
Effect of TRO19622 (Olesoxime) on the Functional Activity of Isolated Mitochondria and Cell Viability
Ilzorkina A., Belosludtseva N., Semenova A., Dubinin M., Belosludtsev K.
Pharmacological Blockade of High Threshold L-Type Calcium Channels in Cardiomyocytes Restores Respiratory Chain Activity Disturbed by Vibration
Vorobieva V., Levchenkova O., Shabanov P.
Prevention of Mitochondrial Dysfunction with 2-Ethyl-6-Methyl-3-Hydroxypyridine Carnitinate
Zhigacheva I., Rusina I., Krikunova N., Kuznetsov Y., Rasulov M., Yakovleva M., Goloshchapov A.
Study of the Effect of Sodium-μ2-Dithiosulphate-Tetranitrosyl Diferrate Tetrahydrate on the Structure of Mitochondrial Membranes Isolated from Epicotyls of Pea Seedlings
Gerasimov N., Nevrova O., Zhigacheva I., Krikunova N., Vorobyova A., Generozova I., Goloshchapov A.
Hydrogen Sulfide Led to a Modification in the Structure of Mitochondrial Membrane of Epicotyls of Pea Seedlings Pisum sativum L. under Water Deficit Conditions
Gerasimov N., Nevrova O., Zhigacheva I., Generozova I., Goloshchapov A.
Ambiol Modulates the Functional Characteristics of Pea Seedlings Mitochondria
Zhigacheva I., Krikunova N., Kuznetsov Y., Goloshchapov A.
Low-frequency Oscillations of Functional Indicators of the Body
Grishin O., Grishin V.
The effect of the antioxidant system resveratrol - iron sulfonitrosyl complex sodium-μ2-dithiosulphate-tetrarntrosyl diferrate tetrahydrate on the mitochondria of pea germ epicotyls in vitro
Gerasimov N., Nevrova O., Zhigacheva I., Generozova I., Goloshchapov A.
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