The desirability of delivering compressed gaseous and solid N2 to the station is shown. Expressions for calculating the amount of N2 required for delivery to the space station are given. The refrigeration capacity of compressed and gaseous N2 for thermostatting electronic devices is estimated.

Об авторах

A. Levchenko

S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, Korolev, Moscow Oblast

O. Artem’ev

N. E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Россия, Moscow

N. Lavrov

N. E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Россия, Moscow

A. Kazakova

N. E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Россия, Moscow

Yu. Nikiforov

N. E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Россия, Moscow

M. Bilalov

N. E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Россия, Moscow

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature, 2019

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