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Vol 108, No 4 (2023)

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Mosses of the Western Part of the Chukchi Highlands. 2. Number of Species and Cover on Gradients of Environmental Factors

Kholod S.S., Afonina O.M.


Based on geobotanical studies conducted in the summer of 1989 in the western part of the Chukchi Highlands, it was found that the number of moss species varies depending on the altitude, slope exposure and angle. Taking into account samples of different volumes for different parameters, the following dependencies were revealed: the largest number of species (35) was noted in the altutude range of 250–300 m, the smallest (14) – for the altutudes above 400 m; the slopes of the northern exposure are characterized by the largest number of species (22), the south-eastern and north-western ones – by the smallest number (18); a decreasing tendency in the number of species manifests itself with an increase in the slope angle: on gentle slopes (up to 5°) there are 37 species, while on steep ones (more than 25°) their number decreases to 23. Based on the position of the species optimum on the scale of soil moisture, 7 groups of species were distinguished: xerotopes, mesoxerotopes, xeromesotopes, mesotopes, hygromesotopes, mesohygrotopes, hygrotopes. The total percent cover value of mosses varies differently on the slopes of different exposures (on gravelly-fine-stony substrates): on the northern slopes it increases to an altitude of 400 m, then decreases sharply; on the south-western slopes it only increases to an altitude of 450 m, on all the other slopes it monotonously decreases from an altitude of 230–250 m to 370–600 m. At different altitude levels, the maximum of the total percent cover value of mosses is also related to the slope exposure: in the lower altitude range, it is confined to the south-eastern slopes, in the medium altitudes, it shifts to the north-eastern slopes, and in the uppermost range to the south-western ones. With an increase in the slope steepness, the total percent cover value of mosses decreases on the slopes of all exposures, with the greatest intensity being on the eastern slopes.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2023;108(4):315-333
pages 315-333 views


Anisimova G.M., Shamrov I.I.


The development and structure of the anther wall in Crassula intermedia, C. multicava and C. ericoides was studied for the first time. In the studied species, the presence of basic features of the Crassulaceae family associated with reproduction processes was confirmed. These include: tetrasporangiate anther, parietal tapetum, simultaneous microsporogenesis, predominantly tetrahedral tetrads of microspores, 2-celled and 3-colporate mature pollen grains. The microsporangium wall is 4-layered (epidermis, endothecium, middle layer and tapetum) and its development occurs within a typical variation of the centrifugal type. Tannins accumulate in epidermal cells: in C. intermedia, along the periphery of the cell protoplast, and in C. multicava and C. ericoides, the cell protoplasts are completely filled with tannins. The tapetum develops without reorganization (typical parietal tapetum). The study has shown that Crassula species are characterized by a number of unique features. They form an eccentric connective displaced from the central position towards the abaxial microsporangia, while the connective tissue does not develop between the adaxial microsporangia. Fibrous thickenings were found not only in the endothecium cells, but also in the cells around the vascular bundle of the connective tissue. The number of cell layers with fibrous thickenings and their location differ in the studied species. In C. ericoides, they are arranged in one layer in the form of a ring in the anther part completely fused with the filament. In C. intermedia and C. multicava, 2–3 layers are formed there. As regards the anther part free from the filament, in C. ericoides cells with fibrous thickenings are formed only in the endothecium, while in other two species not only in the endothecium, but also in 2–3 underlying layers of the connective tissue. In the structure of the stamen and anther of Crassula species, there are features common with Sedum and Aeonium species (the presence of cells with fibrous thickenings in the anther part free from the filament) and Kalanchoe (the stamen is wide at the base and narrow at the junction with the anther). Our data indicate that additional studies are needed, and the position of the Crassula clade continues to be controversial on the phylogenetic tree of the Crassulaceae family.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2023;108(4):334-348
pages 334-348 views

Structure of Needle Mesophyll in the Genus Larix Species (Pinaceae)

Zvereva G.K.


The structure of needle mesophyll and the forms of assimilative cells in the genus Larix species are discussed on the example of L. gmelini var. gmelini, L. decidua, L. kaempferi and L. sibirica. Needle samples were fixed in the Gammalund’s mixture. The study of the mesophyll was carried out on transverse, paradermal and radial sections of the middle part of the needles using a light microscope. To clarify the shape of chlorenchyma cells, macerated preparations were used. It is shown that the needle mesophyll in Larix species mainly consists of large cells of complex shape, which touch their convex parts or ends to form a well-developed system of intercellular spaces, which may comtribute to intense gas exchange. Different variants of flat folded, flat cellular and more complicated folded-cellular assimilative cells are described. The flat folded cells are characterized by a variety of lobed configurations on transverse sections and elongated oval projections on radial sections. The flat cellular cells are found on needle longitudinal sections of and consist of cellular links facing both perpendicular (cellular cells of the first group) and parallel (cellular cells of the second group) to the leaf surface. The folded-cellular cells combine transverse folded contours and longitudinal cellular outlines. In the needle mesophyll of the studied Larix species, weak differentiation into palisade and spongy parenchyma is observed; the cells of the middle part (median cells) are additionally distinguished between them. The palisade tissue is formed mainly by cellular cells of the first group, the spongy tissue by cellular cells of the second group. The median cells are located on both sides of the vascular bundle along a large needle radius; they can be either flat and slightly folded, or folded-cellular. The studied Larix species are similar in th esize of assimilative cells and the structure of the needle mesophyll; the main differences between them are related to the features of cell dissection both in transverse and longitudinal directions.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2023;108(4):349-359
pages 349-359 views

Response of Pinus sylvestris (Pinaceae) to Inbreeding, and Its Characterization as an Element of Incompatibility System

Kuznetsova N.F.


