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Vol 109, No 2 (2024)

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To the moss flora of the Tunka National Park (Sayan-Dzhida upland, Republic of Buryatia)

Tubanova D.Y., Afonina O.M., Dugarova O.D.


For the first time, a study of the moss flora of the Sayan-Dzhida Upland was conducted in 2018 and 2022 (Tunka National Park, Republic of Buryatia). A total of 239 moss species and 1 variety have been identified. Among them, there are 5 species new to the moss flora of Buryatia (Blindiadelphus diversifolius, Fissidens exilis, Leptopterigynandrum decolor, Schistidium frigidum, and Ulota hutchinsiae). New localities for five species listed in the Red Data Book of Buryatia (2013) are given: Didymodon perobtusus, Lescuraea incurvata, Plagiomnium acutum, Rhizomnium andrewsianum, and Struckia enervis. There are 73 moss species new for the Park. The features of the studied moss flora are discussed.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(2):111-131
pages 111-131 views

Restoration of stand on the site of burnt spruce forest in the Central Forest reserve

Pukinskaya M.Y.


With the warming of the climate, the intensification of droughts and the drying up of coniferous forests, the number of forest fires is also increasing. Therefore, the study of the post-fire dynamics of stands and prospects for reforestation on burnt areas is especially relevant. The research was carried out in the Central Forest State Natural Biosphere Reserve (southern taiga) on the burnt area formed in 1999 as a result of a thunderstorm. The purpose of the work was: to describe the state of vegetation 22 years after burnout; to find out the characteristics of the stand formed on the burnt area and the possibility of their use for reconstructing the history of disturbancies in old spruce forests. The objectives of the study included: monitoring vegetation changes in the 1999 burnt area; studying the growth of spruce undergrowth in the burnt area; finding out the number and ratio of preliminary and subsequent renewal of tree species; analyzing the distribution and amount of coals in the sample plots (depending on the intensity of burnout and the state of the pre-fire stand). To study the state of vegetation after the burnout of the blueberry-wood sorrel and wood sorrel – nemoral-herb spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) forests, 14 sample plots (100 m2 each) were laid in the northwestern part of the burnt area. The sample plots covered 1.5 hectares. 22 years after the fire, a mixed small-leaved forest with a predominance of birch and a significant participation of spruce has been forming on the site of burnt spruce forests. Spruce is represented mainly by post-fire renewal. In the undergrowth, the ratio of pre- and post-renewal spruce is about 1 : 3. In the ground cover, a small number of nemoral herb species is recorded, and in the stand and undergrowth – almost complete absence of broad-leaved species. A lot of coals were found in soil digs in 4 sample plots (30%); there were no coals in 3 (20%) sample plots, and small coals in small amount were found in 7 (50%) sample plots.

Assessing the possibilities of identifying the first post-fire generation of spruce in old stands, it must be said that none of the characteristics of a post-fire spruce stand is universal for its recognition. Only a set of features allows to identify the history of the stand. Distinctive features of the first post-old generation: the presence of coals in 30% of samples or more; a large admixture of birch and aspen; a large diversity of the aspen part of the stand; if there are broad-leaved species, they will be much younger than the spruce; the presence of a sharp decline, and then a rise in growths in a significant part of the oldest spruce trees; the main generation of spruce has initial radial growths on an average of 2.1 mm/year, and the absence of synchronous sharp rises of the growths at the beginning of life.

The age of aspen most accurately corresponds to the year of the fire.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(2):132-154
pages 132-154 views

Dynamics of Scutellaria tuvensis (Lamiaceae) coenopopulations

Guseva A.A., Cheryomushkina V.A., Асташенков А.Ю., Talovskaya E.B.


The dynamics of density, abundance, ontogenetic structure and spatial organization of Scutellaria tuvensis coenopopulations under the influence of climatic factors in different habitat conditions has been studied. The decrease in the climate aridity in the basins of the Republic of Tuva in the last 10 years has a positive effect on the condition of the coenopopulations of S. tuvensis, occurring in dry and deseritied steppes. The coenopopulations of S. tuvensis are normal, stable, and in balance with the ecotope. The dynamics of the number, ecological density, spatial distribution of individuals in the coenopopulations, and the type of ontogenetic spectrum are influenced by climatic factors, while the values of demographic indicators in the coenopopulations are determined by the peculiarities of development of individuals in different habitats. Under a mildening climate (early warm spring and non-dry summer), optimal conditions are created for seed germination and further development of young plants. Recently, an increase in the number of young plants has been found in all habitats, a left-sided type of the ontogenetic spectrum is being formed, and coenopopulations are rejuvenating.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(2):155-166
pages 155-166 views

Dynamics of spontaneous flora of the Peter the Great BotanicaL Garden

Baranova O.G., Konechnaya G.Y.


About 30 years ago, the species composition of herbaceous plants on the territory of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden was studied. It has changed over the years, and it is necessary to give assessment to this process. Currently, the problem of the appearance and dispersal of invasive plant species, most of which are “escapees” from cultivation, is quite acute in Russia and beyond. The purpose of the research is to identify and analyze changes in the species composition of the spontaneous flora of herbaceous plants in the Peter the Great Botanical Garden over the past 30 years. The objectives of the study included assessing changes in the number of certain alien plant species and their invasive potential. As a result of the inventory, 355 species of vascular plants from 54 families were identified in the modern spontaneous flora of the botanical garden. Among them, the indigenous fraction comprises 248 plant species (70.3%). Compared to 1994, the number of species in the flora of the botanical garden increased by 20%. There was an increase in the group of species escaped from cultivation by 50%, but their abundance does not yet cause concern and only 4 species are recognized as potentially invasive on the territory of the botanical garden.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(2):167-175
pages 167-175 views

Androdioecy in Ranunculus ficaria ssp. ficaria (Ranunculaceae)

Godin V.N.


