The Involvement of Carbonic Anhydrases in Chloroplasts of C3 Higher Plants in Adaptation Changes of Photosynthetic Reactions

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The present research shows that changes in vegetation conditions have implications both for the expression levels of genes encoding chloroplast carbonic anhydrases and the carbonic anhydrase activity of chloroplast compartments. The results of experiments with mutants of the genes of the chloroplast carbonic anhydrases indicate that the activity of the chloroplast carbonic anhydrases determines the nature of changes in photosynthesis reactions in response to changes in environmental conditions. Possible mechanisms are proposed for participation of carbonic anhydrase in light-dependent processes in the chloroplast. Based on these findings, a hypothesis that carbonic anhydrases in chloroplasts function interdependently is developed.

About the authors

B. N Ivanov

Institute of Basic Biological Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences

Pushchino, Russia

N. N Rudenko

Institute of Basic Biological Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences

Pushchino, Russia


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