The results of the study of seed reproduction systems of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) under self-pollination and open-pollination are summarized (2- and 12-year experiment on self-pollination; electron microscopy). It was shown that in optimal years the generative sphere of pine is in equilibrium, with the populations being characterized by a minimum level of self-fertility (Rsf = 0.13–0.14). The ratio between self-sterile, partly self-fertile and self-fertile forms is 8ss : 4psf : 1sf, the proportion of inbred progeny is 7–8%. It was found that self-pollination partially reduces cone yield and increases the share of empty seeds. During self-pollination, the incompatibility of the self-sterile forms is ultrastructurally manifested in formation of the isolation zone at the border of pollen tube and nucellus, or of the embryo and endosperm. In early embryogenesis, the isolation zone between embryo and endosperm reaches a diameter of 1–2 cells, indicating the intensity of incompatibility processes. It has been shown that in slightly anomalous (cold or warm) and dry years the level of self-fertility increases in proportion to the strength of weather stress, and the sample structure changes. The share of inbred progeny increases from 1/12 in optimal years to 1/9, 1/5 and 1/3, in cold and warm, moderately dry and severely dry years, respectively. This confirms the participation of inbreeding in the adaptation of the seed gene pool to the habitat. The organization of the genetic incompatibility system in the pine and its changes in the transition from gymnosperms to angiosperms are discussed.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2023;108(4):360-370
pages 360-370 views


New Species of Freshwater Phaeophyta in Permian and Triassic of Siberia

Sadovnikov G.N.


The genus Mesenteriophyllum, described by T.A. Sistel in Kyrgyzstan and known in Australia and Antarctica, is revealed on the Taimyr Peninsula. The new species Mesenteriophyllum sixtelae with a transversely wavy thallus is described there. Morphologically similar plants were found in Central Siberia. The genus Kotchumdeckia is distinguished there, differing from Mesenteriophyllum by a flat thallus and a broad flattened marginal border. The newly described species Mesenteriophyllum sixtelae, Kotchumdeckia borutchinkinae, K. clavata, and K. parallela differ in the shape of the thallus. These plants belong to Phaeophyta. There are some Phaeophyta thalli overgrown with Cyanobionta.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2023;108(4):371-379
pages 371-379 views


Records of New Species of Vascular Plants in the Northern Koryakia, Kamchatka Territory

Skvortsov K.I., Neshataeva V.Y., Yakubov V.V.


New data on distribution of 8 vascular plant species in Northern Koryakia (mainland part of Kamchatka Territory) is presented. Five native species (Bryanthus gmelinii D. Don, Cassiope lycopodioides (Pall.) D. Don, Listera cordata (L.) R. Br., Lonicera chamissoi Bunge ex P. Kir., Saxifraga tolmiei Torr. et Gray) and 3 alien species (Galium mollugo L., Leucanthemum vulgare Lam., Linaria vulgaris Mill.) are new to the mainland of the Kamchatka Territory.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2023;108(4):380-382
pages 380-382 views

New Species of Alien Plants in the Flora of Sakhalin Island

Lozhnikova O.O., Sabirova N.D., Sabirov R.N.


Information is provided on 12 newly recorded alien species of vascular plants in the flora of Sakhalin Island: Ajuga reptans L., Brunnera sibirica Steven, Centaurea jacea L., Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her., Juncus tenuis Willd., Leonurus quinquelobatus Gilib., Melandrium dioicum (L.) Coss. et Germ., Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds., Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill, Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth., Veronica filiformis Sm., Vinca minor L. Their localities and habitats are cited, and some features of their distribution on the territory of the island are reported.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2023;108(4):383-387
pages 383-387 views

Viola Reischenbachiana (Violaceae) – a New Species to the Flora of Central Russia

Reshetnikova N.M.


The discovery of Viola reischenbachiana Jord. ex Boreau in the Kaluga Region is reported. The species is for the first time reliably indicated for the Central Russia. Its morphological differences are discussed. The occurrence in isolation from the main area is apparently due to the drift during the deployment of German troops on the territory of the Kaluga Region.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2023;108(4):388-391
pages 388-391 views


The “Plant Phylogeny Posters” (PPP) – Useful Tools for Scientific Research and Education

Godin V.N., Cole Т.C.


Wall charts and posters depicting plant structure and evolutionary relationships as phylogenetic trees have been important teaching tools for many decades. With the development of digital technologies, new approaches to the traditional concept have become possible. The article briefly discusses the history, development and significance of the “Plant Phylogeny Posters” project. This project is a joint work of a growing team of more than 200 specialists from more than 50 nations from all around the world. The portfolio currently consists of nearly 600 posters in 54 poster titles and in 45 languages (as of early 2023). All posters are freely available on the Internet and are regularly updated.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2023;108(4):392-394
pages 392-394 views


All-Russian Scientific Seminar “Age Structure of Plant Populations and Analysis of Ontogenetic Spectra” (February 20, 2023, Moscow)

Zhivotovsky L.A., Osmanova G.O., Upelniek V.P., Senator S.A.


Information about the All-Russian scientific seminar devoted to the age structure of plant populations and the analysis of ontogenetic spectra is provided. The seminar was held on February 20, 2023 in Moscow. More than 50 people from 17 educational and scientific institutions took part in the seminar.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2023;108(4):395-397
pages 395-397 views

pages 398 views

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