Electrogenesis in the Root Environment of Various Lettuce Varieties


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Bioelectrochemical systems based on electroactive processes in the root environment of plants are a promising direction for the combined production of green electricity and plant products. This work aimed to investigate the dynamics of the potential differences formation in the root environment, diffuse reflectance indices of leaves, fluorescence parameters, morphometric and biochemical characteristics of the lettuce varieties (Chinese curly, Chinese red-green, Ballet, Cockarde, Mercury, Dubrava, Robin) and Solos F1 hybrid. A maximum potential difference of 430 mV was observed for the Mercury variety, and a minimum potential difference of 352 mV was determined for the Chinese curly variety. Analysis of measurements taken including morphometric, biochemical and photosynthetic characteristics in addition to electrical parameters revealed that the Ballet lettuce variety showed the best parameters among other lettuce varieties under study. It is evident based on the data obtained that it is possible to create agrophytocenoses that include plants capable of high and stable electricity generation along with high productivity and good quality of the resulting plant products due to the effective absorption and conversion of light energy.

Авторлар туралы

T. Kuleshova

Agrophysical Research Institute

Email: www.piter.ru@bk.ru
Grazhdanskiy prosp. 14, Saint-Petersburg, 195220 Russia

Z. Gasieva

Agrophysical Research Institute

Grazhdanskiy prosp. 14, Saint-Petersburg, 195220 Russia

D. Rusakov

Agrophysical Research Institute

Grazhdanskiy prosp. 14, Saint-Petersburg, 195220 Russia

A. Galushko

Agrophysical Research Institute

Grazhdanskiy prosp. 14, Saint-Petersburg, 195220 Russia

G. Panova

Agrophysical Research Institute

Grazhdanskiy prosp. 14, Saint-Petersburg, 195220 Russia

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