Androdioecy was for the first time studied in detail in the fibrous-rooted herbaceous ephemeroid polycarpic plant Ranunculus ficaria ssp. ficaria in the Moscow Region during 2019–2023. It has been established that this subspecies produces two types of flowers: perfect and staminate (remains of carpels with reduced non-functioning stigmas are preserved). Perfect flowers and their component parts are always larger than those of staminate flowers. Populations consist of three types of individuals: with perfect flowers exclusively, with perfect and staminate flowers, and with staminate flowers only. Synflorescence of R. ficaria ssp. ficaria is a closed thyrsus, the subunits of which are dichasia. In andromonoecious plants, perfect flowers are located on the top of the thyrsus axis and take a terminal position in paracladial dichasia, while staminate flowers are formed exclusively on the lateral axes of dichasia. In the five studied populations, plants with perfect flowers predominate (from 86.3 to 93.7%). Over a five-year observation period, individuals of different sexual forms did not change the sex of flowers, and the sex ratio in populations remained stable without sharp fluctuations.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(2):176-187
pages 176-187 views

Comparative characteristics of the lipidome of Cycas revoluta and C. rumphii (Cycadaceae)

Kotlova E.R., Senik S.V., Kozlova I.V., Serebryakov E.B.


A targeted lipidomics analysis of four classes of membrane glycerolipids was carried out in two species of Cycadaceae from the genus CycasC. revoluta and C. rumphii. The analysis of the molecular diversity of the main phospholipids, which are the components of extra-chloroplast membranes, has revealed archaic features, including a high level of molecular species containing C18:1 fatty acids (typical of Ginkgo biloba), increased relative content of molecular species with odd fatty acids C17:0 and C19:0 (typical of non-seed plants). At the same time, the analysis of the molecular diversity of the glycolipids which are the components of chloroplast membranes, did not find significant differences from most seed plants, which indicates a higher conservation of lipids of a photosynthetic apparatus. The identified features of the molecular composition of glycerolipids of two species of Cycas indicate the prospectiveness of using lipidomics for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies, with the data on the molecular composition of phosphatidylcholines, for which the greatest heterogeneity and species-specificity was demonstrated, deserving the most attention.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(2):188-200
pages 188-200 views


Additions to the flora of Northwestern European Russia

Saidov N.T., Leostrin A.V.


The article presents new data on vascular flora of the North-West of the European part of Russia. The data are based on our field surveys in 2021–2023, revision of herbarium collections and searching data in open sources. In the Leningrad Region, we recorded four alien species new to the Northwestern European Russia, namely Linum nervosum Waldst. et Kit., Phytolacca acinosa Roxb., Dipsacus laciniatus L., and Viscum album L., and one species new to St. Petersburg (Rhynchospora fusca (L.) W.T. Aiton), a nationally rare and protected native. The results of the study show, on the one hand, the need for further research in the region, and on the other hand, the ongoing spread of alien plant species across European Russia.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(2):201-206
pages 201-206 views

A new alien species Scirpus cyperinus (Cyperaceae) to the flora of the Smolensk Region

Ignatichev G.M., Semenishchenkov Y.A.


An alien North American species, Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth (Cyperaceae), earlier known in Russia only in the Kostroma Region, was found in the Smolensk Region. Characteristics of the locality of the species are given and plant communities with its participation are described. The monodominant phytocoenoses formed by this species are combined into the new ass. Junco effusi–Scirpetum cyperini ass. nov. The new locality of abundant occurrence of the species is removed from its primary range and known locations in Eastern Europe.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(2):207-213
pages 207-213 views

Psephellus paucilobus (Asteraceae), a new species to the flora of Azerbaijan

Ibadullaeva S.J., Yusifov E.F., Karimov V.N.


Psephellus paucilobus (Asteraceae), a new species to the flora of Azerbaijan, was discovered in the eastern part of the Greater Caucasus (within the Republic of Azerbaijan), in the Guba district, in the vicinity of Girizdahna village, in herbaceous communities of the subalpine belt. A brief description of the phytocoenoses with the discovered species is provided. The issues of the distribution of the genus Psephellus representatives in the Caucasus are briefly touched upon. The article confirms that P. paucilobus is an endemic species of the Caucasus.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(2):214-217
pages 214-217 views


All-Russian scientific conference with international participation “Vegetation of the Baikal Region and adjacent territories” (Ulan-Ude, October 26–27, 2023)

Namzalov B.B., Holboeva S.A., Dugarzhav C., Safronova I.N., Baskhaeva T.G.


Information on All-Russian scientific conference with international participation “Vegetation of the Baikal region and adjacent territories” is presented. The conference was held on October 26–27, 2023 in Ulan-Ude, at the Dorzhi Banzarov Buryat State University.

Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2024;109(2):218-222
pages 218-222 views

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